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Wall for MechSteelix

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There are no expiration dates. We'd probably use the feature if it existed, but I wouldn't consider it a top priority to advertise that teams from 2011 have no relevance in 2023.
Small playerbase certainly affects which teams are rated. The next rules revision will cut out very obscure formats that nobody else plays, but otherwise I don't think this is our problem to solve. Obscure formats don't generate discussion even on Smogon.
And be as proactive as you like writing content, you don't need to ask. My hope is to flesh this page out and remind Pokemaster to put it in the RMT sidebar:
May 17, 2023 by Fizz
May 17, 2023 by melcakes
"The state of RMT" is a never-ending discussion. We made some aggressive changes to the rules last year that have seen us close as many as 70% of new submissions to the section, but still there will be feedback such as yours. We will become more aggressive still:

I'm certainly in the business of promoting experts for contributing to RMT, but the software doesn't allow much else in the way of roles. In general, I think the best way to improve the response rate on RMT is to keep trimming low-quality submissions. This literally decreases the number of threads to respond to, but also makes the section better for raters as authors put in more effort.

I am also mindful that extremely active users like affect the experience a lot. I think if the typical person submitting teams is better at the game, then good players will want to contribute more.

I have a basic guide on the backburner that goes over newbie errors with teambuilding. I'll eventually finish it and put it somewhere as a token effort. Happy for others to come up with content as well.
May 15, 2023 by Fizz
epic sauce
May 13, 2023 by melcakes
U just did it so quick
May 10, 2023 by melcakes
You beat ArkenCiel? That's cool. Do you have any tips for Dragon Mono? That is a type I really want to try out in SM Monotype.
May 9, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
Oh hey. I haven't played Gen 7 Monotype during that era, but I've been trying it out since it is currently an RoA spotlight. I think I like Water the best due to how versatile it is. May give a few other types a try.
May 9, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
????? what do u get emails when someone posts on ur wall
May 9, 2023 by melcakes
May 5, 2023 by melcakes
Sorry work held me up a bit. I’m on right now if you’re able to do so
Nov 8, 2021 by Staka~