PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
21 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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Some general optimization notes for anyone making a team:

- The Earthquake TM is locked behind the postgame. A Pokemon's best Ground options will usually be either Dig or Bulldoze.

- In the New Unova Pokedex, the Pokemon catchable before the postgame that get Earthquake by level-up are Sandshrew (46), Sandslash (46), Piloswine (46), Numel (40), Camerupt (46), Trapinch (55), Mamoswine (46), Drilbur (33), Excadrill (36), Sandile (43), Krokorok (48), Krookodile (54), and Golurk (50).

- The Stone Edge TM is locked behind the postgame. A Pokemon's best Rock option will usually be Rock Slide.

- In the New Unova Pokedex, the Pokemon catchable before the postgame that get Stone Edge by level-up are Onix (46), Steelix (46), Shuckle (49), Nosepass (46), Lunatone (41), Solrock (41), Probopass (46), Roggenrola (36), Boldore (48), Gigalith (48), Timburr (43), Gurdurr (49), Conkeldurr (49), and Terrakion (67).

- A myriad of other helpful TMs, like Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Dragon Claw, and Bulk Up are all postgame exclusives. Please plan accordingly.

- Though many Move Tutor moves provide a Pokemon's best coverage options, they are often not worth the amount of grinding needed. A man in Nimbasa City gives the player 10 Red Shards for use with the Driftveil City Move Tutor, making these moves the exception. Any combination of Tutor moves that costs more than 10 Red Shards should have alternatives provided.

- Egg Moves are similarly strong for some Pokemon, such as Crobat, but breeding is a complete waste of time when the aim of the game is to beat Trainers. Level-up movesets and TMs will provide all the tools you need for the average playthrough.

- In the same vein, grinding for BP is often unnecessary. The PWT and Battle Subway are slow and the rewards are not usually worth it. It's courteous to provide alternatives to TMs unlocked via Battle Points.

- Moves with low PP and high power, such as Close Combat, are generally inferior to more consistent moves like Drain Punch and Force Palm. Remember that you're building a campaign team: PP conservation on routes is just as important as KOing important trainers.

- Don't be afraid to give a Pokemon HMs if they have nothing better. For example, one of Lilligant's best options is Cut, because its moveset is so shallow that extra overworld utility is better than a third STAB move. Moves like Strength, Surf, and Fly are convenient and powerful.

- Priority moves, primarily Aqua Jet and ExtremeSpeed, are consistent options for conserving PP or getting a kill on a faster opponent. ExtremeSpeed is probably one of the few exceptions to the "low PP = bad move in-game" rule.

- Sturdy Pokemon are everywhere. Burgh's Dwebble, Marlon's Carracosta, Colress' Magneton and Magnezone, wild Boldore, and plenty others are either annoying or outright dangerous. Mold Breaker Pokemon like Excadrill are great for completely negating the problem, while priority moves like Aqua Jet are great for picking up the KO.

- Remember that the storyline is a game of hyper offense! Four attack sets (or one boosting move and three attacks) are often the best way to get through the region. If you're playing with items, healing moves are unnecessary and will usually only serve to waste time.

- Above all, playtest your team. It's clear when someone didn't actually use the Pokemon in-game and just cobbled together a moveset they thought would work. Experience is the best way to craft an effective and synergistic party!

80 Answers

0 votes

I've been playing Black 2 for a little while, and this is my team!
Sawsbuck @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Serene Grace
Naughty Nature
- Wild Charge (coverage)
- Jump Kick (Protection against Ice-Types)
- Horn Leech (STAB)
- Return (STAB)
Lucario @ Expert Belt
Ability: Steadfast
Mild Nature
- Psychic (coverage)
- Force Palm (Will be replaced with Aura Sphere, STAB)
- Quick Attack (Will be replaced with Extreme Speed)
- Bone Rush (will be replaced with Dragon Pulse / Flash Cannon)
Unfezant @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Super Luck
Hasty Nature
- Quick Attack (Will be replaced, but not sure which move)
- Air Slash (Will be replaced, but not sure which move)
- Roost
- Fly (STAB)
Ampharos @ Air Balloon
Ability: Static
Modest Nature
- Power Gem (Coverage)
- Charge
- Thunder Wave
- Discharge (STAB)
Espeon @ Twisted Spoon
Ability: Synchronize
Quiet Nature
- Psyshock
- Psychic (STAB)
- Morning Sun
- Shadow Ball (Coverage)
Azumarill@ Wide Lens
Ability: Huge Power
Lonely Nature
- Aqua Tail (STAB)
- Bounce (Coverage)
- Ice Punch (Protection against Grass-types)
- Dig (Protection against Electric-types)

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* Consider replacing Air Slash with Aerial Ace (for more immediate STAB) or U-turn (for momentum on set mode).

