Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Some moveset questions are tagged with the Japanese names of the Pokemon that the moveset question is asked for. Why was this done? If the English names were already known, why use the Japanese name on an English website?


1 Answer

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Because at the time, the pokemon was recently revealed, so the Japanese name was more commonly recognized than the english name. For example, when Snivy was first leaked via CoroCoro, people called Snivy "Smugleaf", because that was its Japanese time, and it wasn't well known that its English name was actually Snivy. The Japanese name is included to make sure the reader knows what pokemon movesetbot, darktyphlosion, or trachy means.

Smugleaf wasn’t the Japanese name, just a silly name the English community made because Snivy looks kind of like... a smug leaf. :P
Otherwise this is accurate. Black and White were released in Japan months before the west got them, so we had to use romanised Japanese names until the English ones came out.