PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
21 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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Some general optimization notes for anyone making a team:

- The Earthquake TM is locked behind the postgame. A Pokemon's best Ground options will usually be either Dig or Bulldoze.

- In the New Unova Pokedex, the Pokemon catchable before the postgame that get Earthquake by level-up are Sandshrew (46), Sandslash (46), Piloswine (46), Numel (40), Camerupt (46), Trapinch (55), Mamoswine (46), Drilbur (33), Excadrill (36), Sandile (43), Krokorok (48), Krookodile (54), and Golurk (50).

- The Stone Edge TM is locked behind the postgame. A Pokemon's best Rock option will usually be Rock Slide.

- In the New Unova Pokedex, the Pokemon catchable before the postgame that get Stone Edge by level-up are Onix (46), Steelix (46), Shuckle (49), Nosepass (46), Lunatone (41), Solrock (41), Probopass (46), Roggenrola (36), Boldore (48), Gigalith (48), Timburr (43), Gurdurr (49), Conkeldurr (49), and Terrakion (67).

- A myriad of other helpful TMs, like Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Dragon Claw, and Bulk Up are all postgame exclusives. Please plan accordingly.

- Though many Move Tutor moves provide a Pokemon's best coverage options, they are often not worth the amount of grinding needed. A man in Nimbasa City gives the player 10 Red Shards for use with the Driftveil City Move Tutor, making these moves the exception. Any combination of Tutor moves that costs more than 10 Red Shards should have alternatives provided.

- Egg Moves are similarly strong for some Pokemon, such as Crobat, but breeding is a complete waste of time when the aim of the game is to beat Trainers. Level-up movesets and TMs will provide all the tools you need for the average playthrough.

- In the same vein, grinding for BP is often unnecessary. The PWT and Battle Subway are slow and the rewards are not usually worth it. It's courteous to provide alternatives to TMs unlocked via Battle Points.

- Moves with low PP and high power, such as Close Combat, are generally inferior to more consistent moves like Drain Punch and Force Palm. Remember that you're building a campaign team: PP conservation on routes is just as important as KOing important trainers.

- Don't be afraid to give a Pokemon HMs if they have nothing better. For example, one of Lilligant's best options is Cut, because its moveset is so shallow that extra overworld utility is better than a third STAB move. Moves like Strength, Surf, and Fly are convenient and powerful.

- Priority moves, primarily Aqua Jet and ExtremeSpeed, are consistent options for conserving PP or getting a kill on a faster opponent. ExtremeSpeed is probably one of the few exceptions to the "low PP = bad move in-game" rule.

- Sturdy Pokemon are everywhere. Burgh's Dwebble, Marlon's Carracosta, Colress' Magneton and Magnezone, wild Boldore, and plenty others are either annoying or outright dangerous. Mold Breaker Pokemon like Excadrill are great for completely negating the problem, while priority moves like Aqua Jet are great for picking up the KO.

- Remember that the storyline is a game of hyper offense! Four attack sets (or one boosting move and three attacks) are often the best way to get through the region. If you're playing with items, healing moves are unnecessary and will usually only serve to waste time.

- Above all, playtest your team. It's clear when someone didn't actually use the Pokemon in-game and just cobbled together a moveset they thought would work. Experience is the best way to craft an effective and synergistic party!

80 Answers

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So, this one is for all of you trainers who chose Tepig as your starter:

Emboar @ Shell Bell
Ability: Blaze
- Flare Blitz - STAB, great power, Shell Bell should help to minimise the recoil damage
- Wild Charge - Coverage, great power, Shell Bell helps with recoil (can easily replace with Thunder Punch)
- Bulldoze - Coverage, drops the Speed of the opposing Pokemon
- Hammer Arm - STAB, great power

Magnezone @ Magnet
Ability: Sturdy
- Thunderbolt - STAB
- Flash Cannon - STAB
- Reflect - Boosts your team's defence
- Thunder Wave - Status, replace with whatever you want really

Roserade @ Big Root
Ability: Natural Cure
- Giga Drain - STAB, provides extra heath, boosted with the big root
- Sludge Bomb - STAB
- Toxic - Status, useful for chip damage
- Shadow Ball - Coverage

Walrein @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Thick Fat
- Surf - STAB, HM move usual for navigation
- Ice Beam - Reliable STAB, decent power
- Rest - Recovery
- Blizzard - STAB, less reliable than Ice Beam, but packs more of a punch

Flygon @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Levitate
- Earthquake - STAB, great power
- Outrage - STAB, hits like a truck
- Fire Punch - Coverage against Ice
- Fly - HM, useful for getting around

Cofagrigus @ Spell Tag
Ability: Mummy
- Shadow Ball - STAB
- Dark Pulse - Coverage
- Psychic - Coverage
- Energy Ball - Coverage

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- Surf
- Ice Beam
- X-Scissor
- Cut
Not the best starter, but I really liked him in this playthrough. Helped a lot in the gyms. Surf for STAB, Ice Beam and X-Scissor for coverage against Dragon and Grass/Dark types, and Cut because I needed a cutter.

- Acrobatics
- Cross Poison
- Return
- Fly
There are probably better flyers in the game, but Crobat gets the job done. Inner Focus for the Ability really helps against Team Plasma. Acrobatics for STAB (its worth the item loss, trust me), Cross Poison for STAB, Return for pretty good damage, Fly because you need it.

- Psychic
- Return
- Future Sight
- Morning Sun
Not the best Psychic type and I’ll admit that he didn’t do much and was only there because he’s one of my favourite Pokemon. Psychic for STAB, Return if you have some physical investment, Future Sight for big damage in the long run (I suggest choosing it and immediately switching out), Morning Sun for recovery.

- Thunderbolt
- Strength
- Signal Beam
- Power Gem
Could’ve used Galvantula, but I like how wide Ampharos’s moveset is and how early you can get him in the game. Thunderbolt for STAB (use Discharge until then), Strength because you need it, Signal Beam for coverage, Power Gem for more power against Flying types.

- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
- Shadow Claw
The MVP of the team, his Attack stat is monstrous. Crunch and Earthquake for STAB (Foul Play if you want but I don’t recommend it), Aerial Ace for coverage against Bug and Grass types, and Shadow Claw to really punish Psychics and Ghosts.

- Aura Sphere
- Return
- Bone Rush / Bulldoze
- Swords Dance
One of the best Pokemon in the game and it shows. Roxie couldn’t touch me. Aura Sphere for STAB and to punish any double team spammers, Return because to evolve you need high Friendship, Bone Rush/Bulldoze for coverage, Swords Dance to set up.

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This team will be what I personally think is the BEST team for b2/w2 with a starter. Just note that I will allow TM moves but not egg moves or post game tutor moves, however Mr. Shard-guy in Driftveil city is avaliable in the main story, so he's fair game.

team preview: Samurott, Crobat, Arcanine, Krookodile, Ampharos, Lucario

Samurott @ Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent
- Surf (HM03)
- Megahorn (Move Relearner at PWT)
- Ice Beam (TM13- found in Giant Chasm, requires Surf to reach)
- Revenge (Level 28)
Samurott is statistically the best starter in Black and White 2, so it's here. As much as I love Emboar, his slow speed makes him second best here.

Crobat @ Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
- Fly (HM02)
- Cross Poison (Move Relearner) / Sludge Bomb (TM36)
- X-Scissor (TM81)
- Confuse Ray (Level 19)
So we have the best flyer in B2/W2. Crobat is fast, hits like a truck, and can be fully physical or mixed. Find him in Castelia Sewers.

Arcanine @ Expert Belt
Ability: Flash Fire / Intimidate
Flamethrower (Level 34 as Growlithe)
Strength (HM04)
Thunder Fang (Move Relearner)
Dig (TM28)
We have got the Original GOOD BOI on the best team. Find him in Virbank Complex and, yes, wait till level 34 for Flamethrower so you don't have to waste more Heart Scales. Strength and Dig are good too as they are quite viable.

Krookodile @ BlackGlasses
Ability: Moxie
- Dig (TM28/Level 32) and then Earthquake (Level 54) later
- Crunch (Level 28)
- Grass Knot (TM86)
- Aerial Ace (TM40)
Another member before the 4th badge. Krookodile is good for STAB and coverage. It also covers Crobat's Electric weakness. Catch him on Route 4 as a Sandile right before Nimbasa City and Elesa.

