Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Fizz (page 28)

Hey Fizz, this might be a weird request. Are you willing to select BAs for old questions with high traffic, where the OP did select a BA on a different question? Based on what I've seen, selecting BAs wasn't encouraged as much back in the site's older days as it is now, so the OP might've just forgotten about the BA. Also, most OPs of such questions have been inactive for years. So would it be fair to select the BA in these cases?

In particular, this high traffic question has a perfect answer but the OP selected 5 BAs before:
Selecting the BA to such questions would simply make site quality better imo.

I feel like this could be a thing where the staff decides after looking at the case if the BA is fair, instead of a specific rule. The question would have to be an old high traffic question with inactive OP tho.
May 10, 2022 by xPsydxck
I think it's weird that u are on all the stinking time when I have yet to see u online in the blue chat box!
May 3, 2022 by This Guy
Fair. Looking forward to at least a requirement, though.
May 2, 2022 by vydestiny
Gotcha. So it all depends on the comment. Thanks Fizz!
May 2, 2022 by xPsydxck
I read this and understand why necroposting wouldn't be a thing on Pokebase. I had flagged that comment because it was on an almost 2 month old post and only contained the poster's personal opinion on Weavile, not adding much information. Such comments would count as "unnecessary necroposting" (if that's what its called), right? But if you think the comment is fine then that's the final decision!

And its nice to know flagging uninformative old comments is fine. I once flagged an old non-sensicle comment which got hidden but afterwards I felt like I was just disturbing the staff and never flagged such comments again.
May 1, 2022 by xPsydxck
Hey Fizz, I had flagged this comment yesterday -- doesn't this comment count as necroposting?

Should I not flag similar comments in the future?
May 1, 2022 by xPsydxck
Entry requirements + chatmods would better the current situation by a lot. I'm just hoping that they get the nod soon (or at least the former does).
The other issue was between Yuya and WhiteFire. This was brought up in the staff server once but wasn't really raised as a big issue, and it isn't too actually, but they can move their intimate conversations to wallposts. Their goodbyes are cringe too.
Hopping in the chat once or twice in alternate hours would work in the off-hours I guess. I'll try it too, but I'm pretty busy with school nowadays.
Apr 30, 2022 by vydestiny
Alright, cool!
Apr 30, 2022 by xPsydxck
Does my flagging of posts ever become "too much," in that it clogs up the entire 'flagged posts' section in the Admin tab? Please notify me on my wall if that happens, as there is technically no way for me to keep record of the posts I've flagged. As not all answers can be selected at once, I wouldn't wanna clog up the section with just those answers waiting to be selected lol.
Apr 28, 2022 by xPsydxck