Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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This has happened a few times now, I saw an egg move I wanted on one of my Pokemon (ex. Salazzle with Fake Out), I clicked on the egg move and the only compatible parents that're shown are the Pokemons pre-evolutions/itself. This also happened when I saw Oricorio could learn Quiver Dance through breeding, but the only other Pokemon with that move were Oricorio? I know this most likely isn't a site error since I tried checking another site for the same egg moves, and they were also blank.

For Salandit, I think you'd have to breed it in an older game where it has compatible parents, like Kangaskhan or Scraggy, and then transfer to SV when it becomes compatible with Home.
These are likely the mirror herb exclusive egg moves. The site does make this a little confusing though.

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