Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes


Hello and Merry Christmas (for those of you who celebrate)! Since many of you are just getting off on Christmas break, it seems like the perfect time to start our next tournament. This is Gligurr's Scrabble Tourney, and I'm going to be your host.
Keep in mind that I will be basing these dates off of my timezone in the Americas, so there might be some delays for some of you.


  • Once signups are over, you will be given 6 letters generated by this balanced random letter generator. For every letter you get, you can choose any Pokémon that starts with that letter for your team. The random letter generator linked was designed for this tournament to give balanced team point sums. I encourage you to check it out and get a feel for it.
  • For every kill, depending on the letter of your Pokémon, you get points. The points are based off of the actual scrabble game (see here). For example, if you're using a Machamp and you knock out a Pokémon, since M is worth 3 points in scrabble, you will get 3 points. For indirect KOs, points will be determined either by what Pokémon you currently have out, or had out last (see this example battle for specifics).
  • Standard OU bans.
  • Round Robin; you will have a month to battle every other participant. I would recommend spending as much time as possible in the DB Showdown! server, since many other participants probably will as well. Whoever has the most points at the end wins.
  • No duplicate letters on a team.
  • Zygarde 50% is banned.
  • New rule: players who are dissatisfied with their set of letters can ask for one reroll. If you ask, you cannot use your previous set of letters, and you only get one reroll, so think carefully before asking.
  • To be played in Smogon’s OU format

IMPORTANT EDIT: instead of multiple rounds, players will be given a month to battle all opponents

Basic rules that will be forever reiterated:

  • Battles are to be held in the DB Showdown! server
  • Smogon clauses apply
  • Spectators cannot influence players’ decisions; participants cannot accept outside help
  • You don’t have to use the same team throughout the tournament (but you will have to use the same letters)

How to participate

If you wish to sign up for the Scrabble Tourney, please leave an answer down below. Include your Pokémon Showdown! username, timezone, and if you want, your votes for the optional rules. For example:


No duplicates
Ban Zygarde

Signing up means committing to playing; you are only given a month to build your team and battle your opponents. Failing to battle a player will not only put you at a disadvantage, but also the other participant. As such, players who ignore battle requests from others in this tournament may be kicked. If both players seem to have made ample effort, but still can’t battle, extensions can be made.
In the event that a player is kicked from the tournament, any points gained from battles with that player will be revoked.

Participants will receive their letters on Sunday, December 30th. When you are ready, organize battles with your opponents, preferably by posting on their wall, commenting on their answer, or just hanging out in the Showdown! server. Be sure to save battle replays.

Gligurr's Scrabble Tournament

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Your letters are posted on your answer. They are X O J R L I
Am I allowed to use Ubers?
No, it’s an OU tournament
Can we battle the same person multiple times? I barely see anyone on the DB Showdown server, and I keep changing my team, so is it okay?
You can battle them for fun as many times as you want, but for rematches to count in this tournament, both players need to agree in advance to it, preferably with each player leaving a confirmation note at the beginning of the battle.

13 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

The tournament is now over! Thanks to everyone who battled, here are the top scorers:

In first place is sumwun, with 206 points.
Second place is X-Scizor, with 180 points.
KRLW890 is in 3rd place with 161 points.
Octazooka came in 4th with 130 points.
Stakatacool came in 5th with 125 points.
EdDaBoss came in 6th with 110 points.
[MEGA]StellarLucario came in 7th with 95 points.
SeeYaLater! came in 8th place with 61 points.

GGs everyone!
Pretty much all I did was keep Zapdos in battle as often as possible. If you got a Z and didn't use Zapdos, then you can only blame yourself for the loss.
Ayy, for my second time ever playing comp. battling I did not do bad!
Look at ForretressExplosion about me...
"I am on DB Showdown everyday at 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Plz battle meh."
I think I did well. :P
2 votes

The tournament has begun! You will have until Sunday, January 27th to build your team and battle all other participants. There will be no second round; whoever has the most points by the due date wins the tournament. Keep in mind that you get points even if you lose the match.
It has become apparent that more time is needed for players to get their battles in. As such the deadline has been extended another week, until Sunday, February 3rd. Hopefully this will be enough time for everyone to finish up, but if necessary, less active players may need to be disqualified. Depending on how the upcoming week goes, I might be willing to extend it for another week after this. I highly recommend spending as much time as you can on the Database's Showdown! server and possibly joining our Discord server if you haven't already (a lot of us are active there).
Before announcing the winner, I'm going to do a final recount of everyone's points, which could take a day or two. Done counting, here are the final scores!

