Yuri Rose
Yuri Rose is the daughter rich descendants from the royal family. She grew up mostly alone, due to being an only child, but she didn't mind, being able to easily entertain herself playing with dolls. Disaster struck one night while Yuri was only 5. A group of French and Spanish swordsmen theives raided Yuri's home. They took pieces of gold and jewelry and the sacred family heirloom. Yuri, who was asleep, woke up and crept down the stairs to see what all the noise was, and to her dismay, the leader, Conquistador, slaughtered her parents in front of her. Yuri, in a fit of sadness and rage, unleashed a powerful energy which caused light to come from the ground and the mansion to tremble. Waves of energy tore up the ground, causing pieces of the floor to shift everywhere. The mansion burst into flames with all the energy exerted from Yuri, and the thieves, frightened, left the mansion with the valuables, and rode away on their horses. Yuri passed out, and her butler carried her out the burning, crumbling mansion.
With her families mansion burned down, Yuri was forced to move from France to a part of China, to grow up with her aunt. Yuri's aunt had a son, who wasn't fond of Yuri, and often avoided her, but Yuri didn't mind. Yuri was enrolled in a special school where she tried to make friends. However, she was left to be alone once more when an incident occurred with one of her classmates. Yuri's classmate had made fun of Yuri, making her mad causing her to unleash some of her energy, sending her classmate into the wall, and soon, the hospital. Ever since then, Yuri was feared and left alone. Yuri unleashed little bits of her power even more after the incident, each time leaving her drained of energy.
Now, we follow Black Rose, who's in China to learn about plants for his garden, and to use as herbs to make his healing powers more strong. He stands on the too of a Cherry blossom tree, looking out at the towns all around. Rose is unaware that Yuri (now 13), was reading a book below the branches of the tree. Rose lands in the yard, studying the plants all around him, which alerts Yuri. Yuri becomes frightened, seeing Rose's sword and black clothing, and is reminded of Conquistador's raid on her family mansion. Yuri runs out from under the tree and confronts Rose. Rose is surprised at the sight of Yuri, but quickly takes out a purple rose to erase Yuri's rememberance of his presence. However, Rose feels that Yuri is special, unordinary. Rose attempts to question Yuri, only for her to attack in rage. Yuri unleashed a light-purple beam if energy, which sends Rose flying. Rose tries to disappear in a cloud of petals, but soon realizes that his powers are disabled by the mysterious energy. Rose quickly recovers and fights of the energy with his sword. Yuri continues to unleash beams of energy, along with Purple Flares that scorched everything they touched. Rose continues to skillfully dodge and fight back. Yuri then unleashes a tornado of energy and cherry blossom petals, knocking Rose backwards. Yuri, with anger in her eyes, continues the barrage of attacks, unleashed beams, tornadoes, and flares. Rose takes hit after hit, unable to dodge quick enough. Yuri charges up powerful energy, giving Rose the chance to get up, grab his sword, and attack. Rose charges towards Yuri as she unleashes her blast
of energy. Rose defends himself by slicing through the energy blast, although nearly getting knocked back. Yuri passed out, and the energy disappears. Rose runs towards Yuri, and able to use his powers again, transforms into Scarlet Rose and heals her.
Rose takes note of how unstable Yuri's energy was and how she couldn't handle it. Rose offers to train along side Yuri to help her strengthen her powers, and eventually track down Conquistador.
(Yuri has short, light pink hair, has a rose hairpin, has blue eyes, often wears a school uniform, and is around 4'8)
I posted this here because I won't ever get to typing a story with any of this due to personal reasons/disabilities (me is lazi)
Apr 13, 2022
Mr. Fish