Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for MechSteelix (page 3)

They're fine to go in the original thread, but honestly you could make an entire thread onto yourself for them if you wanted. or you could put them RMT.
May 7, 2018 by PX
Sorry I'm late, that sounds like a perfectly good idea. Just make sure the replay quality is high or at least showcases something specifically.
Apr 23, 2018 by PX
EST is GMT-4 (when on daylight savings), right? So 1 am EST is 9 PM GMT. But, yeah, I can battle you Sunday at that time. I can't play Monotype, though.
Apr 21, 2018 by sumwun
I have 1,488 points Mech!
Apr 21, 2018 by Helix716
No problem, bad days happen. Not like it mattered anyways. I've no grudge or anything.
Apr 19, 2018 by Staka~
Okay. That's nice of you, and I see the sense in that. trachy has been playing Pokemon probably since BEFORE I even watched the anime, so although he's says he's inexperienced in the metagame, he's still a fearsome player. Anyway, as you probably read the comments in the thread, the general opinion is to let things slide. I think the timing (my bad) was off, leading to the issue, but if it was legal at one time, then changing teams doesn't make sense. Besides, inactive as he is onsite, I doubt trachy would go out the way to make a whole 'nother team. Not that he's some kind of douche, but I bet he's busy with Uni and all.

So, with your okay, we'll let Round 3 commence!

Peace ^_^
And here's to the both of us winning the next few tourneys! :D
Feb 8, 2017 by Emty
I'm really very, very sorry. I had important exams and HAD  to devote my time to them.
It sucks that you lost  :(
About teams being qualified or not, there's a bit of a controversy due to the tiers being modern. This time around, we'll try and take a call and see how that goes. This happened before in the first round with sumwun and A Geeky Jawa. The thing is, he is 'technically' correct. And you can't really argue against that. Besides, his team is not off by a huge margin, maybe by one point or two at the maximum. But I'll cross check; I literally just came online and saw your message.

My question to you is simple: Would you be okay if his team is declared valid, or do you insist on a rematch? There's also a policy of no team changes, so if he has to change his, then you'll be at a disadvantage, so keep that in mind. If he doesn't change his team, that's just a rematch and that's totally up to him and how active he is that will decide whether he'll take you up on your offer; he is not obligated to do it then. I'd really appreciate it if you could let it slide, because we have many more tournaments lined up, all ready to take place on our updated server. However, I'd understand if you wanted to have a  rematch. I know I would, to be honest. Knowing trachy though, he *probably* made a mistake, but seeing how he is a veteran user I think he built a team using previous tiers without crosschecking, without giving it too much of thought, as opposed to with intent to cheat. We'll have to ask him that. Have you talked to him about it? That would definitely help us come to a solution rather quickly. If you did, let me know what he had to say about that.

Hit me up on my wall ASAP so we can do the required. Also, sorry again for the delay. :(
Feb 7, 2017 by Emty
I'm ready anytime, and I'll try to be active on the server.
Feb 1, 2017 by trachy
No problem! Good luck and win for me okay?! :D
Feb 1, 2017 by Emty
But I'd say it's already started. All we have to do now is set the end date, actually. Round 2 commences as soon as Round 1 is done. I was thinking by Friday or Saturday Round 2 should conclude, so you can bounce that idea in the Meta and see how that plays :)
Jan 31, 2017 by Emty