Meta-PokéBase Q&A
10 votes

So it's not quite the 3rd for me yet, but it's close enough, and my time zone's behind most of the world anyway, so I'm going to go ahead and open signups for

The Polytype Tournament


  • No two Pokémon on your team may share a type
  • Showdown! OU format

I've said this on both the Discord server and in the chat room, but both single-typed Pokemon and type-changing abilities are allowed.

Simpler rules than usual, but hopefully no less fun!

Signups (now closed)

Please read the tournament guidelines before signing up. Signups should be an answer that includes your Showdown! username, time zone, and available times. It should look something like this:

6 PM through midnight on weekdays, all day on weekends

Signup deadline is January 10.

Want to suggest your own idea for a tournament or vote on other ideas? You can do that in this thread.

Good luck, everyone :)

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Hi, I'm new to the site. I would like to ask if there is any Pokemon level limit and maximum amount of Evs and Ivs at the tournament?
We're playing using the OU format, which does not put any additional limits on levels, EVs, or IVs other than the limits that are already programmed into the newest Pokemon games (ie. level 100, 252 EVs in each stat, 508 total EVs, 31 IVs in each stat).
I'm quitting the tournament because I can't access Showdown now. It can't load or anything, either screen freezing or giving Error messages. So I'll resign from the tournament for now
One more question, will we take a vote to decide which specific parameters will have to be met for teams (e.g. All Dual Types, like the original tournament suggestion recommended)?
Cant wait to begin the tournament!
Good luck everyone!

25 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

The winner of the Polytype tournament is J™! Congratulations!

Signups to host the next tournament are now open. If you're interested in hosting, go to the tournament megathread and leave a comment on the next tournament suggestion.

Congrats, nice job
9 votes

Round 1

KRLW890 vs melcakes
sumwun vs SSuperiority
~KitkåtKK2™~ vs J™
☆SleepyDreepy☆ vs Swastik
Staka~ vs Porygon-Zangoose
PrimalKyogre vs DeltaEmerald
◦KyogrePulse◦ vs Giga~Blade X
fwoofyy vs ~megaltaria~
craxz vs PorygonZero™ (activity win)
X-Scizor will proceed to the next round

Remember to save your replays! You will have until Sunday, January 17th to battle. Extensions may be granted upon request.

As of writing this, our Showdown! server cannot record battles. Make sure you battle on Smogon's server instead.

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Me vs swastik
That clef threw Me off lol
For the next round, can you post a new answer? That way this thread appears at the top of Meta and is easier to see.
6 votes

Round 2

sumwun vs Staka~
craxz vs DeltaEmerald
☆SleepyDreepy☆ vs fwoofyy
melcakes vs J™
X-Scizor vs ◦KyogrePulse◦

Remember to save your replays! You will have until Sunday, January 24th to battle. Extensions may be granted upon request.

As of writing this, our Showdown! server cannot record battles. Make sure you battle on Smogon's server instead.

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That was a pretty close game. Trick room teams are scary to non-stall teams like the one I used today.
Good job X-Scizor :)
Won in a close one vs. melcakes.
5 votes

First tournament I’ll participate in, first tournament I’ll lose.
Showdown Username:PrimalKyogre555
Time Zone:EST
Availability:most of the time through 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

4 votes

PsyKlone Wars
GMT -5 (ETC)

I should be available 1-3 and 8-12 on weekdays and 3-12 on weekends.

4 votes

Useless fact: This is the first Pokemon DB tournament whose idea was posted after 2015. We're finally getting through all those dust-gathering 7-year-old ideas.

GMT -13
I should be able to battle on most days between 4 pm and 4 am GMT, but I sometimes randomly wake up late.

I'm on now.
You thought I meant 8 pm GMT? I meant 8 pm your time. sorry.
No problem.   I should have specified.  I can do 8PM my time tomorrow since that works for you if you want.
I'll be online at 8 pm. I can also be online at noon your time in case you prefer that.
8pm would be preferable for me, so that works.
4 votes

last minute tournament sign up >:D

showdown username: nebbyy, fwoofyy
timezone: est
availability: usually available any day after 2:00 PM

Oof between you, Mel, sumwun, KRLW, and XS, I’ve got my work cut out for me. <:P
4 votes

Round 3

sumwun vs X-Scizor
J™ vs DeltaEmerald
☆SleepyDreepy☆ will progress to the next round.

