Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Notice: Undefined index: title in
/var/www/pokemon/pokebase/qa-plugin/filters/qa-filters.php on line 40

Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in
/var/www/pokemon/pokebase/qa-plugin/filters/qa-filters.php on line 94

Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in
/var/www/pokemon/pokebase/qa-plugin/filters/qa-filters.php on line 99

Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in
/var/www/pokemon/pokebase/qa-plugin/filters/qa-filters.php on line 100

Notice: Undefined index: content in
/var/www/pokemon/pokebase/qa-plugin/filters/qa-filters.php on line 41

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at
/var/www/pokemon/pokebase/qa-plugin/filters/qa-filters.php:40) in
/var/www/pokemon/pokebase/qa-include/qa-base.php on line 1315

This message was recieved when I was retagging a question that needed approval.

retagged by
The error message stricks again.

1 Answer

0 votes

Thanks, I've fixed the error now.
