Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes



This Tournament will be featuring The Haunted Guessing Game by popular vote. Created by the great mind of….. me.


This here is a guessing game. You and your opponent can both Shadow Ball. 50/50 chance for OHKO for either side. You could Sucker Punch and your opponent Shadow Ball. 100% OHKO for you. You could use Shadow Ball and your opponent could use Sucker Punch. You dead. You could both Sucker Punch and 50/50 speed tie at +1. Perish Song is so opponents won’t spam Sucker Punch. How will you play with the Perish Song if you instantly perish to Shadow Ball by switching out? Of course your opponent could use Sucker Punch and give you a window to switch. Or maybe not. Or maybe…. MIND GAMES!


Both teams have 6 Haunters. All Haunters must have this moveset:

Haunter @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Banned
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Def
Hasty Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Sucker Punch
- Perish Song

  • This will be played in Gen 9 Hackmons(to avoid species clause) on the usual Showdown Server.
  • Save Your Replays! Post them on this thread here.
  • Don’t cheat by adjusting the set. It will be easy to tell if you give Haunter extra bulk to survive a Sucker Punch. Violating this once will make you replay the battle if you win. Twice, and you will automatically be disqualified.
  • Conduct your battle and post the replay by the deadline. If not, a random player will be chosen to win( there will be flexibility in this depending on the situation).

A Couple Things to Vote on

There is a little problem, not a big one, but it may seem unfair. If you’re down to your last Haunter and your opponent has at least two, your opponent can set up Perish Song and then spam Sucker Punch till you lose. The only way to beat it is if you win the speed tie with Shadow Ball before the opposing Haunter can set up Perish Song. Depending on how many Haunters your opponent has left, you’d have to win the speed tie multiple times. And of course, your opponent could simply spam Sucker Punch and PP stall you. I have two reasonable ways to resolve this:

1: You guessed wrong sucker

Meaning Single Elimination and no changes. I mean, if you only had an Iron Moth locked in Flamethrower against Heatran, you gonna lose.

2: Double Elimination

If you lose at this point you’re just bad.

So basically I’m asking, would you rather have Single or Double Elimination.

Other Thing:

If it’s convenient for most people, I could start the first round on Saturday, although Sign-ups would last for less time. Mainly suggested for School People to fully take advantage of Winter Break.


Please read sumwun's guidelines for tournament participation before signing up.

For those interested in signing up, please post an answer below. Your answer should include your Pokemon Showdown username, your time zone, and what hours and days you will be available to battle normally. As an example of how to sign up:

Showdown Username: Pig-3.0
Time Zone: GMT -5 (Eastern Standard Time)
Availability: Generally on Thursdays and Fridays 5-9 P.M. or all Saturday

Sign-ups will close on Tuesday, December 26th(unless voted against) around 7-9 A.M. and first round match-ups will be posted within 24 hours of closing.

Use a time zone converter to help you decide battle times.

Good luck to all participants and I can’t wait to see who has the biggest brain of all!

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We could use this challenge code if so desired (where USERNAME is replaced by the person on Showdown! You want to fight’s name), and the only way they could cheat is by using a non-lonely nature (there’s no way to force nature’s unfortunately):

/challenge USERNAME, Gen 9 Hackmons @@@ - all Pokemon, + Haunter, - all abilities, + Levitate, - all moves, + move: Sucker Punch, + move: Shadow Ball, + move: Perish Song, - all items, - no item, + item: Life Orb, ! 2 Ability Clause, ! Species Clause, EV Limits = HP 0 / Atk 252 / Def 0 / SpA 4 / SpD 0 / Spe 252
ALSO ALSO, can we change the set to this one:

Haunter @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Banned
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Def
Hasty Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Sucker Punch
- Perish Song

Reasoning: since Lonely nature is the default, someone could run Hasty Nature with 0 Defense IVs and win every Speed Tie while still being able to be OHKDed by Sucker Punch. Since speed ties are random, it’s tough to prove that someone outspeeding is cheating by being faster, especially if they’re smart and only do it on one or two mons, but that can’t happen if everyone is maximum speed. It’s possible to detect someone is cheating with survivability because they aren’t OHKOed by each attack.