Battles and points will be recorded here:

KRLW890: 161 points
Battles: Octazooka, SeeYaLater!, X-Scizor, EdDaBoss, Stakatacool, sumwun, [MEGA]StellarLucario

SeeYaLater!: 61 points
Battles: KRLW890, X-Scizor, EdDaBoss, Octazooka, Stakatacool, sumwun, [MEGA]StellarLucario

EdDaBoss: 110 points
Battles: SeeYaLater!, KRLW890, Octazooka, Stakatacool, sumwun, X-Scizor, [MEGA]StellarLucario

X-Scizor: 180 points
Battles: Stakatacool, KRLW890, SeeYaLater!, Octazooka, EdDaBoss, sumwun, [MEGA]StellarLucario

Stakatacool: 125 points
Battles: X-Scizor, SeeYaLater!, KRLW890, EdDaBoss, sumwun, [MEGA]StellarLucario, Octazooka

Octazooka: 130 points
Battles: KRLW890, SeeYaLater!, sumwun, EdDaBoss, Stakatacool, X-Scizor, [MEGA]StellarLucario

sumwun: 206 points
Battles: Octazooka, Stakatacool, SeeYaLater!, EdDaBoss, KRLW890, X-Scizor, [MEGA]StellarLucario

[MEGA]StellarLucario: 95 points
Battles: Stakatacool,KRLW890, EdDaBoss, X-Scizor, SeeYaLater!, Octazooka, sumwun

Jofly and Meta Ridley have been disqualified by request. ForretressExplosion has been disqualified due to inactivity.

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You re-counted wrong. I got 28 points against Stakatacool. (3 KOs with Keldeo, 1 with Zygarde, 1 with Darmanitan, and one with Uxie) And yes, it is very Interesting how I got 33 points against sumwun and 18 against SYL. I guess I just tried really hard on players I knew were good, and underestimated players who didn’t have that many points. Anyways, GG everyone.
I should have 135 points I believe.

KRWL890: 0
SYL: 21
sumwun: 15
EdDaBoss: 30
Staka: 27
X-Scizor: 21
[MEGA]StellarLucario: 21
Also how come when I click SYL vs Staka, it brings up SYL vs me?
Since ForretressExplosion is disqualified, aren’t the points Stakatacool and Lucario gained from battling them revoked?
Yes, they will be. I'm currently recounting and when I get to them, I'll remove those points.
0 votes

And of course I will be joining.


No duplicates
Ban Zygarde

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Good luck!
Ahahaha sound like fun but I’ll pass. I have to play smash and showdown is the worst. I mean come on. Every single mon gets access to luck and very little characters in smash gets luck based moves
My letters are A D F H W K
I battled you.
Since I already commented on everyone else's answer, for personal reference, I might as well say that I still have to fight Meta Ridley and ForretressExplosion.
0 votes

I'll join.

Timezone: CEST

No dupe letters

reshown by
Remember your timezone
Good luck!
Your letters are O U B S Z Y
Thanks Azelfeo!
And yay, I have OU in my name lol.
I battled yoi
I extended the tournament for another week; details are in the selected answer. You still have to fight Jofly, [MEGA]StellarLucario, and ForretressExplosion.
0 votes

I'm in!

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

Can we have duplicate letters please? Just makes it more fun, but you have to use different Pokemon (for instance if I got L and L I have to use two different Pokemon, not two Latios')

edited by
Good luck!
Your letters are W T Y D U X
Your new letters are Z A B D O P
I battled you
I extended the tournament for another week; details are in the selected answer. You still have to fight ForretressExplosion.
0 votes

I love losing tournaments!


I vote no duplicate letters. Also, I think Zygarde 50% should be banned.

