You cannot begin to comprehend the horrible crimes I've committed, Strawberry Shortcake...
Apr 6, 2022
The villagers live in blissful ignorance of the atrocities I've committed on their ancestors
Apr 6, 2022
Imagine being fond of Eevee, Pikachu, Vulpix, Sneasel, Braixen, Sylveon, Umbreon, Snivy, Mawile, MissingNo., and plenty of others
Apr 6, 2022
Puncuation Leader
Lol the mental image of that
Apr 5, 2022
Mr. Fish
At least there aren't any fairy or ice types...
Oh wait wrong game
Apr 5, 2022
Mr. Fish
Welp I got banned and then forgot to reply to you, so here I am now lol.
Yu-Gi-Oh sounds like a fun show, I've always heard people comparing it to Pokemon and saying its better. I'm not sure what those characters are since I've never watched it, but I did google Yuya and I can see why you might be simping for him. XD
Is your Danny Phantom phase over now?
Apr 4, 2022
Oh. My. Lord.
Remember how you said "The Lean Green" yesterday? Well, just now I was scrolling through your wall, trying to find a dream I posted about. In the dream, there was a Pokemon episode called "The Lean Green" and seeing that just now made me chuckle. What exactly was this "The Lean Green" you randomly brought up in chat yesterday?
Apr 4, 2022
Mr. Fish