Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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On This page, it is stated that the greenish tinted Marshadow is just the "Z-Move" form.
This is incorrect, as here states that this form is called Zenith Marshadow. Zenith is what the "Z" in Z-Move means. Can this be fixed?

That's what I meant with my suggestion Pokemaster, the Additional artyworky pagy. >:
This is more of an error report than a suggestion. Please report it in an answer on the question linked below.
Okay, but what do I do with this question?

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

Both are correct.

When angered or attacking, such as using its exclusive Z-Move, Marshadow's fighting spirit will begin to burn, causing it to become Zenith Marshadow. In this state, its headgear, bulbs, and collar flare up and change to a forest-green and yellowish color. Marshadow's eyes will also flare up when in this state, but do not change in color.


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How are both correct? It is called Zenith Marshadow.
They both refer to the same thing. "Z-Move" Marshadow is Marshadow using it's Z-Move. Zenith Marshadow is also Marshadow using it's Z-Move.
Yes, technically Zenith Marshadow is more correct, but Z-Move Marshadow isn't INcorrect.
If I call Sherlock Holmes a detective instead of Sherlock Holmes, I'm not wrong, I just could be more right.
If you say so.
Sweet. Thanks