* Healing move aren't usually needed in-game, so you could use Return over Roost for solid Normal STAB.

* Charge isn't often very helpful. Signal Beam, either via level up or Move Tutor, will let Ampharos help against Caitlin and Grimsley.

* Thunderbolt is better than Discharge so you should use that TM as soon as you get it.

* Psyshock isn't necessary because you have Psychic and there's no members of the Chansey line during the main story. Teach Espeon Signal Beam if you can afford the Shards; otherwise, use Cut.

* Quick Attack might be good for breaking Sturdy Pokemon, as Morning Sun won't usually be needed if you play with healing items.

* Both Bounce and Ice Punch cost Shards. If you don't have enough, use Return or Strength. I would recommend replacing Ice Punch, as Bounce leaves you with enough Shards to also get Signal Beam on Espeon.
0 votes

My team is for those players who want to use Snivy as their starter.

Serperior @ Expert Belt / Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Adamant / Jolly for Moveset 1, Modest / Timid for Moveset 2.
Moveset 1
- Leaf Blade: Good power, STAB.
- Coil: For boosting status.
- Aqua Tail: Fire type coverage, accuracy is improved by Coil.
- Iron Tail / Dragon Tail: Good power, for coverage.
Moveset 2
- Giga Drain: Great for healing and STAB .
- Calm Mind: For boosting status.
- Dragon Pulse: Dragon type coverage.
- Toxic: Best against the Pokemon that take long time to defeat.

In my opinion, Serperior is the best starter and that is why I chose it. It can run Physical as well as Special sets due to Coil and Calm Mind. I prefer Physical because I like its physical attacks more than the special ones. But I also wrote a special based one for those who want to use the special one. The B2W2 move tutors have given it really good moves and these are the best among them in my opinion. His good defenses allow him to stay on battlefield a for long time. After Calm Minding twice he can use Giga Drain to recover the HP he lost during setting up. For Moveset 1 just Coil once and start sweeping but remember that he is not going to last long if this moveset is used due to lack of healing. Aqua Tail is mainly to cover his Fire weakness. Dragon Pulse / Tail is for Drayden and Iris. Iron Tail for damaging Rock types.

Vaporeon @ Leftovers / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
Modest Nature
- Surf: Good power, STAB, travelling.
- Ice Beam: Coverage.
- Protect / Substitute: You can choose but I would choose Protect.
- Acid Armor: Makes you a great tank.

I used a Vaporeon in my first Firered playthrough and I was really impressed by it as it was a great tank. I like Vaporeon more than any other Water type and that’s why I am using it. It is the team’s surfer. Its high HP makes it incredibly difficult to take down after an Acid Armor boost. Surf is a great Water type move and Ice Beam is for Grass coverage. Protect is good but can fail and Substitute cuts HP to provide long lasting protection. I also prefer using Toxic instead of Protect or Substitute.

Chandelure @ Sitrus Berry / anything else
Ability: Flame Body / Flash Fire
Modest Nature
- Flamethrower: Good power, STAB.
- Shadow Ball: Good power, STAB, may reduce Special Defense.
- Energy Ball: Coverage.
- Calm Mind / Psychic: You can choose but I would choose Calm Mind.

I just love this guy. It is my favourite Ghost type . If you cant understand why I like this guy then just look at that 140 base Special Attack .That's why you need a Modest Nature no matter what. It gets really great moves. It was difficult to choose the right moves but I managed to choose the moveset that I thought to be most effective. I always used Choice Specs and Psychic on him as that would enable him to KO most in game Pokemon. He alone defeated Caitlin, Grimsley, and Shauntal with very little help from Mienshao.

Mienshao @ Expert Belt / Life Orb / Focus Sash / Normal Gem
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
- Fake Out: Great move, powers up with Normal Gem, priority.
- Hi Jump Kick: STAB, great power, Works well with Regenerator.
- U-turn: Psychic coverage, Works well with Regenerator.
- Stone Edge / Acrobatics: You can choose but I would choose Stone Edge.

