Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Sometimes i have a really dumb question (like this one!) And i want to ask it but i'm like "oh maybe it's a dumb question" but sometimes a dumb question for me isn't a dumb question for you and vice versa, so like,

Are really, really, really stupid questions allowed if they're serious? Like if they're dumb but I'm seriously wondering. Like this lol.

as long as it hasn't been asked before and isn't easily looked up you should be fine
What kinds of "dumb" questions? Gamefreak logic kinds of questions?
there is generally a consensus to avoid 'low quality questions, as outlined in this discussion thread
Bruh, I've asked lots of dumb questions, but I don't remember having mine removed once. No one will really care, unless the answer can easily be found on the DB.
The problem is what does 'dumb' mean, as they have different connotations and levels of...'dumbness' for lack of a better term. It's case by case

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

It depends on the question you're talking about. In general, all we're trying to do with the rules is make PokeBase nicer to browse/ read. If we think a question brings down the quality of the website, then of course we're going to remove it. So I guess the answer to your question is a tentative 'no'?

I can't give you an exhaustive list of things that fall under this category, but here are some of the things that won't help the cause:

  • If the question is extremely easy to solve using Google then we're going to care less for it.
  • Don't ask questions that are so lacking in context and detail that we need to ask you five clarifying questions in the comments to know what you're trying to do.
  • Questions that are clearly going to require theorising or guesswork or discussion to answer don't fit this platform. So 'Game Freak logic' questions with no clear answers.
  • I'm personally losing patience for questions that ask for big long lists of things that would take hours to create, and without any apparent purpose.
  • Joke questions (and anything that reads like one) will be removed.

In general, if you have a genuine question and you put care into asking it in a sensible way, then we're probably not going to care. Just remember that this is a site that other people read for pleasure, and maybe your super-elaborate personal curiosities are best kept between you and your own research.

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I agree. When I get 'Game Feak Logic' as an answer, that feels like saying 'Because' as an answer.
“Questions that are clearly going to require theorising or guesswork or discussion to answer don't fit this platform. So 'Game Freak logic' questions with no clear answers.“

What are Game Freak Logic questions though? Questions like why does X Pokémon learn Y move (unless it’s talking about Gastly and the like) or questions like why is Dragapult Ghost type?
Both of those examples you gave could potentially be explained away, so we'd maybe allow them. But in other cases, not so much.
I cannot tell you how much I would love for there to be an easy and consistent rule for this. But there simply isn't, so we judge it case-by-case. If we think the question has no apparent answers and will just devolve to theorising, then we'll remove it.