Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for MechSteelix (page 3)

Not sure, really. I was supposed to be inactive this whole week, but I came today, luckily.
It depends on the others, tbh, since I'm out. I might come, or not, and I realized that depending upon me during a tourney might end badly :(
Jan 31, 2017 by Emty
No, sorry man. I'm just the guy in charge of replays. It should be soon, though, I think most or all of the first round battles are over.
Jan 31, 2017 by Toucanadian
No problem, it wasn't necessary!
Jan 30, 2017 by Toucanadian
You wouldn't, by any chance, have a battle replay of your mock battle with Rex, would you?
Jan 30, 2017 by Toucanadian
Let's battle when round 2 starts. I want to work out the kinks in my team a bit first. Just post on my wall when round 2 starts.
Jan 29, 2017 by trachy
Ayyy, you don't need luck, pal. That one scary af team.
Jan 28, 2017 by Emty
I forfeit. Good luck in the next round!
Jan 28, 2017 by Emty
That was perfectly what I was looking for. I'll try to battle you ASAP, but it might end up on Saturday, so we're in for a squeeze. We *might* have a tiny timezone problem,so please be a bit patient.
Jan 26, 2017 by Emty
Sorry about the delay, time zone issues finally caught up with me :(

I'll be as active as I can, but give me a little time, please. Also, what's your PS! name and time zone (along with when you're free in your time, so I can convert it)?

Do you want to battle on Tsunami or regular?
Jan 25, 2017 by Emty
Yeah, we'll see. Desokoro's server is pretty amazing and works fantastic and works pretty well for us, but if others aren't interested, it can be skipped over and the battles can take place outside of the server. Anyway, Ion posted links for RU on the thread so please check them out!
Jan 24, 2017 by Emty