Mienshao is the BEST in my opinion. Its great moveset and great Ability makes it a great Pokemon. Stone Edge hits Flying, Fire and Ice really hard while Acrobatics hits other Fighting types, Bug and Grass types for good damage when powered up with Flying Gem. It's fast and hits very hard. Only if had some more defenses instead of his Special Attack, I am sure that It would be the best Fighting type ever.

Flygon @ Dragon Gem / Choice Band / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
- Dragon Claw / Outrage: Great power / STAB / Outrage is for post-game
- Rock Slide: Great move, great coverage with EQ.
- Earthquake: Good power, STAB, great coverage with Rock Slide.
- Fly: Great power, good for travelling.

Flygon is just awesome. It is immune to Sandstorm damage due to Its Ground type. It is immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes and Ground moves due to Levitate. I didn’t want to waste a slot for a Flying type and that is why I chose Flygon due to its ability to learn Fly. Besides that, every team should have a Dragon type.

Ampharos @ Magnet / Expert Belt
Ability: Static
Nature: Modest / Bold / Calm
Moveset 1
- Thunderbolt: Good power, STAB.
- Signal Beam: Good power, coverage.
- Power Gem: Good power, coverage.
- Thunder: Great power, STAB.
Moveset 2 (For more power)
- Thunder: Great power, STAB.
- Focus Blast: Great power, Coverage.
- Cotton Guard: Boostthat Defense.
- Thunder Wave: Cut the opponent’s speed in half, Good for Ampharos’s low speed.

Ampharos is just a substitute for Electivire, who is the best Electic type, but obtaining it would require trading which some players can’t. Ampharos’ bulk allows it to stay on the battlefield for some time. I don’t like it much though. Its good Special Attack allows for solid damage. I don’t want to talk more about this Pokemon so that’s it.

This team has worked very well for me. For other starters, replace the same type Pokemon in my team. And replace Serperior with Roserade or Ferrothorn.

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* Iron Tail is inefficient because it's postgame only.

* Aqua Tail costs Shards, so Strength is a viable alternative that still takes advantage of Coil.

* Calm Mind is postgame exclusive and Dragon Pulse might cost too many Shards to be optimal. The only other moderately interesting special move Serperior gets is Wring Out, so you should probably just use Cut and Strength for their utility.

* Protect/Substitute/Acid Armor are often unecessary in-game (and Substitute is postgame exclusive). Consider Signal Beam (if you think you can afford the Red Shards) and the Shadow Ball TM.

* Calm Mind is postgame. Psychic is generally better, but you could also use Will-O-Wisp if you like playing suboptimally.

* Stone Edge is postgame, but this is otherwise an optimal moveset in-game.

* Outrage is a waste of Shards. Also worth noting that Dragon Claw will come immediately before the Champion, so you'll be using Dragon Breath for most of the game.

* Earthquake is postgame. Your options are Earth Power, Dig, and Bulldoze.

* Thunder is unnecessary when you have Thunderbolt. Use Volt Switch if you play on set mode.

* The second moveset is pretty useless because Focus Blast is postgame and Cotton Guard isn't often helpful. You'd be better off using the revised first moveset.
0 votes

I know that this is a bit late
Samurott @ Mystic Water

Ability: Torrent
Nature: Naive

  • Surf
  • Megahorn
  • Ice Beam
  • Waterfall/Dive

Samurott is my favourite of the Unova starters. Surf is for STAB and in-game use. Megahorn is for type coverage. Ice Beam to cover the grass weakness. Waterfall and Dive is for in-game use.


Vaporeon @ Leftovers

Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Modest

  • Surf
  • Ice Beam
  • Shadow Ball
  • Aqua Ring

Vaporeon is one of my favourite water types from Red and Blue. It is great to see him avaliable in this game. Surf is STAB and for in-game use. Ice Beam is for coverage against grass. Shadow Ball is just a filler but can come in handy. Aqua Ring is for regaining Vaporeon's health.

Emboar @ Leftovers
enter image description here

Ability: Blaze
Nature: Adamant

  • Flare Blitz/Heat Crash
  • Hammer Arm
  • Earthquake
  • Stone Edge/Head Smash

I never have really liked Emboar. He's just another fire and fighting starter. Flare Blitz is STAB or Heat Crash if you don't like recoil. Hammer Arm is STAB but lowers speed. Earthquake is for type coverage. Stone Edge is a filler or Head Smash if you don't mind recoil damage.


