Unstable Hybrid Parlor Swipple
Once upon a time, Gligurr and his dupes called the other lameheads for a meeting. They all came over and sat down. Gligurr’s dupes handed out (idle) T-Shirts and Gligurr explained the secret importance of the (idle) shirts. “The shirts that we wear allow us to fuse ourselves with other living organisms” he explained. After the meeting, which was too boring and dumb for me to describe, the lameheads all went their separate ways. Parlor Swipple went back to her mansion and thought “I CAN KILL FROCKY WHEE HEADS WITH SHIRT DERP”. The next morning, Parlor Swipple came across two large Pokémon lying on the ground. They whimpered and moaned and asked for help. These Pokémon were Primal Groudon and Mega Rayquaza, but Primal had mercilessly beaten them until they were so mangled that they couldn’t be recognized. Parlor Swipple pressed a button on the shoulder of her (idle) shirt, and she absorbed Mega Rayquaza and Primal Groudon. Primal, who was near the beach eating Pizza, saw something approach. It had the body of Primal Groudon, Mega Rayquaza’s tail and head, and Parlor Swipple’s eyes and hair. It was also wearing the idle shirt. It was Parimega Swipquadon. Primal was quite disturbed by the abomination. It yelled “REEEEEEEEEEE” in a horrible mix of all 3 voices. Primal used Water Spout, but the sky split in to two, one side with heavy winds and one with harsh sunlight. These made his water spout in to nothing. He ice beamed it, which was countered by a Flamethrower and a Dragon Pulse mixed together. Primal let out a great “SCREEEEEEEE” and the sky split in to 3, with Heavy Rain, Strong Winds, and Harsh Sunlight, all spinning around at high speeds, very frantically. Primal took a second to get used to it, and correctly timed an Origin Pulse to get the Heavy Rain boost. Parimega Swipquadon used Precipice Blades, and flew up in to the air and used Dragon Ascent. This greatly injured Primal. Then it started singing “Still all his fault” so horribly with the 3 voices combined which made Primal swim away as fast as possible. Then Primal got an idea:Mabye the (idle) shirt gave power to Parimega Swipquadon. He swam back and stole the shirt from them. They all fell apart in to Parlor Swipple, Mega Rayquaza, and Primal Groudon. “REEEE NONONO GIVE ME MY SHIRT BACK I NEED TO CLICK THE BUTTON ON THE SHOULDER TO FUSE WITH YOUR ARCH ENEMIES AAAAAAA”. Primal heard this and got an idea. He swam away once again, and he went to Gladion to ask to borrow his Silvally. Gladion accepted, and before he had a chance to ask why he had an (idle) shirt, Primal clicked the button and absorbed Silvally. He got the thing on Silvally’s head on his head and Silvally’s claws as well. “WHAT ON EARTH?!” Gladion cried. “Don’t worry, let me just take care of something.” Primal replied. Primal went back to see Parlor Swipple had gotten another (idle) shirt and fused with Rayquaza and Groudon again. “REEEEEEEEEEEEEE” they screamed with their horrible 3 voices. “SCREEEEEEEEEEEE” Primal and Silvally screamed even louder. The sky became completely rainy. Primal used Origin Pulse, and followed up with a Multi Attack. Primal then used his Silvally claws and ripped of the (idle) shirt that Parimega Swipquadon was wearing, and sure enough, fell apart again. Parlor Swipple, Mega Rayquaza, and Primal Groudon got away as fast as possible. Primal returned to Gladion, took off his shirt, and unfused with Silvally.
The end
Dec 24, 2020