Ampharos @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Static
- Thunder Wave (found on wild Mareep)
- Discharge (Level 40) / Thunderbolt (TM24) / Thunder (TM25)
- Return (TM27)
- Rain Dance (TM18) if chose Thunder / Light Screen (Level 57 / TM16)
Ampharos is a godsend in any game it is in, be it Alola, Unova, Johto or Kalos.

Lucario @ Black Belt
Ability: Inner Focus / Steadfast
- Brick Break (TM31) and then Aura Sphere (Level 51)
- Flash Cannon (TM91)
- Dig (TM28)
- Dragon Pulse (Level 60)
Final team member who is best as a mixed attacker.

Thanks for reading!

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thoughts all?
I've removed the second team because we prefer to have different teams in separate posts. If you'd like to repost your second team, you can find it in the edit history ( https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/revisions/371473 )
No prob Amethyst. Thx for clearing that up for me bcs I never knew only one team per post.
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Team is for main game only, not postgame. All moves can be obtained before the Elite Four.

Serperior (Starter) @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Naughty Nature
- Giga Drain
- Cut
- Leaf Blade
- Coil
Your first Pokemon to use on your team. Giga Drain and Leaf Blade for STAB and Cut for an HM move with Coil for Attack and Defense boosts.

Magnezone (Virbank Complex) @ Scope Lens
Ability: Sturdy
Calm Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
Thunder Wave is used to paralyze other Pokemon who might be faster. Flash Cannon and Thunderbolt for STAB, with Volt Switch to deal damage and switch out, also STAB. Is immune to Roxie's Pokemon, can solo Burgh's and Skyla's teams as well.

Flygon (Desert Resort) @ Draco Plate
Ability: Levitate
Hardy Nature
- Dig
- Fly
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch
Dragon Claw and Dig for STAB. Crunch for a Dark move (since there aren't any Pokemon who use Dark moves on this team) and your flyer. Can solo Elesa's team and Marshal's team, and does well against Drayden.

Azumarill (Route 6) @ Quick Claw
Ability: Huge Power
Rash Nature
- Surf
- Strength
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
This will be your surfer and HM Slave for your team, but does very well as a physical attacker. Since it is slow, it has Quick Claw so it can compete with Pokemon of higher speeds. Can solo Drayden's team as well as Skyla using Ice Punch. Waterfall and Surf are STAB with Strength for an HM move.

Chandelure (Celestial Tower / Strange House) @ Spell Tag
Ability: Flame Body
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Flamethrower
- Energy Ball
Your Ghost type for your team and your main special attacker. Shadow Ball and Flamethrower for STAB with Psychic and Energy Ball for coverage.

Mienshao (Route 14) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Regenerator
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Hi Jump Kick
- Drain Punch
- Rock Slide
Your Fighting type and last Pokemon for your team. Although it evolves very late (Level 50) it becomes very powerful. Hi Jump Kick and Drain Punch for STAB with Rock Slide for coverage against Flying types and U-turn to deal damage and switch out. Does really well against Grimsley and takes care of Iris' Hydreigon.

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This is the team I have enjoyed the most in the 3 times I have completed this game. I have to warn that one of the Pokemon are exclusive for Black 2.

Ability: Torrent
Nature: any neutral nature

- Surf
- Waterfall
- X-Scissor
- Ice Beam

The starter. Have played with both Emboar and Serperior, he has played his part pretty well throughout the game. Decent movepool, OHKOs pretty much everyone that is weak to water type. 2 must-have moves for in-game purposes. Surf and Waterfall STAB and strong moves. You can use either based on your opponent's Pokemon. Surf for weak Sp. Def, Waterfall for weak Def. Ice Beam for coverage and useful based on your whole team. Also, a good typing to have. X-Scissor is a filler + coverage.

Ability: Magnet Pull
Relaxed Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Flash Cannon
- Volt Switch

Haven't tried one of these in a long time. Did NOT regret. An absolute bulk of a Pokemon. Insane damage, somehow fast even though I had a Nature which would lower his speed, and can tank many, many hits. Thunderbolt STAB, Thunder Wave for status, Flash Cannon also STAB and Volt Switch for free damage while switching in bad matchups.

Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
- Crunch
- Strength

An absolute BALLER. Damage, speed, typing combination, movepool. All ya need. Either of the Abilities are good, Intimidate works well so your whole team would take less damage from the opponent's Pokemon. Moxie increases your damage after KOs, if you keep Krookodile in. Earthquake and Crunch are STAB. Aerial Ace coverage and Strength is good neutral damage, also a HM.

Ability: Flame Body
Nature: For my preference, I would say neutral nature because you need every stat you can get.
- Flamethrower
- Fly
- Psychic
- Silver Wind

The PAIN of the team. Do not take me wrong, this mon is STRONG, however, the movepool is so awful. You don't get a decent move until around level 50, 3 of the moves being TMs and an HM. Luckily, I didn't absolutely need to use Volcarona all the time until late, when I could manage to get most of my moves. Flamethrower and Silver Wind are STAB, Fly is necessary and is effective on Fighting types, Psychic is also a good typing to have. Other than that ugly grind, this mon is an OHKO.

Ability: Inner Focus
Adamant Nature
- Jump Kick
- Drain Punch
- U-turn
- Rock Slide

My favourite Pokemon from this team, also my favourite out of all of the Fighting types. Infernape is a close second. Kinda painful to get a hand on it, but worth it imo. It's fast and OHKOs pretty much everyone that is weak to him. Jump Kick and Drain Punch are STAB, Drain Punch also heals you if you got hit before. U-turn is good poke for bad matchups while switching out, Rock Slide is coverage, and can OHKO most Flying types pretty easily.

Ability: Ice Body
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam
- Hail
- Mirror Coat
- Mirror Shot

Got bored of Dragon types, don't know if I have ever used a pure/primary Ice type. Decided it was time because I thought Vanilluxe looks cool, even though it is just a multiheaded ice cream. Hail is to set your STAB move, also trigger your Ice Body. The other 2 moves I don't get to ever use.

*This team is mostly based on pure damage. Not many Pokemon who can tank hits here. Always thought it was more fun to OHKO everyone and everything in an In-Game playthrough. Also, possibly missed out on some good typings to have, which would be smarter, but I am happy with what I have done. BUT, this is the team I beat Elite Four with. Wasn't too hard. Also, I tried to not use the most basic Pokemon of this generation, such as the Dragon types, Lucario, Roselia, and any of the Flying types.

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Ability: Torrent
- Razor Shell
- Sword Dance
- Megahorn
- Surf
Razor Shell or Surf for STAB (for surfing also)
Swords Dance to boost Attack
Megahorn for type coverage

Ability: Own Tempo
- Quiver Dance
- Petal Dance
- Energy Ball
- Giga Drain
Quiver Dance to boost stats
Petal Dance for STAB, and you won't get confused because of Own Tempo
Energy Ball for STAB
Giga Drain for HP recovery and STAB

Ability: Intimidate
- Flamethrower
- Crunch
- Wild Charge
- Extreme Speed
Flamethrower for STAB
Crunch for coverage
Wild Charge for Water coverage
Extreme Speed for neutral move

Ability: Steadfast
- Aura Sphere
- Dragon Pulse
- Ice Punch
- Swords Dance
Aura Sphere for STAB
Dragon Pulse for coverage
Ice Punch for Ground type coverage
Sword Dance to boost Attack

Ability: Moxie
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Sandstorm
- Brick Break
Earthquake and Crunch for STAB
Sandstorm for damage every turn
Brick Break for neutral coverage

Ability: Magic Guard
- Psychic
- Fly
- Signal Beam
- Dark Pulse
Psychic and Fly for STAB
Signal Beam for Dark type coverage
Dark Pulse for Ghost type coverage

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Sandstorm is bad when you can just attack and OHKO your opponent instead. Why do you need three attacking Grass moves on Lilligant?
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My team for White 2 (plus 1 replacement for Black 2)

Ability: Torrent
- Aqua Tail / Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- Megahorn
- Surf

Aqua Tail or Waterfall for a powerful physical Water attack, Ice Beam for Dragon types, Megahorn for coverage and Surf to get around places.

