Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I've seen a few occasions where an answer exceeds the character limit isn't complete, and people either add on to their answer on different answers on the same question, or in comments on the answer. Which should we do? Is there one that the mods/PM would rather?

Personally, I don’t really mind. First thing is obviously try to shorten it, but if we assume that’s not an option, I guess you could just post a comment underneath the first answer. That would probably work unless I’m forgetting a better option.
Other sites say to use Pastebin...
I thought I was forgetting something. :P
That would work well also.
I have no idea what you're talking about or how to answer it which is always a sign on meta of a good question lol you earned an up vote
It isn't normally a good sign on any platform if you don't understand what a post is trying to say. If it doesn't make sense, then why would you upvote? If you don't understand something, its best to ask before act.
I sometimes post multiple answers, or comment the rest of it under my answer. This is probably my favorite of such answers.
I also thought of that answer when I asked this question.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Do you have an example? If an answer is too long then usually it can be cut down without losing information. Try to get to the point and don't add tons of "waffle". That's sort of what the Pokebase is about.

If someone is asking for a big long list of stuff then it's better to link to another page if possible. Otherwise it's fine to use the comments. BTW the character limit was increased a while back to 12000 characters instead of 8000.

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He can use pastebin
Yeah, Stakatacool is right. I can't really cut down on that answer without removing info.
You wrote it in a very detailed way. I think you could to link a pastebin with all the info and make the answer just list the Pokemon and moves without the levels.

Even as you have it you can make it simpler, instead of:
>Wartortle learns Water Gun on levels 1 and 7 and Tail Whip on levels 1 and 4.
you could write:
>Wartortle: Water Gun (1&7), Tail Whip (1&4)
That's about half as long. Just an idea.