Remember to save your replays! You will have until Sunday, January 31st Sunday, February 7th to battle. Extensions may be granted upon request.

As of writing this, our Showdown! server cannot record battles. Make sure you battle on Smogon's server instead.

edited by and J missed the deadline. I was wondering if we could have an extension to maybe next weekend, although it will slow down the tour.
Gg (filler)
4 votes

Round 4

sumwun vs ☆SleepyDreepy☆
Due to an oversight last round, J™ fought DeltaEmerald again.

Remember to save your replays! You will have until Tuesday, February 23rd to battle. Extensions may be granted upon request.

I have been informed that our Showdown server has been fixed and is now able to save replays.

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I can battle now.
Awesome.  I'm on the DB server
Won vs. Delta because of timely crit.
Oh @KRLW890 i lost to sumwun Its just hidden behind the other comments.
Here it is if you need it
Thank you, looks like I did miss that.
3 votes

American Central (GMT-6)
For round 1, I'm available almost any time. After that, I'll be available 6 PM through midnight on weekdays, and all day on weekends.

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3 votes

Thought I'd sign up for this. It's my birthday so happy birthday me.
Showdown Name: Zangoose360
Time Zone: EST (GMT-5)
Availability: Sometime after 3:30p.m Mon-Fri, varies on Weekends

Happy birthday! Sorry I just checked the thread.
Can you meet Tuesday at 4:00 PM? We have the same time zone. :P
Yeah 4:00 pm Tuesday works.
3 votes

Let's get my butt kicked.
Showdown! Username- Jhnfui
Time Zone- GMT -5 (EST)
Availability - 6-8pm on weekdays and hopefully anytime on weekends. Comment on my answer for availability and I'll respond as soon as I see it.

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Hey. Sorry, I’ve been inactive. I’d be available to battle today or tomorrow at 7 your time,
Ok, I'm ready now if you want.
3 votes

After 6 weekdays, usually free weekends

Can you meet around 6-7 your time tomorrow?
Yes, that works for me
3 votes

Showdown name: Rayquazachu
Availability: 3:30 on any day.

Since you weren't there, I can make 3:30 to 6 tomorrow as well.
4 or 5 works better today, can you be on during that time?
Of course!
Wait, now is much better actually.
Ok, I'm on now.
3 votes

Showdown Name: craxz
Time zone: GMT+1
Availability: For Weekdays, around 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., weekends, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00.

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Isn't it supposed to be pm? Are you free till midnight? [lol (filler)]
I requested a battle
2 votes

This sounds fun. I'll probably lose but oh well.

Showdown name: XScipio/Cosmicog
Time Zone: EST
Availability: Varies from day to day, shoot me a wall post and I'll try to follow through. I'm usually most active Wednesday - Sunday, I probably can't battle most Mondays and Tuesdays.

Good luck to everyone!

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2 votes

First tournament.....

Showdown Name: Groudon72
Time Zone: EST
Availability: Pretty much any day/time of the week, except for 10am-4pm Sundays and 2:30pm-4:00pm on Wednesdays.

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2 votes

Idk cuz I’m sometimes bored, so I signed up.

Showdown Name: HelloItsVinh
Time zone: EST
Availabilities: 5-6am, 11am-1pm every day
(yeah I use the rest of the day doing random crap)

PrawyonZero ™ for which you will be able to fight with me today?
Can we have a duel tonight at 11:00 your time?
@craxz, Has PorygonZero ever responded?
2 votes

Trippy Soup

Availablility changes daily. Mostly free around noon and after 8 P.M.

Time to use all 137 of my smol brains as one big brain... and lose. My eyesight will be unparalleled, at least. :P

My schedule slightly different today, so 8 pm is easiest for me.
8 pm works for me as well fellas, carry on
@Melcakes Aren't you supposed to be battling J and not either of us?
yes i am trolling
Hi trolling. I thought you were melcakes.
2 votes

Ok Pokémon tournament with no type overlap. I can do this.
Showdown! Name: KitkatKK2
Timezone: MDT (GMT -6)
Availability: I have school going on, so I’ll probably be available 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM on weekdays, and then 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM on weekends.

Just comment on my answer whenever you are available and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Are you available today, during your times of course?