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I went on the Sawsbuck page, and I noticed that there is only the spring form’s artwork, even though there is official artwork for every form. So it should show all of the forms! Same goes for Deerling.

I know it’s not exactly a new Pokémon, but still.

They do have this, when you click on "Additional Artwork" at the bottom of Sawsbuck/Deerling's pictures. Unless you meant something else, like the tabs you can click to see different forms of most Pokemon.

I'm pretty sure it's that way also because seasons only existed in Gen 5, so for every other game you can only catch Spring form.
Oh, that makes sense.

Still, there should be tabs.
On most Pokemon pages where the forms don't have different stats or learnsets, you have to check the additional artwork.

Like Gastrodon

And Vivillon

That means Pokemaster would have to change all of them
Oh... that will be a problem for him. Don’t want to give him too much work, so...
I mean like tabs.

Like it is here:
Though, it would be a good amount of work for Pokémaster, so it’s not necessary.

1 Answer

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It’s probably because the different “forms” of Sawsbuck doesn’t have different movepools than each other.

Like Lycanroc, and Meowstic. They have different movepools and abilities (at least Meowstic does) from each forme, so they get different tabs, and like Kyogre Pulse mentioned, it would take a lot of work to add in ALL of the Pokémon with different formes. I get it that you would add them in if they have different movepools along with different formes, but you’re just putting in more work if you add the tabs for no other reason than just different looks.

Now, I don’t know for sure, I am no expert and don’t know what’s going on inside Pokemaster’s head, so I don’t know if they didn’t do it for a different reason. I am just putting this in because it’s just a theory that I have, and it makes a lot of sense

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I'm pretty sure PM just didn't do it because there's no need for it. There is an additional artwork page for a reason.
@Syl exactly! you can still see all of the artwork, just not tabs. that is what i am saying. if there is already artwork, why waste your time putting in tabs when all the difference is is design?
But...Keldeo gets his form displayed
I think it's different for Lengedaries/Mythicals because they are..well, legends and myths! They are more stronger and rarer, so I guess Pokemaster does it differently with those. I should add that in my answer
Yes this is correct - forms that are aesthetic only, like Deerling, do not show tabs. They usually need a different in stats/type/ability for that.

I forget if there was a specific reason for Keldeo as it has the same stats etc. Most likely I added the separate form when it was announced, before we knew its stats.