252 Atk Haunter Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Haunter: 236-278 (102.1 - 120.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Without an + Attack Nature, Sucker Punch Still OHKOs a - Defense 0 IV without even needing a LO.

Technically, you could Tera into Ghost, Stellar, or Psychic and have 0 effect on the battle, other than Style points, if anyone cares
Sure. Good idea.
I can't find Gen 9 Hackmons for Team builder, I can only find Balanced Hackmons and Gen 6 Pure Hackmons. If you take out the line about Tera type, the team works in Gen 6 Hackmons

Never mind I found it. Gen 9 Pure Hackmons

13 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

The Tournament has ended! Rising Manectric is the Champion!

Congratulations Rising Manectric for winning it all! By all the power invested in me as the Tournament Host, I give you the official title of The Biggest Big Big-Head Brainiac of the Pokémon Database. You can put that on your wall! I also give you permission to ask MonkeyBusiness to add you to the Hall of Fame!

Thanks to everyone who participated! The next seasonal tournament can officially start being planned. If you're interested in hosting, leave a comment below this answer offering to host, and wait for a staff member to approve you. Anyone can volunteer to host, but be sure to check out sumwun’s guide to hosting before committing to anything. I’m glad I was able to host and have a great year!


Rising Manectric vs. Monkey Business

Game 1

Game 2


Part One:
Winner’s Bracket:
Mango Brick vs. Rising Manectric

Loser’s Bracket:
MonkeyBusiness vs. PeeKay Freeze

Part Two:
Loser’s Bracket:
Monkey Business vs. MangoBrick


Part One:
Winner’s Bracket:
Anchor9 vs. MangoBrick
Rising Manectric vs. PeeKay Freeze

Loser’s Bracket:
Vinny Hedgehog vs. Gau
MonkeyBusiness vs. Mr. Fish

Part Two:
Loser’s Bracket:
Anchor9 vs. PeeKay Freeze
MonkeyBusiness vs. Gau

Second Round

Part One:
Winner’s Bracket:
Vinny Hedgehog vs. Rising Manectric
Amethyst vs. Mango Brick
PeeKay Freeze vs. Staka~
Anchor9 vs. Gau

Part Two:
Loser’s Bracket:
J™️ vs. Gau
L’Chonk vs. Mr. Fish
Vinny Hedgehog vs. Staka~
Amethyst vs. MonkeyBusiness

First Round

MangoBrick vs. BYE
Staka~ vs. BYE
Amethyst vs. BYE
Gau vs. BYE
Anchor9 vs. L’Chonk
J™️ vs. PeeKay Freeze
Rising Manectric vs. Mr. Fish
Vinny Hedgehog vs. MonkeyBusiness

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I just can't win speed ties... lost to monkeybusiness gg

I won the first match, leading me to believe that I had won the entire tournament. However, I was unaware that as part of the loser bracket I had to win a second time....

Unlike the first battle, this one went back and forth to the end, with each of us having only a single Haunter remaining. At that point I threw strategy out the window and leaned on a favorable speed tie Sucker Punch to win the game...

Alas I lost. GG Volt, King of Competitive
man I was really rooting for the primate
Thanks for hosting this! Been here four years this is my first tourney. I don't know how to add volts grav picture to the hall of fame like the rest of them.
0 votes

Yeah, I’m not missing a chance to win a tournament I hosted with my idea. Besides, I also have to prove what I’ve always been saying:

“I am wise”-Anchor9

Showdown Username: Anchor9
Time Zone: GMT -6 (Central Standard Time)
Availability: Generally all Fridays and Saturdays when I’m awake 8-9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Mondays too now that school is ending.

Voting: I’ll keep it unbiased since I’m hosting it. Let the people speak!!!