Darmanitan @ Choice Band

Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Jolly or Adamant

  • Flare Blitz/Fire Punch
  • Rock Slide
  • Superpower
  • Earthquake

I love Darmanitan. This guy is the definition of power with 140 base attack stat. Flare Blitz is powerful STAB or Fire Punch if you don't like the recoil. Rock Slide has boosted accuracy due to Sheer Force. Superpower is such a strong move that fits Darmanitan. Earthquake is for type coverage.

Serperior @ Miracle Seed

Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Jolly

  • Coil
  • Leaf Blade
  • Aqua Tail
  • Return

Serperior has great speed and decent attack. It has a limited movepool which definitely hinders it's power. Coil is to increase is decent attack and great speed. Leaf Blade is STAB. Aqua Tail is to counter fire types. Return is a filler.


Whimsicott @ Shell Bell
enter image description here

Ability: Prankster
Nature: Timid

  • Stun Spore
  • Psychic
  • Energy Ball
  • Leech Seed

Whimsicott is an under-rated monster. First you Stun Spore. You will always go first due to Prankster. Leech Seed is for regaining health coupled with Shell Bell. You will also go first. Energy Ball is STAB. Psychic is for poison type coverage.

Crobat @ Black Sludge

Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Jolly

  • Cross Poison
  • Fly
  • Heat Wave
  • Zen Headbutt

Crobat will be your flyer. He has amazing speed. Cross Poison is for STAB and high crit ratio. Fly is STAB and is vital in-game. Heat Wave is for type coverage. Zen Headbutt is also for type coverage.

Galvantula @ Wide Lens

Ability: Compoundeyes
Nature: Timid

  • Thunder
  • Bug Buzz
  • Energy Ball
  • Thunder Wave

Galvantula is one of my favourite Pokemon. He has good special attack and speed. Thunder is STAB and is 91% accurate. Bug Buzz is also STAB. Energy Ball is to cover ground types. Thunder Wave is a filler move.

Hydreigon @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest

  • Dark Pulse
  • Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
  • Flamethrower
  • Earth Power

Hydreigon is a total beast. Amazing attacking stats and speed. Dark Pulse is for STAB and flinching. Dragon Pulse is STAB or Draco Meteor for more power but a drop in special attack. Flamethrower is counter ice. Earth Power is type coverage.


Haxorus @ Leftovers

Ability: Mold Breaker
Nature: Adamant

  • Dragon Dance
  • Dragon Claw
  • Earthquake
  • Brick Break

Haxorus is if you want a dragon before Victory Road. He has stunning attack. Dragon Dance is to boost his attack and speed. Dragon Claw is STAB. Earthquake is type coverage. Brick Break is for ice type coverage.

Good team. I will use this
* X-Scissor is more accurate than Megahorn if you don't mind less power.

* Dive is a postgame move and Waterfall isn't required to beat the game, so you could use something like Aqua Jet instead.

* Aqua Ring isn't necessary in-game, while Strength is. Vaporeon has such a shallow movepool that you should just use Strength instead.

* Flare Blitz isn't happening before the postgame. Emboar has serviceable Special Attack, so you could also use Flamethrower (which it learns by level-up) instead of Heat Crash.

* Both Earthquake and Stone Edge are postgame exclusive. Viable alternatives include Return, Rock Slide, and Wild Charge.

* Hammer Arm has more PP than Superpower, so you could use that if you're not concerned about Darmanitan's ability to OHKO things.

* Earthquake is postgame. Something like Return or Strength will provide a good neutral option.

* Getting 8 Blue Shards for Aqua Tail isn't a great use of time. Unfortunately, Serperior doesn't have many options: your best bets are Strength, Aerial Ace, or Dragon Tail.

* With Shadow Ball, Whimsicott pretends to be a check to Caitlin and Shauntal. If you find yourself rarely clicking Stun Spore, consider picking up Shadow Ball instead.

* Neither Heat Wave nor Zen Headbutt are time-effective. As such, you should use X-Scissor and itemless Acrobatics. The former makes Crobat a good check to Grimsley, while the latter helps mitigate the unreliability of Fly in battle.

* You won't get Bug Buzz until the very end of the game, so you should probably use Signal Beam for STAB until then.

* Volt Switch and Cut are both debatably better than Thunder Wave, but that's mostly a matter of preference.

