I had some crazy dreams about shiny hunting. I was in Dark Cave, hunting for Geodude, but there were double encounters like Wayward. I somehow managed to get 2 1% Dunsparces (with a Geodude glitched in the middle), which was very rare. However, during one of the encounters, I saw a Pokemon at the bottom left corner of the screen. This was due to the "Hoppip Glitch", were if a Pokemon got paired with a glitched Hoppip (Hoppip wasn't even one of the encounters in the cave wtf), they would appear at the bottom left corner of the screen. The next encounter I did, I saw the Pokemon from the last encounter along with a glitched Hoppip, but before I could do anything, it immediately made me run. A couple encounters later, I encountered the glitch again. This was a rare glitch, so I was surprised to see it again. At the bottom of the screen in the left corner was a shiny Zubat. It didn't sparkle, but it was definitely there. I was worried, because last time, it made me immediately run. The next encounter, there was a Glitched Hoppip and a shiny Zubat, but once again, it made me run before I could react. That sucked. I had technically just lost 2 shinies to a Glitch.
Later in the dream, I was doing a shiny hunting challenge with afriendIneverhad. I was hunting Geodude, once again. I saw a Geodude, ran, and the next encounter was shiny Exploud (that was another encounter that wasn't in the cave like seriously wtf!?). But my friend, you wanna know what Afinh did?! He went to a place, found a extremely rare, randomized cave, walked in, and came out shortly with a fricken SHINY RAYQUAZA!! (Oh yeah, we were hunting in Gen 3) Me, who had hunted for a couple days now, got a shiny I didn't want, and my friend, who just started hunting got an extremely rare Pokemon in an extremely rare randomized cave. I. Was. Pissed. I went into that same cave. All I could find was Camerupt.
So what did we learn today? I have the worst-best luck ever, and Hoppip is evil.
Apr 8, 2022
Mr. Fish