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I wanna know  if we can use Zygarde 10 here. Only 50 is being suspect tested
10% is allowed
I battled you
Can we battle anytime in the next 1 to 2 weeks?
I extended the tournament for another week; details are in the selected answer. You still have to fight Jofly, Meta Ridley, and ForretressExplosion.
0 votes

Show me what I got! Or don't have! I enjoy getting schooled by people who don't over think team-building. :P

UTC -5

I vote no duplicate letters, for the reason that it makes Z less common. Although, I vote to ban Zygarde, so it probably won't matter anyways. :P

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Good luck!
Your letters are M Z L V I T
I battled you
I extended the tournament for another week; details are in the selected answer. You still have to fight Jofly.
0 votes

CST is my time zone.
I won’t be able to battle till the 28th.
MoonlitMadness is my showdown.

No duplicate letters

Good luck!
Your letters are P Z M E N G
Yes! Z!
Zygarde is banned, though.
Ik. I have another one
Your new letters are X S O C K D
I extended the tournament for another week; details are in the selected answer. You still have to fight Jofly, Meta Ridley, [MEGA]StellarLucario, and ForretressExplosion.
0 votes

In to have Ed kick my ass first round like he/she/it did last time

UTC -13

yes duplicates

This is round robin so no rounds or matchups. Also you should update this post's title and top bar.

Other than yes duplicates, I have 2 more requests. The mean 6 letter (or Pokemon) team is worth very close to 20 points. To make the game less "haxxy", can you only give us teams worth more than 10 points and less than 30 points?
Also 50% Zygarde was broken enough to get suspect tested on Smogon Forums and will probably be officially banned. Please ban it in this tournament, where it's even more broken.

Okay, 20 points it is.
Good luck!
Your letters are F B D G L X
Your new letters are F O A B L Z
I shudder to imagine what a Z in your hands will do.
I extended the tournament for another week; details are in the selected answer. You still have to fight Jofly, [MEGA]StellarLucario, and ForretressExplosion.
0 votes

GMT +1

sorry y'all i've been real busy lately but I'll make sure to battle all of you this last weekend of the tourney

i'll be online evenings my time

edit: pls just dq me

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Can you meet me on Showdown! anytime this week?
Your new letters are P B O J U Y
(also, sorry for being a day late)
Can we battle anytime in the next 1 to 2 weeks?
Just commenting as a reminder that the deadline is a week from today. Extensions can be made if necessary, but please try to fit all your battles in this week.
I extended the tournament for another week; details are in the selected answer. You still have to fight pretty much everyone.
0 votes

Electric Z
GMT -6

I vote for duplicate letters not to be banned

Will you vote to ban Zygarde?
Your letters are V M H S F Y
Can you meet me on Showdown! anytime this week?
Your new letters are U H K X I R
(also sorry for being a day late)
Just commenting as a reminder that the deadline is a week from today. Extensions can be made if necessary, but please try to fit all your battles in this week.
I extended the tournament for another week; details are in the selected answer. You still have to fight KRLW890, X-Scizor, Stakatracool, Octazooka, Jofly, [MEGA]StellarLucario, and ForretressExplosion.
0 votes

Hi there!! This seems interesting. Let's see if this is less of a trainwreck than the last tournament I joined.

EST (-5)

I'm ok with duplicates.
I'm neither for nor against Zygarde.

IMPORTANT: I usually only come on here periodically, so please, if I go MIA from the DB, please do not hesitate to contact me through Discord by the tag No-Name Horse#1378.

Why are you not responding to my comments?
bruh don't you have discord
Can't you schedule tournament battles without Discord?
You're gonna have a difficult time doing that without Discord man
Just tell me when you're able to battle and check here in case I can't meet you at that time. It's not that hard.
0 votes

Im in!

My user is Ri Unite

No dupes
Ban Zygarde (I like a fair match)

I extended the tournament for another week; details are in the selected answer. You still have to fight pretty much everyone.
If you want to battle people, then you have to actually schedule battles. You can't just hope they're online.
Can you battle anytime today?
When are you available to battle for the tourney?
When are you available?