Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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When I ask or answer on the Pokebase, it doesn't say that my post must go through approval. However, it doesn't say that I can freely post on my list of privileges.

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Are you asking why it's not listed as a privilege unlike the other related point-based actions? Because if so you worded it weirdly. No one gets those privileges listed, so it ain't a glitch or anything like that.
I thought that some people could post freely (without needing to undergo approval). If I worded it weirdly, how should I edit my question?
Everyone over a certain point requirement can post without needing approval.This 'privilege' isn't listed on anyone profile, it's just  a thing. The problem was mainly with the actual question title, which I fixed, although it's still not clear what your actual question is. I just kinda guessed what the question was tbh.
Pretty sure it's because not much of a privilege since everyone gets it, it's more of a beginner's restriction.

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VV pretty much nailed it. It's more of a restriction than a lack of privilege.

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