Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Omigosh haii Holidays :3

Well, I was looking through the threads and I saw some dude make a Happy Holidays thread and I thought 'Hey! Why don't I start the Holiday thread for this year?' and so I did. Happy Holidays PokemonDB! :D

New Year's Resolution:

  • Shorten my profile. I'm just a few characters of 8,000 characters. xD
  • Mathematically, I will get 18,000 points by the end of 2014. Therefore, get 18,000 points! :D
  • Get straight A's on my report card. (Yeah, it's possible. x3)

Well, let's celebrate a wonderful year at the DB. The new update of the site, the new promotions that have been made, the new name-changing system, the announcement of the new forum, the worldwide release of X and Y, and of course the debut of the most wonderful user on this site -- ME!! :D

enter image description here
^^ The favicon of the site with a Santa hat. Lol, I'm so proud I made that. But seriously, I made my Gravatar - I can do MUCH BETTER >:3

As of 25 December, 2013 (AEST):

  • 23,751 questions were asked on the Pokebase.
  • 46,749 answers helped solve the questions on the Pokebase.
  • 75,335 comments were made to deliver facts, pointless info, or just plain humour.
  • 20,416 users helped build the wonderful Pokebase community of 2013.

^ Hopefully users of the future will look at this and see how Pokebase has grown. :D

2013 has been a great year for the DB, but let's see what will happen in 2014!?

Happy Holidays DB!

Love from your very euphoric-to-the-point-it-gets-sorta-creepy friend,

~Indigo~ <3

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17 Answers

6 votes

Psssssh big deal...

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It is a big deal. o_O
British guy can't get the British saying right >:0
*Bah Humbug
Why the flag?
6 votes

Merry Christmas from Kay Oh Dee / Sempi

enter image description here
Awww :3

4 votes

It's 2 days 'till Christmas and 1 day 'till Christmas Eve sooo meh. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

enter image description here

4 votes

Posted too early :P Hide and repost on christmas :P

Ninja said "Happy Holidays" though, meaning he wasn't referring to just Christmas.. He could be Jewish and refer to the Jewish holidays..
LOL well said Mike, lol
He posted it at this time of year though D:
I'm not actually religious.
*facepalm*, way to blow your cover.

@Kijani Yes xD
4 votes


Yeah, well, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, whatever.


Ya and that too.

3 votes

Peh....Happy Christmas C:?

Oh who gives a.....

crying cuz couldn't find gud picture

3 votes

Merry Christmas From this Newb Pikamaster :D
enter image description here
Ain't he just the cutest ^~^

2 votes

Merry Christmas all, from some n00b called Jaja <3

Or Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah. :P

2 votes

Happy Holidays from the coolest one-eyed cat & his trainer.
Santa Runnster
If you don't know who this is
What's Christmas without a Christmas Octopus?

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2 votes


enter image description here

Or Kwanza or Hanukkah or Yule or all the other holidays. I guess that would be politically correct.

2 votes

![Ho Ho Ho][1]

Happy Holidays DB!!! Lets have another great year :D

2 votes

Merry Christmas! :D
Don't forget your stockings and Christmas Tree! :D
enter image description here

A small song from me! :3
I wish you a merry Christmas, I wish you a merry Christmas, I wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year!


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Put in the picture for you. :P
Thanks Sempiternus
2 votes

enter image description here

My goals:

  1. Get more than 4000 Points through 2014
  2. Make a fair site.
  3. Be helpful ;)
2 votes

Adorable :3
Adorable :3

Yeah, I'm not all that good with words...
Happy Holidays guys.


2 votes

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Don't forget to Wonder Trade some special/hard to get Pokemon on Christmas so a bunch of little kids who just got the game can squeal in happiness at the epic Pokes they just got. :D

2 votes

"But ~-~WILL~-~, why are there no Christmas decorations in this picture?"

Because I am a keen believer in the global sharing and contribution of numerous different beliefs and traditions, and as such I feel not the need to create a stereotypical avatar to served as a biased vehicle for celebrating--

Okay okay, I was just lazy. Merry Valentine's day!

enter image description here

Dat Pikachu.
1 vote

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, whatever else there is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are so many. o_O
I wander what Hanukkah's like. :D