Ability: Sheer Force
- Fire Punch / Flare Blitz
- Hammer Arm
- Dig
- Will-O-Wisp

Flare Blitz unless you don't want a recoil move, otherwise use Fire Punch. Hammer Arm for a powerful Fighting type move, Dig for coverage and Will-O-Wisp to burn the opponent.

Ability: Defiant
- Fly / Brave Bird
- Superpower
- Crush Claw
- Tailwind

Braviary is a very powerful Pokemon, and while it's an absolute pain to level up, if you're willing to put in the effort, you have a very strong Pokemon for almost the whole game. Up until you catch Braviary, I'd suggest using a Pidove/Tranquill. Fly to get around on or Brave Bird for a powerful Flying type move, Superpower for coverage, Crush Claw for a powerful Normal type move and Tailwind to raise your team's speed for 3 turns.

Ability: Sand Rush
- Earthquake
- Metal Claw
- Rock Slide
- Hone Claws

While it takes a long time to get Excadrill, it's worth the wait. It's one of the strongest Pokemon you can use in Black 2 and White 2 for a reason. Earthquake is the strongest Ground type move it can learn, Metal Claw for a strong Steel type move, Rock Slide for coverage and Hone Claws to set up.

Ability: Lightning Rod
- Wild Charge / Thunderbolt
- Flame Charge
- Thrash
- Thunder Wave

Wild Charge or Thunderbolt depending on if your Special Attack or Attack is higher, Flame Charge for a Fire type move and also a move to boost Zebstrika's already high Speed, Thrash for a Normal type move and Thunder Wave to paralyze the opponent.

Ability: Illusion
- Foul Play
- Flamethrower
- Dig
- Foul Play

My personal favorite Pokemon of all time, Zoroark quickly became the ace of the team and it wrecked Unova with its ability Illusion, making it really fun to use against Psychic type Pokemon pretending to be Braviary. Foul Play for a powerful Dark type move until you get Night Daze if you're playing post game, Flamethrower and Dig for coverage and Foul Play to boost its stats.

If you don't have White 2 or you want a Pokemon that levels up faster:

Ability: Magic Guard
- Air Slash
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Fly

Air Slash for a great special attacking Flying move, Psychic for a very strong Psychic move, Shadow Ball for coverage and Fly only to get around on (never use in battle).

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Why Will-O-Wisp an opponent when you can just OHKO them? What's the point of Tailwind when you'll outspeed most opponents anyways? You have Foul Play twice on Zoroark.
0 votes

This is the team I used to beat B2W2.

- Waterfall
- Revenge
- Surf
- Aqua Jet

Reason: Learns good STAB moves plus Megahorn and Revenge.

- Belly Drum
- Flare Blitz
- Superpower
- Fire Punch

Reason: Solid ability with Sheer Force boosting move power and removing additional effects from Fire Punch and Flare Blitz.

- Psychic
- Morning Sun
- Covet
- Bite

Reason: The only Psychic type that can dish out a lot of damage.

- Thunderbolt
- Signal Beam
- Power Gem
- Thunder Wave

Reason: Bulky Pokémon with high HP and good coverage moves with Power Gem and Signal Beam.

- Synthesis
- Petal Dance
- Quiver Dance
- Sleep Powder

Reason: The best Grass type in the game, and it can learn Quiver Dance to sweep.

- Return
- Jump Kick
- Dizzy Punch
- Quick Attack

Reason: Lopunny can learn Jump Kick plus the Elemental Punches for more coverage.

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Please explain your choices. For example, why do you use Ampharos and not Magnezone?
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Here's the team that I've been using in BW2. These are the six that I used when I fought the Elite Four. I don't use the starters because the starters in this game are horsecrap. Ignore the items and natures. They're not really that needed but if you can get them with those, then great.

Lucario is the heavy hitter and is the first available mon. Shadow Claw and Close Combat provide a near perfect coverage while Bone Rush is if you run into some pesky sturdy Pokemon. In the early parts of the game, go with a moveset of Force Palm and Return. Since it's gonna need max friendship, Return will be good enough until you can get the stronger moves. Once you have Brick Break, immediately get rid of Force Palm. You can keep between Brick Break and Close Combat but the higher damage is usually better. Just keep Bone Rush because Sturdy, Steels, and Rocks are very annoying.

Magnezone is one of the MVPs. It is the second available mon, has Sonic Boom, and everything the Poison gym throws at it just bounces off. Since Magnezone has a non existent movepool, just go with STABs and if you're not confident that Thunderbolt will kill, just go Thunder Wave and Electro Ball. It also helps in catching Pokemon with Thunder Wave.

Krookodile will be the third Pokemon, available to you in the desert. It's pretty straightforward with its moves -- two STABs and two coverage. Moxie is the preferred ability because you don't really need to reduce Attack that much. Superpower is just a last resort move and you can keep Brick Break on it if you don't want the stat drops.

Sigilyph is available just after Krookodile in the desert. It is your Fly user and has a cool STAB combination which will help against one of the Elite Four, but be careful around Sturdy. Signal Beam is to allow it a chance to fight back against Dark types but you really shouldn't do that since Lucario quad resists Dark moves.

Haxorus is the fifth available. It's simple: click Dragon Dance, spam Dragon move. Run into Steels, click Brick Break. Since Earthquake is a post game TM, Brick Break will have to do. If there's anything that makes Pokemon games easy, it's Dragon Dancing. Try to get a Mold Breaker one over any other ability so some Sturdy nonsense won't stop this thing.

Finally, Chandelure, available at the Celestial Tower. Aside from a cool typing, it is also a very strong attacker. Energy Ball is coverage with its STABs. Will-O-Wisp is just a filler move for it as this thing is helpless against Dark types, which you shouldn't fight because you have Lucario. No boosting move for this because Calm Mind is post game and is as expensive as your taxes.

Now, you obviously can't start the game without a starter so for that, just choose Oshawott. The reason why I choose it over the others is so it can serve as your HM slave and actually has use against Clay so it's not all bad. The timing is perfect since after Clay, you can go hunt for Axew. By the time at Mistralton, you will already be six slotted so you can let Magnezone rest until you need it again for the eight gym. Levelling up these mons shouldn't be too hard because you can always go on an Audino killing spree.

For the early to mid game Fire type, I would usually pick Magmar. It's good enough and it will be replaced anyway but if you're on w2, I guess Arcanine would do. Now, I could go Volcarona but the problem with it is that it takes so long to come online. Fire Blast is more expensive than tax payment and can only gain access to both STABs by Level 70, unless you want to use Struggle Bug. I went with Chandelure because at least it can be used at earlier levels.

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So, my friend just beat Black 2 and since he doesn't have an account he asked me to post it for him, and I agreed. I think it was a really good squad of Pokémon that he used.

Serperior @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Hasty Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Dragon Pulse
- Giga Drain
- Return

I think that he chose well for the moveset. Leaf Blade is learned as a Servine at Level 32. Dragon Pulse can be learned for Yellow Shards in Lentimas Town before going into Reversal Mountain. Giga Drain can be learned at Level 44 and Return is given to you by Bianca after you beat Cheren. He chose it because he hadn't used it before, which is the same for the other team members.

Blaziken @ Black Belt
Ability: Speed Boost
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz / Blaze Kick
- Brick Break
- Thunder Punch
- Swords Dance

Okay, here's where I came into play. I had gotten a full odds shiny Combusken in my 23-in-1 cartridge version of B1, so I traded it over to my copy of W2 and I gave my friend an egg from it. Flare Blitz is learned at Level 66 but Blaze Kick is 30 levels prior and doesn't do recoil, so he offered the choice. Brick Break can be purchased at the Battle Subway or the PWT. Thunder Punch costs you 10 Red Shards in Driftveil City and Swords Dance can be purchased at the Battle Subway or the PWT.

Azumarill @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
Docile Nature
- Surf
- Double-Edge
- Aqua Ring
- Superpower

Now, I questioned him but it turns out that this little guy can sweep Clay easily. Its grown on me since I began to use it in Gen VI. Surf is given to you by Cheren after the Plasma Ambush after the PWT fights. Double-Edge is learned at Level 25. Aqua Ring is learned at Level 31 and Superpower is learned at Level 42.

