Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

Hear me out, i know that sounds weird

but like, hypotetically, what if i wanted to create a longass list of really dumb things and figured "hey maybe someone could need this someday". could i just ask the question and post the list answer instead of waiting for someone else to ask the question?

Like if i were really bored and wanted to find all the pokemon that shared the same height for some reason. Once i finish going through all the pokemon, could I post a "What are all the Pokemon that share heights?" an copy-paste my finished answer onto it.

I might want to create a list of the best games to do oak challenges for and rate them with in-depth explainations as to why they're ranked where they are, go detail about how to do them, and which games would be the best for beginners etc but i dont wait to wait a decade for someone to ask it, y'know? I just wanna do it. so would i be able to type the answer, make the question when im done, and then post the answer?

I mean yeah its kinda dumb but it's something no lives like me would happily do just for the sake of it. And who knows, maybe someday someone will actually need those dumb long lists.

if i get permission to do this i'll start on my dumb long lists asap
I find that most questions that are dumb long lists are generally extremely trivial and the information contained within them is pretty much useless in terms of what it can be applied to, so I'd personally say no if the questions are just trivial things like this.
Also, just in general, I really think that people asking and answering their own question would lead to absurd point whoring, especially with the questions that ask for something that takes a large amount of time to create a list for something that supplies nearly useless information. People see a long answer and go "wow this must be good. upvoted!" and questions like "What are all of the green, blue, and purple Pokemon that weigh between 100 and 150 kg that can learn Tackle?" end up getting a bunch of votes for some reason. Obviously, that's an overexaggeration, but stuff like that happens quite often.
Yeah that’s understandable. For me I just get curious but don’t want to do all the work if I can’t share it- nothing to do about points in that regard. If this does get allowed, then obviously there’s still going to be standards
Just to show off because I’m that person: Bergmite, Mega Blastoise (only mega because of the weight), Boldore, Cloyster, Drednaw, Foretress, Goodra, Meganium, Mega Swampert, Venusaur. All the green, blue, and purple Pokémon between 100 and 150 kilograms that learn tackle.

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