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Wall for Fizz (page 27)

I just found another one!

> closed with the note: thanks, but no thanks

This was on an AG RMT with 6 Ferrets lol.

Sorry for clogging up your wall, but I guess you have a good laugh everytime you see these.
Jun 2, 2022 by xPsydxck
Fizz' goated closed notes thread:

> closed with the note: my uncle works for Game Freak and he said no

> closed with the note: No.

> closed with the note: Game Freak exposed!!!11111

> closed with the note: lol

> closed with the note: an apparition of ash ketchum himself appeared before me and said "no"
Jun 1, 2022 by xPsydxck
Hi, there was a conversation in the staff server, can you share your opinion on it whenever you get the time?
May 31, 2022 by vydestiny
You're favorite Pokemon is Feraligator? Hah, I learn something new every day...
May 30, 2022 by Mr. Fish
Hello Fizz. Rap here. Just wanna let you know that the answer I gave was a legitimate answer. In case your wondering, here is the question. I don't care what you say about it, just as long as you understand this: Even though it may seem like I am being a smart alek, DON'T think I care to be rude in that way. It is not my nature to be that way while at the same time be serious. Are we clear on that? Don't suggest this again about me.
May 29, 2022 by anonymous

Could I answer this, as the current answer is outdated because the other Eevee evolutions have been added?
May 23, 2022 by VinnyHedgehog
Alright! That's nice!
May 13, 2022 by xPsydxck
May 13, 2022 by Redvolt77
Yo Fizz, this might be an odd question, but was my question recently mass-viewed?
And can you tell WHO viewed it? If you can, no need to tell me them. I'm just perplexed on how my question had high traffic in them.
May 12, 2022 by L'chonk
Sorry about the Duplicate Question....
May 12, 2022 by Redvolt77