Mandibuzz @ BlackGlasses / Sharp Beak
Ability: Weak Armour
Mild Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Fly
- Air Slash
- Nasty Plot

Okay, so here's the flyer. My friend said that it wasn't useful often but it packed a punch when it did. Dark Pulse is learned at Level 46. Fly is given to you by Bianca on Route 5. Air Slash is learned at Level 41 and Nasty Plot will have to be Move Reminder taught since it is learned at Level 14.

Stoutland @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Impish Nature
- Strength
- Return
- Thunder Fang
- Dig

Okay, here is the bulkiest member of the team. He said that he needed a wall and Stoutland was the first mon he thought of. Strength is HM04 given by Hugh in Castelia Sewers. Return is given to you by Bianca after you defeat Cheren. Thunder Fang is learned at the Move Reminder and Dig is TM28, found on Route 4.

Jolteon @ Magnet
Ability: Volt Absorb
Naive Nature
- Discharge
- Thunder Wave
- Agility
- Pin Missile

My friend said he always has a team member that only knows level up moves (in this case Jolteon). Discharge is learned at Level 37, Thunder Wave at Level 33, Agility at Level 29 and Pin Missile at Level 25.

I hope my friend's team works well for you, and here is an alternative for Blaziken:

Arcanine @ Charcoal
Ability: Flash Fire
Adamant / Modest Nature
Moveset (Modest):
- Flamethrower
- Agility
- Double Team
- Rest
Moveset (Adamant):
- Flare Blitz
- Dig
- Crunch
- Outrage

Move levels/location: Use level up moves with Growlithe before evolving into Arcanine:
- Flamethrower: Level 34
- Crunch: Level 39
- Outrage: Level 43
- Flare Blitz: Level 45
- Dig: TM Route 4
- Rest: TM Castelia City
- Double Team: TM Battle Subway / PWT
- Agility: Level 30

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* Leaf Blade and Giga Drain are fairly redundant. Choose whichever one fits your higher attacking stat and replace the other with a move like Coil or Leech Seed. If you don't want to grind Shards for Dragon Pulse, random filler like Growth or Reflect work well. Serperior also gets Dragon Tail if you want a cheaper Dragon move.

* Azumarill is much better with Huge Power, and should only be used as such. Aqua Ring is fairly bad, even in-game, so a more offensive move like Waterfall (for STAB that complements Huge Power) or Ice Punch (for Grass types) works better. Superpower is okay, but the stat debuffs and low PP make it a little difficult to use. Grinding BP may be slow, but it gives you access to the Brick Bream TM as an alternative. Double-Edge is fine, but Strength gives more consistent, non-recoil damage if you'd prefer that.

* Mandibuzz isn't a very good Flying type in-game, seeing as it's a bit difficult to get and it's primarily defensive (not a good thing in a game about hyper offense). Try replacing it with Crobat, Sigilyph, or Archeops -- all are much more offensive and can contribute something to your team.

* Strength and Return on Stoutland is redundant. Give Strength to Serperior or Azumarill and leave it off Stoutland, and use that moveslot for something like Crunch for Shauntal and Caitlin. Other good coverage moves include Ice Fang and Iron Head, but those typically do less than a max-power Return.

* It's pretty strange to only use level-up moves on a Pokemon. Agility is pretty redundant on an already very fast Pokemon, so swap that with Shadow Ball for some coverage -- it's a good backup against Caitlin and Shauntal.  If you can find the TM on Victory Road, Thunderbolt is better than Discharge and should be used instead. Pin Missile is objectively inferior to Signal Beam (save the Shard cost, though you do get free Red Shards from an NPC in Nimbasa City), so that's probably better to use.

* Rest isn't good in-game because you can use healing items, and Double Team is similarly a waste of time. Flamethrower really shouldn't be your only attacking move, so use something like Return, Strength, Extremespeed or Iron Head so you're not completely walled by Water types. Iron Head is probably the best bet so you can do something about Rock types as well.

* The other Arcanine set looks fine, though it might be more efficient to just throw Arcanine away completely and pick up a Darumaka in the Desert Resort instead of keeping a Growlithe around until Level 45.
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Okay, so here is what this team is like: There are legit Pokémon from B2 exclusive dex. However, there are some team members I got because I traded them over to myself as eggs. The eggs are from my 23-in-1 cartridge copy of Pokemon Black that has a Shiny Charm. Hope you understand. Anything you dislike, feel free to comment on this post, and I will try to explain my choices as best as I can. Oh BTW, all items were self-traded as well. However, for each out-of-Unova Dex Pokemon (Blaziken, Torterra and Tyranitar), I will include a B2 exclusive option (or an option I know to be in B2 and W2).

Samurott @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
Timid Nature
- Surf (HM)
- Ice Beam (TM)
- Protect (TM)
- Grass Knot (TM)

People may laugh at me for going for a Special Attack setup on this mon, and I was surprised too because of how well it worked for me. With enough planning, you can make a special Samurott work.

Blaziken @ Black Belt
Ability: Speed Boost
Naive Nature
- Flamethrower
- Sky Uppercut
- Thunder Punch
- Brave Bird

Okay, first egg mon. I made a Fire/Water/Grass core for my team and it was all starters for different regions. Now I know that Speed Boost might seem like I'm cheating, but I swear that I traded myself a box of eggs and hatched them all.

Alternate team member:
Arcanine @ Charcoal
Ability: Intimidate
Hasty Nature
- Outrage
- Flamethrower
- Crunch
- Strength

I picked Arcanine as the alternate option because it is very easy to obtain in both games; being directly before the second gym leader, Roxie, located as a Growlithe in the Virbank Complex innermost areas.

Torterra @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Sassy Nature
- Giga Drain
- Earthquake
- Strength
- Leech Seed

Okay, I know that Torterra has a bad shiny, and I can accept that opinion of yours. However, it grew on me because if I get a shiny, I will most likely have it on my team. I decided on Torterra because of Samurott's Electric weakness and Blaziken's Water weakness. Plus, Blaziken can handle the 4x Ice weakness and the next mon deals with the Flying weakness.

Alternate option:
Roserade @ Black Sludge
Ability: Poison Point
Modest Nature
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Leech Seed
- Toxic / Poison Powder

Roserade is a great asset for a team. Admittedly if you don't want to go map hunting, it will take you a while to get enough BP to buy a Shiny Stone, but in my opinion, it will be worth it for your team.

Jolteon @ Magnet
Ability: Volt Absorb
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Thunder Wave
- Discharge

My counter to Flying types. It already has its weakness to Ground covered. Plus, I do love me my Eeveelutions.

Sigilyph @Wise Glasses
Ability: Synchronise
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Air Slash
- Shadow Ball
- Fly

Okay, so the best Flying Type in Unova (for me at least), is Sigilyph, no matter the version. It has become a Pokemon I actually enjoy using now, considering that I used to HATE this Pokemon. Okay, so the last mon is special because I did a surprise egg trade with a group of my friends and this Pokemon is what I got. Let me say this now: It delivered so much to my team. Introducing....

Tyranitar @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sand Stream
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Now this Tyranitar was the team's MVP. We all had spare eggs which was how we got the 5-way surprise egg trade thing in the union room. (don't remember what it is called). Anyway my Tyranitar was a monster. It swept Ghetsis by only taking damage from status conditions and it saved my butt in the fight against Iris' Hydreigon. I am still surprised about how well this group of mons did for me, but I had fun on my journey.

Alternate option for Tyranitar:
Lucario @ Expert Belt
Ability: Inner Focus (preferably) / Steadfast
Serious Nature
- Aura Sphere
- Flash Cannon
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Punch

Lucario is by far the best Fighting type in the Dex. It can be obtained as a Riolu at Flocessy Ranch and can be used for Cheren. You'll need a lot of Red Shards to get both elemental punches and friendship will be annoying but it will be worth it. If you want to, swap out Aura Sphere and Flash Cannon for Brick Break and Fire Punch and have a Jolly Lucario.

