Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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So on a couple of questions of mine, people have left incorrect answers. Even after explaining that the answer is incorrect, they haven't hidden it. And most, if not all, people will skim over a question that's been answered. And my questions haven't been adequately answered at all. What should I do?

Assuming you are talking about my answer I asked for an explanation on why is was incorrect. I did make a typo inthe first answer that i do admit but i edited it too answer your question. What is wrong with it?
He's had other issues like this, too.

1 Answer

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Just comment stating the answer is wrong. If it isn't fixed or removed within reasonable time, downvote it. Flagging is an option too, although you aren't really supposed to flag incorrect answers.

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Alright, thanks.
after I did that to one of my questions, still nobody answers it. What now?