* Hydreigon is a bad choice because it won't evolve until the postgame and Zweilous is mediocre. Zweilous doesn't learn Flamethrower or Draco Meteor and Dark Pulse/Earth Power are Tutor moves, making it pretty ineffective in-game. If you absolutely must use it, I would recommend something like:
- Dragon Pulse (Move Relearner)
- Crunch (Move Relearner)
- Body Slam (Level 48)
- Work Up (TM from Cheren)

* Haxorus is a MUCH better choice than Unova's pseudo legendary. However, Earthquake is postgame and Brick Break costs BP, so there are better move options. Consider TMs like X-Scissor, Shadow Claw, and Rock Slide, as each one has potential to sweep important Trainers when paired with Dragon Dance.
0 votes

Okay, I like all the teams on here, but here is mine <3

Serperior @ Leftovers
enter image description here
Ability: Overgrow
- Leaf Blade
- Giga Drain
- Leech Seed
- Growth

Lemme just say, Serperior is an absolute beast. It is SUPER speedy and can go either way with special or physical. The Leftovers / Giga Drain / Leech Seed combo is powerful, Leech Seed the opponent then be an absolute dick by Giga Draining and Leftovers XD

Lucario @ Air Balloon
enter image description here
Ability: Inner Focus / Steadfast
- Aura Sphere
- Flash Cannon
- Dragon Pulse
- Extreme Speed

Everyone knows Lucario is power, it just needs to be a little more speedy! This one is a special Lucario. Aura Sphere wrecks shop, you need a special Steel type move, Dragon Pulse gets rid of those darn pesky dragons and Extreme Speed is priority <3

Arcanine @ Charcoal
enter image description here
Ability: Flash Fire / Intimidate
- Flamethrower
- Fire Fang
- Extreme Speed
- Strength

PLUTO THE ARCANINE IS THE BAE. ahem Arcanine is a monster, it has great Attack and Special Attack, and I'm sorry, I just love it. Flamethrower & Fire Fang are STAB + power, ExtremeSpeed is priority, and Strength, sorry, it's ingame.

Flygon @ Dragon Fang
enter image description here
Ability: Levitate
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Fly

Oh God, I fell in love with Flygon the moment I saw it. Yeah, Salamance is great, and it's a pseudo but Flygon was the best. It evolved earlier too. Flygon is not that fast, but packs a powerful punch. It has decent Defence & Special Defence too. Wrecks Elesa's gym. It learns Rock Slide at level 25 and Bulldoze at level 21, I think .-.

Starmie @ Twisted Spoon / Mystic Water
enter image description here
Ability: Natural Cure / Illuminate
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt

Starmie is a really great Pokemon. Being a Water AND Psychic type, it covers your need for a surfer and someone to take on Marshal. It is also speedy, and has some great Special Attack. Surf and Waterfall are needed HMs. Psychic is the best Psychic STAB move and Thunderbolt is there for those Peliscrubs in Marlon's Gym that Serperior can't handle.

Weavile @ NeverMeltIce
enter image description here
Ability: Pressure
- Ice Punch / Ice shard
- Screech
- Faint Attack
- Slash

WEAVILE IS LIKE THE FASTEST THING ALIVE HOLY CRAP and it has greaattt attack. This thing hits hard and first, wrecking Iris and her unholy Haxorus. Ice Punch I believe is only obtainable via Sneasel egg, but I'm not sure. Ice Shard always hits first and with Weavile's attack is sure to KO. Faint Attack is a STAB Dark type move (not the best). Screech is for Defence lowers and Slash is just there lolo. Teach it a better move if you want.

Feel free to leave a comment or something :)


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Nice giratina sprite :p
* Mixed dual STAB Serperior is unnecessary. If you want to use a boosting set, just go with Coil/Leaf Blade/Return/filler.

* Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse, and ExtremeSpeed are all postgame unless you spend excessive time grinding. Psychic and Shadow Ball are available TMs that keep Lucario special, but it also gets Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Shadow Claw, and Quick Attack if you don't mind a mixed set.

* Fire Fang is unnecessary when you have Flamethrower. Teach it Iron Head from Driftveil or Wild Charge via TM.

* Earthquake is postgame. Your options for Ground STAB are Earth Power, Dig, or Bulldoze.

* Waterfall isn't required to beat the game, so you should have an actually useful move instead. Ice Beam is probably best, but Starmie does also get Signal Beam from Driftveil.