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You shouldn't include team members that cannot be reasonably obtained on a single legitimate copy of the game (barring trade evolutions).
look, I understand that, but I saw another post where somebody mentioned how they did something similar. Besides I did explain how I got them, and, please correct if I am wrong, but I belive I am right in saying that I didn't have to add alternate options for those who don't have the same access I did?
I suppose it doesn't *specifically outline* in the OP that you shouldn't include Pokemon from completely different games, and doesn't say that you need to give other options in that case either. But I think you would agree this is not a helpful answer to share, because not many people have access to cross-generation starters (especially not with HAs).
I'm going to update the OP in all of these threads to fix this. Seeing as it wasn't there when you posted this, you can have some time to edit the answer to follow this rule. If you don't want to change it, I will remove it later. I'd appreciate a link to the other answer you mentioned so we can do the same thing there.
I understand that. The one i mentioned was actually the one where I posted my friend's team when I was new to the site and didn't fully understand the rules. I will change it to include alternative options for my team, if that is okay/ (My old post can be taken down- I now understand the rules better than i did when that went up)
Yep that's fine. You can change what you want to keep and I'll hide what's left over tomorrow.
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B2W2 are, hands down, the best games in the series. These games have a massive variety of what you can use so here's the team I've come up with.

- Waterfall
- Surf
- X-Scissor
- Swords Dance

I'm not very fond of the Gen 5 starters, however this is my favourite out of the 3. Samurott is a good mixed attacker depending on the set you run on it. Having access to Swords Dance and other physical coverage makes it viable in a playthrough. This will be your answer to Grimsley and Caitlin.

- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder Wave
- Tri Attack / Signal Beam / Flash

Magnezone is a really solid Pokemon with a good typing and early accessibility. Thunder Wave+Flash is a good combo if you want to cripple your opponents and make it safe for setting up, the Magnemite line destroys the Poison, Flying, and Water type gyms along with other major boss fights with high Special Attack and high defense. With its amazing typing, this will be the MVP of your team.

- Psychic
- Air Slash
- Ice Beam / Shadow Ball / Energy Ball
- Fly

An underrated Pokemon and one of my favourites. Sigilyph has really good Special Attack and Speed with an interesting Ability, good utility, and a wide movepool. This will also be your main flyer to move around a lot quicker.

- Earth Power/Dig
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch/Flamethrower
- Rock Slide

This is one of my favourites from R/S/E, Flygon was a beast back when it was first introduced and it continues to be in Gen 5. With 100 base Speed and Attack it will outspeed and KO opponents with its coverage. 80 base Special Attack is enough for it to use its Ground type STAB in Earth Power since Earthquake is a post-game TM or you could run Dig on it as its 80 base power psychical attacking ground type move with the drawback that it takes 2 turns to use.

- Slash/Crush Claw/Return
- Close Combat
- X-Scissor/Rock Slide
- Swords Dance

Another underrated Pokemon. Zangoose is a good physical sweeper, having access to Swords Dance to increase its already high Attack stat -- plus it has insanely good Speed. It's unfortunately frail, but set up with Swords Dance once and you will tear apart almost anything in your path. This will be your answer to Grimsley and Caitlin if Samurott faints.

- Poison Jab / Gunk Shot
- Acid Armor
- Ice Punch
- Payback

Muk is also underrated. Good Special Defense and Attack with an HP stat of base 100 top up its really good special bulk. Acid Armor raises its Defense by 2 stages making it even tougher to take down. Its physical coverage is really good with other moves, such as Ice Punch to counter its weakness to Ground types and Payback to counter Psychic types. It's an underrated pick you should go for if you're looking for a good bulky Pokemon.

HM User


Rock Smash

B2W2 have a variety of what you can use, and you can use other mons if you wish. However I wanted to give some Pokemon more love -- for example, Muk. Not a lot of people realise how good it can be with its special bulk, good physical Attack, and the coverage it can learn when you put the effort into it.

Have fun using this team and go out there and play some B2W2 :)

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* You're going to need Surf to beat the game, so using that on Samurott is a good idea. If you don't want to do that, it's pretty easy to catch an Audino literally anywhere there's grass, which can conveniently learn Surf.

* Aqua Jet is a viable move for Samurott, and it's often more useful than Swords Dance. In-game, if you're at the proper levels, it will take longer to set up boosting moves than it will to outright KO the opponent (except in cases like the Elite 4, though those are still easily manageable). Aqua Jet is a solid pick so you don't waste all your stronger moves' PP clearing Trainers out of Gyms and routes, plus it's a good finisher for Pokemon at low HP.

* Flash is wholly useless, so much so that it shouldn't even be considered an option. If you want to provide an alternative to Tri Attack on Magnezone, getting Signal Beam from the Move Tutor is always better than using Flash.

* Flash Cannon is a postgame TM, so it's not exactly efficient on Sigilyph for completing a typical playthrough. Shadow Ball is a very solid substitute.

* For Zangoose, I don't think Close Combat is very good in-game because you only get to use it a maximum of 8 times, making it incredibly unhelpful in clearing the Elite 4 and various routes. For a Fighting move, Revenge is a decent substitute, though Brick Break is better if you're willing to grind the BP.

* Crush Claw is a viable alternative to Slash on Zangoose, as it's stronger and has a chance to lower Defense. You may want to include that as a choice over Slash. Return, which you get at the start of the game, only gets better as the game goes on, so you should probably have that on Zangoose instead of Slash by the time you fight the Elite 4.

* Swords Dance is fine, but more coverage like Rock Slide or Aerial Ace is a good choice as well. You may want to swap Swords Dance for one of those -- or if you have the TMs for X-Scissor, Rock Slide, and Aerial Ace, swap them as needed.

* I don't see why Acid Armor is needed when a) most Psychic moves are special and b) other team members are better prepared for Ground types. It's a perfectly fine move, but since you don't have a single HM carrier on your team, you might want to replace it with Strength.
Muk would benefit from having Acid Armor raising its defense by 2 stages with its already good bulk it'll be really good especially against Marshals fighting types in case Sigilyph faints and I agree that 1 of its weaknesses is a very special type I figured that Muk could use this coverage just in case with its good special defense it might be able to survive a psychic type move from anything and I will put a HM User and change some movesets. Oh and I should also explain that flash+thunder wave is a good combo if you want to set up against opponents but you need to cripple them. Thank you for correcting me I will make some changes and also thank you for being my grammar check as well :)
Ah, Marshal makes sense -- didn't think about that :P

I do still think Tri Attack > Flash mainly because Thunder Wave has perfectly fine accuracy, so Flash typically won't ever be relevant. It's only really niche cases where moves like that are ever useful, and if you play with items in-game, being able to use Revives makes it trivial.
In my playthroughs of B2W2 I normally lead with Magnezone and then paralyse the opponent then spam flash until its accuracy is lowered to the max then I send out any of my psychical sweepers and set up with swords dance and with them having their accuracy lowered and being paralysed this gives you a few turns to set up and then sweep. Thank you for correcting some of the mistakes I made
NOTE: None of these acquire trading to evolve so all of these are easily obtainable through out the game, however, you will need to grind up for a lot of red shards for certain moves, for example, Muks Ice Punch or Gunk Shot.
Personally, I think that having both a sigilyph and a flygon is a bit ... unorthodox. In my opinion one should be swapped out for maybe a flareon with no item and the moveset of lava plume, dig, return and will-o-wisp
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Serperior Edition

This team is only for players who chose Snivy as their starter

- Leaf Blade
- Coil
- Energy Ball
- Leech Seed

Serperior is an interesting case for a starter. It's not that great offensively, but it can be run as a mixed attacker and is good for utility with it being very bulky. It may not be the best starter for a play through of B2W2 but it's not the worst Pokemon in the game and can put it some work. Overall a solid Pokemon.

- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Tri Attack
- Thunder Wave / Signal Beam

I use this abomination in almost every playthrough of B2W2. Magnezone has a great typing and good defenses, along with it being a solid special attacker. You can obtain Magnemite in the Virbank Complex before the Poison Gym, which is convenient. It's also good against the 6th and 8th Gyms. Overall, one of the best Pokemon to use in B2W2.

