Omigosh haii Holidays :3
Well, I was looking through the threads and I saw some dude make a Happy Holidays thread and I thought 'Hey! Why don't I start the Holiday thread for this year?' and so I did. Happy Holidays PokemonDB! :D
New Year's Resolution:
- Shorten my profile. I'm just a few characters of 8,000 characters. xD
- Mathematically, I will get 18,000 points by the end of 2014. Therefore, get 18,000 points! :D
- Get straight A's on my report card. (Yeah, it's possible. x3)
Well, let's celebrate a wonderful year at the DB. The new update of the site, the new promotions that have been made, the new name-changing system, the announcement of the new forum, the worldwide release of X and Y, and of course the debut of the most wonderful user on this site -- ME!! :D

^^ The favicon of the site with a Santa hat. Lol, I'm so proud I made that. But seriously, I made my Gravatar - I can do MUCH BETTER >:3
As of 25 December, 2013 (AEST):
- 23,751 questions were asked on the Pokebase.
- 46,749 answers helped solve the questions on the Pokebase.
- 75,335 comments were made to deliver facts, pointless info, or just plain humour.
- 20,416 users helped build the wonderful Pokebase community of 2013.
^ Hopefully users of the future will look at this and see how Pokebase has grown. :D
2013 has been a great year for the DB, but let's see what will happen in 2014!?
Happy Holidays DB!
Love from your very euphoric-to-the-point-it-gets-sorta-creepy friend,
~Indigo~ <3