* If you want Ice Punch on Weavile, you have to use all ten of your free Shards, which would mean no Iron Head or Signal Beam for Arcanine and Starmie. Decide if that's worth it.

* Ice Shard is an Egg Move. If you really need priority, Weavile gets Quick Attack via Move Relearner.

* There's no reason to use Faint Attack when Night Slash is stronger.

* Slash isn't amazing. Return is a stronger Normal move and Cut gets you vaguely helpful items. X-Scissor is coverage that's not really needed for any important Trainers, but it's still better than Slash.
0 votes

This is my favorite team that I have used to date. It may not be the most powerful team out there, and it may not contain the most cliche Pokemon, but it works really well for me personally and I have enjoyed using them. I'm not going to include items, considering most of them don't have one, and the Exp Share is always getting shuffled around. IMPORTANT: I made this before I beat the Elite 4 and Champion so the moves may not be very accurate or good Here goes...

Ability: Torrent
- Water Pulse
- Surf
- Cut
- Aqua Tail

I personally think that, out of the gen 5 starters, Samurott is the one to go with. It's stats, admittedly, aren't that great, but it does have decent Attack and Special Attack. You can replace the HM moves with whatever you choose (this goes for the rest of the team as well). I personally recommend Razor Shell, at least early in the game. I had to replace it with Surf, but it was good while it lasted.

Ability: Flash Fire
- Extreme Speed
- Strength
- Flame Wheel --> Flamethrower
- Fire Fang

Arcanine is to Gen 5 as Rapidash was to Gen 4, being that, unless you chose the Fire starter, it is just about the only decent fire type that you can get early enough in the game for it to not be completely pointless. If you didn't choose Tepig, you'd better prepare to have an Arcanine on the team. It is really good, a lot better than you would think. It's the same as a lot of Gen 1 Fire types in which it is really good, but got overshadowed by a lot of the newer, flashier Fire types.

Ability: Inner Focus
- Ice Punch
- Swords Dance
- Force Palm
- Return

Lucario is another nice one that you can get really early in the game. I chose Ice Punch mainly to beat Drayden (that guy gave me a lot of trouble). I also recommend that you use Return if you can't think of another better move, considering that Lucario evolves through friendship.

Ability: Sap Sipper
- Horn Leech
- Leech Seed
- Energy Ball
- Jump Kick

I love Sawsbuck. If you didn't pick Snivy and you want a Grass type in 5th gen, this is probably one of the better ones (besides Virizon, of course). Horn Leech is really nice in general, and I always like draining moves so that you don't have to take a turn out to use a Hyper Potion or a Moomoo Milk or whatever. Jump Kick is a bit risky, and I don't use it often, so you should probably replace that.

Ability: Static
- Discharge --> Thunderbolt
- Charge
- Thunder Punch
- Electro Ball

Yet another Pokemon you can get early in the game. Ampharos is really nice, especially for Marlon's gym and Skyla's gym (though she is rather easy). Discharge is pretty much a poor man's Thunderbolt, and isn't all that great, but you don't get Thunderbolt until later in the game. Charge is useful if you are underleveled, so you can still do a fair amount of damage (that's why I have it).

Ability: Moxie
- Crunch
- Bulldoze --> Earthquake
- Dig
- Foul Play

This is by far the MVP of this team. Moxie is a great ability, especially considering all of the moves have STAB and Krookodile's fairly good Attack stat. If you find one with Intimidate, I recommend moving on until you find one with Moxie because Intimidate just isn't the same.

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* No need for three STAB moves. Keep Surf and replace the others with any of X-Scissor, Ice Beam, Aqua Jet, and Strength.

* Fire Fang is bad when you have Flamethrower. Give Arcanine Strength if you don't put it on anything else; otherwise, Thunder Fang/Wild Charge provide greater move diversity.

* If you decide to spend your Shards on something else, Lucario can use Rock Slide instead of Ice Punch.

* Energy Ball is pointless when you have Horn Leech. Use Return so you have Normal STAB.

* Don't replace Jump Kick. It's one of Sawsbuck's few coverage moves and it's only got a 5% chance of missing.

* ThunderPunch and Electro Ball are worthless when you have a stronger Electric STAB move. You should replace them with Signal Beam (by Move Tutor or at Level 51) and Power Gem.

