Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

A lot of us have been there, you are looking at one of your old answers/questions and whoops! It looks like you've spelled three with three es! (That the three with three es was unintended.)
You want to edit it but you also don't want it to show up on the All Activity page, what do you do?
So, my suggestion is:
Have a "minor edit" check box when you edit your question/answer, if you check it the edit will not appear on the All Activity page.


You could just not include edits under a certain amount a characters.

I don't know about Editors, but Experts cannot silent edit because people should know that they have edited something. Such as during when promotions come around, or when a troll Expert (like Gligurr) goes around and wrongly edits a lot of posts. Silent edit would be helpful, but I'd think it's detrimental for Experts to have it.
Not exactly what you were saying, I'm talking about minor edits that are only a couple of caracters.
I think mods should be able to give experts the privilege to silent edit if they are "trusted"
I think a trusted Expert is called an Editor.
Then you should be an editor :D

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