well look here [Unanswered questions][1] im not sure wether there has been any tcg deck questions answered yet but there are quite a few and dont IMO benefit anyone (appart from the asker) because not many people know how to answer them. Im not to sure that many will be answered if any. At the moment there is no rule against them (well no rule i know of) so should we maybe not ban them but move them to another section like battle subway because they are kind of like rmt. [1]: http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/unanswered
Just checked with Pokemaster on Chat, He said they were fine.
http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/56923/any-suggestions-for-this-tcgo-deck http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/57394/any-suggestion-for-this-tcgo-dark-deck
I think my answers are enough to show that they are beneficial.