- Acrobatics / Aerial Ace
- Fly
- Cross Poison
- X-Scissor

I ran the exact same set on my OR/AS team builder, Crobat is really solid, being the fastest non-legendary flyer in the game. It's obtained before the Bug Gym, which is convenient. With a good movepool, solid Attack, and average Special Attack, you can run whatever offensive moveset you want on it. Raising its Friendship will be annoying but it's worth it, trust me. Overall, a solid Pokemon.

- Brick Break
- Night Slash
- Aerial Ace
- Megahorn

This monster will destroy anything that's in its way. Heracross is really solid, with that great Attack stat and bulk. It has access to some good physical coverage, including Night Slash for Ghost types and STAB Megahorn for Psychic types. Its typing and movepool counter a majority of the boss fights in the game. Overall, a solid Pokemon to use.

- Earth Power
- Psychic
- Cosmic Power
- Explosion / Shadow Ball / Ice Beam

Claydol is underrated, period. It has good defenses with average attacking stats, so it can be quite effective as long as you put in the right investments. It also has access to Cosmic Power to raise both of its defenses, making it even more bulky. It having Explosion can cripple opponents, especially when it's equipped with a Silk Scarf, while Shadow Ball is good for coverage against other Psychic types or Ghost type and Ice Beam can be good against the Champion's team of Dragon types. Overall, a good Pokemon.

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt

One of the best Water types in the game. Lapras is really solid, having good mixed attacking stats, being very bulky, packing some good special coverage, having access to Psychic and Electric moves, and being able to counter a majority of the boss fights in the game (especially the Champion's team of Dragon types). You get it before the 7th gym which is nice for Drayden's Dragon types. It has a 5% chance to be found in Undella Bay, but trust me it's worth it. Overall, a great Pokemon to use.

Alternative to Heracross:


-Brick Break
-Rock Slide/Stone Edge
-Swords Dance

This is for those who play White 2, Pinsir isn't as bad as people believe it to be, infact its really solid having being a great psychical attacker and good enough speed it can cripple most opposing teams especially when its attack has been raised to the higher levels by Sword Dance, Overall a solid Pokemon.

Have fun using this team :D

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This is the team I remember using in my 3rd B2W2 run.

- Leaf Blade
- Coil
- Leech Seed
- Giga Drain

I chose this as my starter because it's a bit unique -- it's better at support than pure offence, unlike most starters. This moveset I gave it did make it a good offensive threat, however, being able to drain the opponent's HP and set up with Coil to boost the power of Leaf Blade, as well as make it a bit tankier. Overall, Serperior was really solid.

- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder Wave
- Metal Sound / Signal Beam / Tri Attack

I use this in almost every pre-Gen 6 run. Magnezone was the MVP of my team, as its solid type combination coupled with its great Special Attack allowed it to dish out a lot of hits. It's a shame its movepool isn't that diverse, but it's enough to get you through most of the game. Altogether an outstanding choice, probably one of the best to use in Gen 5 runs.

- Acrobatics
- Cross Poison
- Fly
- X-Scissor

This was my main flyer for the team. Crobat is quite fast and has solid Attack, making it a decent offensive threat. It an also make an okay special attacker with its movepool, but I chose to run it as a physical attacker, as its higher Attack plus Acrobatics can be brutal.

- Earth Power
- Psychic
- Cosmic Power
- Explosion

One of my favrouite Pokemon. Claydol is underrated with its high defence stats and good movepool. Its attacking stats are average, but with the right investments, it can deal some good damage with Explosion while doubling as a tank with Cosmic Power. Claydol is really solid in-game -- it's a shame it's outclassed by several other Ground types that can do its job better.

- Surf
- Aqua Jet
- Ice Beam / Blizzard
- Aqua Ring

Another underrated Pokemon. I never thought I would be using this in a playthrough, but here we are. Dewgong has respectable special bulk with access to Aqua Ring and STAB Ice Beam -- great for an in-game playthrough full of Dragon types. As a whole, Dewgong is solid, but it's a shame its stats aren't as great as other Water types.

- X-Scissor
- Brick Break
- Rock Slide
- Swords Dance

Since I was playing White 2, I had to resort to using Pinsir, which turned out to be fun. As soon as I got TM28 and taught Dig to Pinsir it destroyed Elesa. Its Bug STAB also helped with other major boss fights, including Caitlin's Psychic types and Grimsley's Dark types. Its bulk was good enough to set up Swords Dance often, which really sped things up. It's a great choice for a physical sweeper if you're willing to work around its weaknesses to common types.

NOTE: If you want to use this team, you have to play White 2 as Pinsir is exclusive to that version. In Black 2 you get Heracross, which is better than Pinsir thanks to its Bug/Fighting typing and its better movepool. I'll provide a moveset for Heracross down below.

- Brick Break
- Megahorn
- Night Slash
- Aerial Ace

Keep in mind this team might be a bit challenging to use due to how defensively inclined these Pokemon are, but if you want, have fun using it :D

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Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- Megahorn

Samurott acts as the Surf and Waterfall HM slave of this team, but this isn't even that bad as those moves offer physical and special STAB for sweeping teams. Ice Beam and Megahorn are great coverage moves for this mixed attacker.

Ability: Inner Focus
- Aura Sphere
- Bone Rush
- Dark Pulse
- Strength

Lucario acts as the mixed sweeper of this team. Aura Sphere is great STAB and is 100% accurate so that's nice. Bone Rush and Dark Pulse provide coverage for a lot of types. Strength is for HM use, and you could even use it in battle as a physical option if you want.

Ability: Natural Cure
- Energy Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Giga Drain
- Shadow Ball

Roserade has amazing stats and an amazing movepool. Energy Ball and Sludge Bomb act as powerful STAB moves for taking down a wide array of Pokemon. Giga Drain is great for restoring health, while Shadow Ball is an amazing coverage move, and can even drop the opponents Special Defense.

Ability: Illusion
- Night Daze
- U-Turn
- Flamethrower
- Focus Blast

Zoroark is so fun to use in a playthrough with its Illusion ability. Night Daze is great STAB, can can even lower accuracy of foes, allowing Zoroark to stay in disguise for longer. U-Turn allows Zoroark to switch out while dealing damage, which is a really useful mechanic. Flamethrower and Focus Blast both offer great coverage for dealing with a lot of types.

Ability: Flame Body
- Signal Beam
- Flamethrower
- Psychic
- Fly

Okay, hear me out. I know Volcarona doesn't get really good until you at least get TM Fire Blast late in a playthrough, but it's still good for the beginning of your game. Even if its early moves are weak, its Special Attack is extremely high and makes up for this weakness. Signal Beam is a great STAB move available as soon as you get Volcarona at the move tutor in Driftveil City. Flamethrower is another great STAB move, albeit available only later in the game after the last gym, but until then you can use Ember, and then Fire Blast. Psychic is great for coverage, and Fly is just for getting around.

Ability: Mold Breaker
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Brick Break

Haxorus is a must have for any team. Its massive Attack stat paired with a great Speed stat and access to Dragon Dance gives it the best capabilities you could ask for. Dragon Dance raises Attack and Speed, making it the ultimate setup move. Dragon Claw is STAB, dealing massive damage. Earthquake and Brick Break are for coverage, allowing Haxorus to cut down steel types, the only ones who resist its Dragon Claws

If you want to choose a different starter, you could swap out Roserade for Serperior, or Volcarona for Emboar, and then replace Samurott for a different water type like Vaporeon, Starmie, or Lapras.


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Emboar @Leftovers / Shell Bell
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Hammer Arm
- Head Smash
- Rock Slide / Toxic

A really good starter. It's super useful against Team Plasma since they use a lot of Normal and Dark types, and it's the canon starter if you're playing as Nate.

Electivire @ Expert Belt
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Wave
- Earthquake / Rock Slide / Brick Break / Fire Punch

Electivire is by far the best Electric type in the game. It's fast, packs a punch, and has an incredibly diverse movepool. It's basically a Swiss Army knife. I highly recommend keeping Thunder Wave. It helped a lot with catching the legendaries. Again, you do need White 2 and trading capabilities to acquire it, so if you're playing Black 2 or can't trade, just replace it with Magnezone or Galvantula.

