Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I can see the edits I did on my own answers, but not on other's.

Edit: After editing a question I see it appears on my Recent Activity, so this could be only a problem for answers or just that post.

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If you edit questions/answers/comments within the 5 minutes you posted them, they don’t count as edits.
I'm not sure that's the problem.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

The system only stores the latest update as "Recent Activity". In the case of that answer, LeafyBlade selected it as best answer after you edited it, which means the last activity is "selected by LeafyBlade".

Also worth noting that the Recent Activity only shows each question once, so for example if you edited 2 answers you'd only see it listed once (the most recent one) on Recent Activity.

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