0 votes

RIATWIA, BABY! (Risk it all to win it all)

*Showdown Username: Veroculity
Time Zone: GMT-5 (Eastern Standard Time).
Availability: 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM~ weekdays (I stay up late so you might catch me later), 12:00 PM to 12 AM Saturday (you might catch me earlier than 12 PM, generally not available Sundays.

I'd prefer if the tournament started on Tuesday because I'm gonna be in a different time zone, so it's more convenient for me if it starts on Tuesday. Also if you guess wrong you're out, sucka!!!

Edit: Best way to reach me is by catching me in chat.

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0 votes

Oh I'm going to regret this one

Showdown! Name: Jhnfui
Time zone: GMT -5
Availability: As of right now, most anytime due to no school. Usually I could find a time from 8am-12 and 6pm-9pm most days though.

I'd prefer double elimination because I'm just bad. I don't really care when it starts.

0 votes

Oh boy. I may be decent on reading Sucker Punch and incoming Tera Types(not that Tera will be used in this tournament), but this... oh no...

Showdown Username: Zangoose360
Time Zone: GMT 5
Availability: As of now, I'm free most of the time. Something like 8am-1pm or 6pm-11pm can work.

I'd prefer Double Elimination since it's a guessing kind of thing just like 1v1 in a way.

0 votes

I'm probably gonna regret this and hope I just am able to play and finish games.

Showdown Username: bouttoshitonyou
Time Zone: GMT -8 (Pacific Standard Time)
Availability: probably 10AM -12 PM until school starts again then like 7-9 pm

0 votes

I think the luck-based tournaments are the only ones I'm mildly competent at.

Showdown Username: XScipio
Time Zone: GMT -5 (Eastern Standard Time)
Availability: Weekdays after 3 and all day weekends

Double elimination, just so I can lose even more 50/50s.

0 votes

Am going to suffer, so I might as well suffer more (Double Elim).

Showdown Username: Trippy Soup
Time Zone: GMT -5 (Eastern Standard Time)
Availability: most days after 5:15 PM; Sundays after 8:15 PM.
Sometimes available earlier Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I expect good sets from y’all. ;P

0 votes

Showdown Username: HunterBear4
Time Zone: GMT -5 (Eastern Standard Time)
Availability: over break, 1 pm - 6 pm, after break, monday and
tuesday 4 pm - 6 pm, saturday and sunday 1 pm - 6 pm.

Double elimination preferably

0 votes

I'm gonna guess wrong on every move but hey it doesn't hurt to try.
Username: Dmub
Timezone: Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
Availability: On weekdays I'm available from 4:30 to 9 generally and on weekends basically the whole day.

0 votes

Yeah, you know what, I might come back from the grave just to play this tournament.

Showdown Username: Big L’Chonkus
Time Zone: GMT +0
Availabilities: Monday-Saturday 1030-1830, No service on Sundays. Effective until 08/01/2024, after which I’ll update accordingly.

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I can play the games today since I got nothing today.
I should be available from 12 PM to 12 AM on Saturday if that works for you.
I'm on showdown (how was that corrected to only?!), challenge me whenever you're ready.
0 votes

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Let's hope I know what I'm doing.

Showdown! username: Flowersun
Time zone: GMT-8 (Pacific Standard Time)
Availability: Around 8 PM to 9 AM, all days of the week; could definitely be caught earlier or later

As for voting, double elimination.

It’s like 4 A.M. where you are, but I’m ready if you’re ready till like 7 A.M. my time. I’ll be on Showdown.
I’m on my lunch break. Ready when you are.
0 votes

Guess I gotta sign up… I haven’t even played Showdown in months…

Showdown Username: RedMikki07
Time Zone: GMT-5 (Eastern Standard Time)
Availability: Through Winter Break (until Jan. 2), 12PM-6PM. Through Jan. 2, 9PM-11PM.

Voting: I’ll probably suck, so double elimination.