Flygon @ Dragon Plate / Soft Sand
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Toxic / Fly


Modest / Timid Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Earth Power
- Giga Drain
- Hyper Beam / Flamethrower

Flygon, while not the strongest Dragon available in the game, will help come in handy for Elesa. I also find both physical and special movesets viable, so pick whichever you like better. If you don't want to deal with the annoying Water/Ground types, I'd recommend going special just for Giga Drain and succ them dry.

Zoroark @ BlackGlasses
- Dark Pulse
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Nasty Plot / Toxic

N's Zoroark is a must have. It's insanely fast, has great Special Attack, and its Illusion Ability is super handy when paired with Emboar. Since it counts as a traded Pokémon, it also gain boosted EXP.

Starmie @ Expert Belt
Modest / Timid Nature
- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball

By far the best Water type in the game. Get it as soon as you reach Undella Town.

- Fly
- Cut
- Strength

With how versatile this team is, you don't really need a 6th member, so I just used it for a HM Slave/Meat Shield, and White 2 gives the best one. Braviary is your flier and learns Strength, which you will need a lot. If you don't want an HM slave, then just use it with an actual moveset.

And there we go! I'm so happy I finally got to present my own personal perfect White 2 team comp! Hope you guys enjoyed it and try it out!

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Samurott @ Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent
Bashful / Hasty Nature
- Megahorn
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Waterfall / Revenge

One of the starters from Unova. Gen 5 starters weren't the best, but Samurott is still a good Pokemon. Its Attack and Special Attack are almost the same, so it can be used as a physical, special, or even mixed attacker. Bashful Nature to help not lower any of its relatively equal stats. If you need to go for Speed, use Hasty or another Speed-boosting Nature that doesn't sacrifice Attack or Special Attack. Surf and Waterfall are HMs and Megahorn and Ice Beam are for coverage.

Crobat @ Sharp Beak / Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Fly
- Cross Poison / Poison Fang
- Confuse Ray
- Acrobatics

Among one of the good flyers in Black 2 and White 2. It has an extremely fast base speed of 130. It can be also used as a physical, special, or even mixed attacker. I chose to make it physical because its Attack is higher than its Special Attack. Fly for HM purposes. Cross Poison or Poison Fang for STAB. Confuse Ray is a good move to make use of its Speed. Acrobatics is a filler move.

Chandelure @ Spell Tag
Ability: Flame Body
Modest / Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flame Burst / Flamethrower
- Energy Ball / Psychic

The best Ghost type of the game. It has an extremely powerful Special Attack stat of 140, which can be used to its full power if boosted by a Special Attack-raising Nature. Flame Body is to burn opponents that make contact. Shadow Ball and Flame Burst/Flamethrower for STAB and Energy Ball/Psychic for coverage.

Haxorus @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Mold Breaker / Rivalry
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
- Outrage

Haxorus has a base 147 Attack stat, which makes its physical attacks incredibly strong. Dragon Fang to boost its Dragon type moves. I prefer Adamant to increase its Attack to extreme levels, or Jolly to increase its Speed. Both reduce its Special Attack, which is below average. Dragon Claw and Outrage for STAB and Earthquake for coverage. Use Dragon Dance or Swords Dance to increase its Attack even more.

Mienshao @ Fist Plate / Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Adamant / Hasty Nature
- Drain Punch
- U-turn
- Bounce / Acrobatics
- Hi Jump Kick

A fast and powerful Fighting-type Pokemon. Leftovers gradually restore health and pair well with Regenerator, or you can use the Fist Plate to increase the power of Fighting type moves. Adamant Nature to boost its Attack or Hasty Nature to boost its Speed. Drain Punch and Hi Jump Kick for STAB. U-turn to deal with Psychics and switch out to activate Regenerator. Bounce/Acrobatics for coverage against other Fighting types, especially Marshall.

Weavile @ anything
Ability: Pressure
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Night Slash
- Ice Shard / Ice Punch (breeding)
- Hone Claws
- Brick Break

An amazing Pokemon with high Attack and Speed. With a Special Attack-decreasing Nature, it can handle most of the elite four. Night Slash is STAB and Ice Shard is the only good Ice-type move it gets, unless you breed. Hone Claws for improving Attack and accuracy. Those three are all Weavile really needs, but filling the last slot with something like Brick Break is a good idea.

I think this team works well, but you can use Flygon, Krookodile, Absol, or whatever else you like!

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This team makes you feel like an adventurer.

Samurott @ Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Megahorn
- Swords Dance

Maybe the best starter for the whole game (early-game with Tepig is better).

Arcanine @ Expert Belt
Ability: Intimidate
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz / Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Extreme Speed
- Outrage (Move Tutor if you don't want to grind Growlithe)
- Crunch

Flare Blitz may take a while to get, so you can get Flamethrower or Fire Blast instead.

Lucario @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
- Ice Punch

Sweeper, cool and strong.

Crobat @ Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
Adamant Nature
- Fly
- Cross Poison
- U-turn
- Roost

Flashy bat with high Speed and solid Attack.

Flygon @ Muscle Band
Ability: Levitate
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Crunch

How can Flygon not learn Dragon Dance this gen?

Galvantula @ Wide Lens
Ability: Compound Eyes
Modest Nature
- Energy Ball
- Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Signal Beam

This electric spider is very useful, trust me.

Due to my busy work, I cannot describe how interesting this team is. I will detail it later, so sorry.

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I used this team in Black 2 with the intent of experimenting with some underused Pokemon. It’s a high B tier team at best, but it was still enjoyable to use.

Emboar @ Expert Belt
Ability: Blaze
- Tackle (starting move) → Return (TM in Floccesy Ranch)
- Tail Whip (starting move) → Rock Slide (TM in Mistralton Cave)
- Ember (Level 7) → Flame Charge (Level 15) → Flamethrower (Level 43)
- Odor Sleuth (Level 9) → Arm Thrust (Level 17) → Hammer Arm (Move Relearner as Emboar)

Fire/Fighting is a potent STAB combination that Emboar is able to take advantage of thanks to high attacking stats. Tackle and Tail Whip are fine moves until the midgame, which should be around the time Return outdamages Tackle. Emboar doesn’t really need Rock Slide, but what else are you going to give it? Its job is to click STAB moves. Speaking of, Flamethrower by level-up is incredibly helpful because it means you don’t have to wait until Route 23 to pick up the TM. Hammer Arm is the strongest Fighting move Emboar gets and is better than Brick Break because you don’t need to grind Battle Points for it. The Expert Belt is given to you in Driftveil City and provides Emboar with insurance against Black/White Kyurem.

Ability: Keen Eye
- Tackle (starting move) → Return (TM in Floccesy Ranch)
- Leer (starting move) → Strength (HM)
- Bite (Level 6) → Crunch (Level 16)
- Bide (Level 8) → Hypnosis (Level 18)

Watchog is best in the early game when its moves are stronger than most of what you’ll be fighting. It starts to drop off after Burgh and should only be used as a Strength slave past that point. After Burgh, don’t bother levelling Watchog up – it’s much faster to grind five Pokemon than it is to grind six. Return is its strongest STAB move, but Crunch is stronger than STAB Tackle, so you’ll mostly want to use that instead. Hypnosis is moderately useful against Roxie and Burgh, while Strength is necessary to beat the game.

Simisage @ Miracle Seed / nothing
Ability: Gluttony
- Seed Bomb (starting move)
- Bite (starting move) → Rock Slide (TM in Mistralton Cave)
- Leech Seed (starting move) / Shadow Claw (TM in Celestial Tower)
- Fury Swipes → Acrobatics (Level 31 as Pansage)

Pansage is a little annoying to find because it’s a rare spawn in Lostlorn Forest’s rustling grass, but it’s not too bad. Having Seed Bomb immediately is a huge boon to its effectiveness and gives it reliable STAB for the entire game. Leech Seed is similarly useful to have for passive recovery, but you can swap it for Shadow Claw if you want another answer to Caitlin and Shauntal. Rock Slide is only useful for a few random Trainers because Skyla dunks on Simisage, but you might as well teach it if you’re getting it for Emboar anyways. Acrobatics, especially when itemless, does massive damage to anything that doesn’t resist it. It’s important to note that Simisage doesn’t get Acrobatics by level-up, so you’ll have to keep Pansage around for a bit. There’s a Leaf Stone hidden in Lostlorn Forest and a Miracle Seed in Castelia City’s park.