* Crunch is much more consistent than Foul Play. Replace the latter with Strength if you don't give it to anything else. Otherwise, Return is stronger and Shadow Claw lets you conserve Crunch PP.
0 votes

Chandelure @ Spell Tag
Ability: Flash Fire / Flame Body
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
- Flamethrower

With great 145 Base SpA, this is a great heavy-hitting Pokémon to use. It evolves rather late at 41, but still worth it. You can obtain a Dusk Stone from the 3rd Store in Black City on weekends, or the Strange House in the Library by the Eastern Stairs.

Jellicent @ Mystic Water
Ability: Water Absorb / Cursed Body
- Hex
- Toxic
- Scald/Surf
- Recover

Your Water type companion. This tank of a Pokemon is unstoppable with this move set. Just saying. Toxic stalls your opponent while possibly disabling their move if you have Cursed Body.

Hydreigon @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Levitate
- Dark Pulse
- Dragon Pulse
- Tri Attack
- Flamethrower

Not available until late in the game, but well worth the wait. It also evolves late, but again, well worth it.

Lucario @ Shell Bell
Ability: Steadfast / Inner Focus
- Aura Sphere
- Psychic
- Flash Cannon
- Dark Pulse

Pretty much replaces your starter early on in the game. Good SpA combined with Shell Bell helps to heal some damage you take.

Eelektross @ Magnet
Ability: Levitate
- Thunder Punch
- Acrobatics
- Crunch
- Dragon Claw

Hard to find, but a great addition to your team, especially with no weaknesses.

Gigalith @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Strength
- Stealth Rock

Trade Emolga for Gigalith just outside of the Celestial Tower.

Hope this helps :)

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* Toxic + Hex is pretty inefficient when you could just use Shadow Ball. Replace Toxic with Ice Beam, Energy Ball, or Psychic.

* You could make a case that Recover is worse than the three moves mentioned above, but that's up to personal preference.

* Hydreigon is definitely not worth it because it doesn't evolve until the postgame. Haxorus is a better Dragon type, and you'll be stuck with the much worse Zweilous for the Pokemon League.

* Flash Cannon is postgame. Your best Steel STAB is Metal Claw via the Move Relearner, but you should just use Calm Mind instead.

* Dark Pulse requires either a Heart Scale or 10 Blue Shards. If you aren't willing to find either, use Shadow Ball.

* Dragon Claw is postgame. Eelektross is an effective mixed attacker, so you could use Flamethrower to hit Steel types.

* If you do decide to go mixed, Thunderbolt is stronger than ThunderPunch.

* Stone Edge is usually worse than Rock Slide thanks to its low PP and accuracy. The latter is generally better in-game.

* Stealth Rock isn't often necessary in-game. If you don't spend your free Shards on Eelektross' ThunderPunch, Gigalith will benefit more from Iron Head.
0 votes

Serperior, Arcanine, Ampharos, Vaporeon, Crobat and Hydregion / Haxorus.

Serperior @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
- Coil
- Leaf Blade
- Aerial Ace
- Return

The Snivy line has a limited movepoll but it can still work well. Coil is a great move to boost Speed, Defence and Attack. Since Serperior has a low Attack this move is great because on the next turn you will most likely be faster (Serperior has a base 113 speed, so on top of Coil that's insane speed) therefore you could use any of it's other moves. Leaf Blade is STAB and has a good base of 90 power which is powered up with Serperior's item, the Miracle Seed. Aerial Ace is coverage for Bug types as well as pesky Fighting or Grass types, its also good because this move never misses. Return will do a lot of damage since you and your Serperior will have a good friendship level.

Arcanine @ Anything you want
Ability: Intimidate / Flash Fire
Nature: Anything
- Extreme Speed
- Flamethrower
- Crunch
- Wild Charge

A great addition to any team. Extreme Speed is a priority move which has a good base power of 80. You will need to evolve Growlithe at level 39, if you can't then you will need to trade a Heart Scale with the person at the stand which is located to the south of the Pokemon World Tournament. Flamethrower is STAB and has a good 95 base power. Arcanine can be mixed so I decided to put Flamethrower instead of Flare Blitz. Crunch is a good move to defeat annoying Psychic and Ghost Pokemon. Wild Charge is coverage for Water types, which are one of Arcanine's weaknesses.

