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User Mr.devious

Member for: 11 months (since Apr 13, 2024)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Boy
Country: United States
Favorite Pokémon: Quagsire, Cinderace, Alolan diglett,iron valiant,sylveon.
Friend Codes: Don't know
About me: Please post on my wall

Activity by Mr.devious

Score: 30 points (ranked #701)
Questions: 0
Answers: 1
Comments: 2
Voted on: 1 question, 0 answers
Gave out: 1 up vote, 0 down votes
Received: 1 up vote, 0 down votes

Wall for Mr.devious

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I agree.
Jul 4, 2024 by JustATypicalPerson
Zizter Zevious
May 5, 2024 by Stephwheel8
To answer your question, I'm oddly passionate because unlike other rule 1.4 posts that were closed, your question had a legitimate answer and could be helpful for newer players who don't understand how move availability across generations and such work, not to assume you are a new player that doesn't understand these.

I get why Fizz closed it and although I personally feel it shouldn't have been closed, I'm not going to go to war with Fizz about it or anything.
Apr 16, 2024 by Mr. Fish
For future reference, it's better to respond to wall posts on the poster's wall, so they'll be more likely to see it.
Apr 16, 2024 by Mr. Fish
Apr 16, 2024 by Mahathirio
I can't actually select that as best answer or up vote it but
lets pretend I did.
Apr 15, 2024 by Mr.devious
That's a big answer,and why are you oddly passionate about it?
Apr 15, 2024 by Mr.devious
Since I don't want to answer on a closed question, I'm going to dive more in-depth on the answer to your Electro Web question, because I feel oddly passionate about this one.

Electro Web was introduced in Generation 5 (B/W and B2/ W2), meaning that the generations before (Red/Blue/Yellow/Green, Gold/Silver/Crystal, Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/FrLg, Diamond/Pearl/HGSS) didn't have Electro Web in them at all. Now in Gen 5, Pikachu doesn't have access to the move, so it can't learn it.

In Generation 6 (X/Y and ORAS) Pikachu was able to learn the move in ORAS via move tutor, but whether or not you can transfer it to X/Y and use Electro Web on Pikachu there, I'm not exactly sure of.

Pikachu also gets the move in the Alola games (Gen 7) via a move tutor in Ultra Sun/Moon and most likely via transfer from Gen 6/trade with USUM to get Electro Web in Sun and Moon. The Generation 7 anime is also when Pikachu learned Electro Web. Now in Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, Pikachu isn't able to get the move.

With Generation 8, Pikachu is able to learn the move in Sw/Sh, but not in BDSP or Legends Arceus because the move simply isn't present in those games. The Journeys anime, while not specifically being about Galarian, was the Gen 8 anime, so if you're asking about a Gen 8 game, here's your answer.

In Gen 9 (S/V), Electro Web wasn't added in the base game, which is why Pikachu couldn't learn it. However, it was added later in the Indigo Disk DLC, but the site hasn't been updated yet to show TMs from the DLC, which is why you can't see Electro Web as a TM in the Gen 9 section.

I hope this answered your question, and you could understand anything. If you have any other questions, feel free to post on my wall, and hopefully it's within my realm of knowledge and I can answer.
Apr 15, 2024 by Mr. Fish
Apr 14, 2024 by Mr.devious
Apr 14, 2024 by DavidVileplume