Emolga @ Magnet / nothing
Ability: Static
- Shock Wave (starting move) → Discharge (Level 50) → Thunderbolt (TM in Victory Road)
- Double Team (starting move) → Acrobatics (Level 30)
- Pursuit (starting move) → Cut (HM)
- Spark (starting move) → Volt Switch (TM given by Elesa)

Give it up for the other rustling grass member! Emolga’s best Electric moves come late, but it’s still a good Pokemon. Discharge comes just in time for Marlon, while Thunderbolt will be the move of choice for the Elite 4. Acrobatics is even better than it is on Simisage thanks to STAB – just be sure you’re itemless when using it. Volt Switch is unremarkable but gives Emolga a niche during the Colress fight. Magneton will never go for Thunder Wave thanks to Emolga’s Electric typing, so you can Volt Switch to break Sturdy and then kill with Emboar. The same strategy works on Magnezone if you can get Emolga back in. A Magnet can be found in Chargestone Cave.

Basculin @ Wide Lens
Ability: Adaptability
- Aqua Tail (starting move)
- Crunch (starting move)
- Take Down (starting move) → Surf (HM)
- Chip Away (starting move) → Ice Beam (TM in the Giant Chasm)

Catch a Ducklett to use Surf to get to Basculin. Its levels are variable, but you should try to get one at Level 28 or higher on Route 6 so it comes with Aqua Tail and Crunch. Those two will last the entire game thanks to their damage output. Surf is necessary to beat the game and Ice Beam makes Basculin the only Pokemon on this team that can 2HKO Iris’ Haxorus. A Wide Lens makes Aqua Tail 99% accurate and can be found on Route 4 in Black 2 only. Aqua Tail is still a fairly consistent move, so White 2 players don’t miss much.

Ability: Defiant
- Metal Claw (starting move) → Iron Head (Driftveil Move Tutor)
- Assurance (starting move) → Night Slash (Level 49)
- Slash (starting move)
- Metal Sound (starting move) → X-Scissor (TM on Route 7)

Bisharp comes late, which makes EXP distribution more efficient in the meantime. Iron Head and Night Slash are conventionally powerful moves, while Slash and X-Scissor are filler moves (though the latter nails Dark types). Bisharp is one of the best Pokemon in the entire game at wiping out the Plasma Frigate, thanks to its resistances to Normal, Poison, Flying, Dark, and Ice. It’s similarly strong (but not exceptional) against the Elite 4, and it resists all of Iris’ Archeops’ moves.

This team certainly has its flaws. For one, grinding can be annoying with so many party members, but at least Audino are efficient. It also has difficulty against Iris’ Haxorus: Basculin’s Ice Beam is the only move that hits it super effectively and it will need to survive a Dragon Dance-boosted move. Regardless, these six are fun to use if you’re sick of seeing Lucario and Arcanine on every single team.

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This team was used in Black 2. This was my first Black 2 playthrough in years. However I think all species can be caught, and thus used in White 2. DISCLAIMER: This team does not include a starter. To make the movesets of this team work, you need to either select Oshawott as the starter or catch a Psyduck. This is for Surf. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way let's jump into the team.

Bobble (Azumarill) @Mystic Water
Ability: Huge Power
Hardy Nature
- Waterfall (HM07)
- Return (TM27)
- Ice Punch (Shard Move Tutor)
- Aqua Ring (Lv 31)

Okay so Azumarill is the first Pokemon of the team. I have never used it before so this was a huge step for me. I do not regret it. The Mystic Water can be found in the field on Route 4 near the fishermen. Or in Castelia City, an NPC will ask what starter you picked and give you either the Charcoal, Miracle Seed, or Mystic Water depending on the choice. You get Ice Punch in the northwestern house in Driftveil City for 10 Red Shards.

Barky (Arcanine) @ Charcoal
Ability: Intimidate
Gentle Nature
- Flamethrower (Lv 34 as Growlithe)
- Thunder Fang (Move Reminder - PWT)
- Dragon Pulse (Shard Move Tutor)
- Strength (HM04)

Arcanine, in my opinion, is a staple of any B2W2 team if Emboar is not the starter choice. Dragon Pulse can be taught for 10 Blue Shards in the house to the left of the Lentimas Town Pokemon Center. You can get Thunder Fang for one Heart Scale from the Move Reminder in the PWT.

Savannah (Flygon) @ no item
Ability: Levitate
Bold Nature
- Earth Power (Lv 39 as Vibrava)
- Dragon Claw (Lv 55)
- Crunch (Lv 28 as Trapinch)
- Fly (HM02)

Flygon is the designated flyer of the team. I do like the set I gave to Flygon. I hadn't used it before so I decided to give it a try, and I'm glad I did. This Pokemon was a lifeline against Drayden in Gym 7.

N's Zoroark @ no item
Ability: Illusion
Hasty Nature
- Night Slash (Lv 30)
- U-turn (PWT)
- Dig (TM28)
- Foul Play (Lv 29)

N's Zoroark is a gift Pokemon that is given to you by Rood. I love this because Zoroark is such a good Pokemon to use. U-turn can be got the same way as Thunder Fang.

Manny's Gigalith @ no item
Ability: Sturdy
Adamant Nature
- Power Gem (upon receiving)
- Smack Down (upon receiving)
- Bulldoze (TM78)
- Stealth Rock (Lv 36)

Manny will give you a Gigalith on the first house on Route 7 if you give him any Emolga. The moveset is mostly the same as when you complete the trade.

Grasseroph (Virizion)
Ability: Justified
Hardy Nature
- X Scissor (TM81)
- Sacred Sword (Knows when caught)
- Giga Drain (Knows when caught)
- Retaliate (Knows when caught)

Virizion can be caught just before you enter Opelucid City. The fact you can just encounter it makes it a perfect encounter and a great option for the team. However, since this was added late to my team, I want to give an acknowledgement to the Pokemon it replaced. I got the name Grasseroph from a YouTube short by MandJTV, where he gave a more traditional Pokemon name to Iron Leaves, that being Laseroph, and so I replaced "laser" with "grass". Now for the Pokemon I replaced Virizion with:

Heracles (Lucario) @ Black Belt
Ability: Steadfast
Rash Nature
- Force Palm (Lv 15)
- Metal Claw (PWT)
- Bone Rush (Lv 29)
- Swords Dance (Lv 37)

Yes. I replaced a Lucario for Virizion. I know that Lucario is a great Pokemon, but I have used it too much, and I wanted Virizion to make a Fire/Water/Grass core.

So that's my team, with an honourable mention. Let me know what you think.

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* Finding enough Blue Shards for Dragon Pulse is impractical. Arcanine learns ExtremeSpeed at Level 34, so evolve it immediately after learning Flamethrower.

* Night Slash + Foul Play is redundant --- keep the former and replace the latter with Return (Floccesy Ranch), Flamethrower (Route 23), or Cut.

* Manny's Gigalith will know Rock Slide when received; its higher power and physical damage make it better than Power Gem.

* Virizion is unlikely to learn Leaf Blade before the postgame. In the meantime, X-Scissor (Route 7) conserves Sacred Sword's PP against Dark types (Team Plasma, Grimsley).
I picked certain moves over others due to accuracy being bad for moves such as rock slide, and Foul Play is a S.T.A.B. options when Night Slash PP runs out. also cut is completely useless which is why I don't mention it since it has low power unlike surf or fly. Additionally, at the time I posted this, I haven't yet completed the game and so will make an edit with final movesets and such after I do beat the game.
If you're concerned about running out of Night Slash PP, use Faint Attack instead of Foul Play. It has more PP and more consistent damage, making it better for clearing routes.
I think Cut is a good move for Pokemon that can afford flexibility in their moveset. For instance, Cut can help you save time on Route 13 and get a PP Up on Route 23.
@Amethyst, I hear where you are coming from. If you want, you can add alternative movesets for each team member that you think might be more easily accessible for those who do not want to grind for shards. I generally what I considered to be the most versatile moveset for each team member