Ampharos @ Leftovers
Ability: Static
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Signal Beam
- Power Gem
- Thunder Wave

I always get Ampharos on my team in nearly every game, it's such a reliable team member. Thunderbolt is a STAB move which is already at 90 base power. Signal Beam is a good coverage move for pesky Dark, Psychic and Grass type Pokemon. Power Gem is coverage for Flying, Fire, Ice and Bug Pokemon. Thunder Wave is good for catching Pokemon as well as slowing down Pokemon.

Vaporeon @ Ice Gem
Ability: Water Absorb
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Shadow Ball
- Hyper Beam

Vaporeon is a great Pokemon. 110 Special Attack on top of 130 HP. Ice Beam is coverage for Grass and can help against the champion and is powered up from the Ice Gem. Surf is a good STAB move and is compulsory to progress during the game. Shadow Ball is coverage is for Psychic and Ghost types. Hyper Beam is just a great move at 150 power.

Crobat @ Shell Bell
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
- Fly
- Cross Poison
- X-Scissor
- Steel Wing

Crobat is great. Fly is STAB and helpful in-game. Cross Poison is STAB. X-Scissor is coverage for Psychic types and is a good base power move. Steel Wing is coverage for Rock types and Ice types.

Hydreigon @ Expert Belt
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest / Timid
- Dragon Pulse
- Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse
- Flash Cannon

An exceptional Pokemon, however he is found extremely late in the game and evolves at level 64. This is very late but Hydregion's stats are very balanced. Dragon Pulse is STAB and is 85 base power, also it's coverage and helps against the champion. Flamethrower is coverage against Ice types and beats Bug, Steel and Grass Pokemon. Dark Pulse is STAB and helps against 2 elite 4 members. Flash Cannon is coverage.

Haxorus @ Expert Belt
Ability: Mold Breaker
Nature: Adamant / Jolly
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Brick Break

A beastly Pokemon. Haxorus is found earlier than Hydregion and evolves at level 48. It's stats mainly focus on Attack and Speed. Dragon Dance is a good set up to boost that already sky high Attack of 147. Dragon Claw is the best Dragon move IMO, it's STAB and helps against the Champion. Earthquake because ITS EARTHQUAKE. Brick Break is coverage for Ice types and has a decent power of 75.

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* You should use Strength instead of Crunch because it's not effective to use a Growlithe until Level 39.

* Hyper Beam isn't typically a good move thanks to its low PP, recharge turn, and high cost to obtain it. Vaporeon can make use of Signal Beam instead.

* Ice Gem is a bad item because it's consumable and takes too long to obtain. Give the Leftovers to Vaporeon and let Ampharos hold a Magnet (found in Chargestone Cave).

* Steel Wing is an Egg Move on Crobat, which is terrible in-game. Use itemless Acrobatics so you don't have to rely on Fly for STAB.

* Hydreigon is never recommended for playthroughs because Zweilous will only evolve in the postgame, bar significant overlevelling. You're best off just using the detailed Haxorus.

* Earthquake is postgame and Brick Break isn't efficient enough to justify the time sink. Haxorus gets plenty of other viable moves, such as X-Scissor, Rock Slide, and Bulldoze.
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Ability: Torrent
- Megahorn / X-Scissor
- Surf
- Ice Beam / Blizzard
- Waterfall

Samurott is a beast. With access to Megahorn and X-Scissor, he can take out Ghetsis' Hydreigon with ease. Ice Beam or Blizzard for coverage and Surf and Waterfall for STAB.

Ability: Steadfast / Inner Focus
- Close Combat
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse
- Psychic

Lucario Is awesome. Close Combat and Aura Sphere for STAB and Dark pulse and Psychic for coverage.

Ability: Intimidate / Flash Fire
- Outrage
- Extremespeed
- Flare Blitz
- Flamethrower

Outrage for all out power and to deal with Drayden and Iris, Extremespeed for priority and Flare Blitz and Flamethrower for STAB.

Ability: Inner Focus
- Confuse Ray
- Cross Poison
- Fly
- X-Scissor / Acrobatics

Crobat is very fast so it can get a Confuse Ray off with without any trouble. Cross Poison and Fly for STAB and X-Scissor or Acrobatics for extra damage.

Ability: Poison Point / Natural Cure
- Energy Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Giga Drain
- Venoshock

Roserade is not meant to handle lots of types but its massive Special Attack has earned a spot on this team. Energy Ball and Sludge Bomb for STAB and Giga Drain for regaining health. Venoshock is so you can deal extra damage if you get the poison off with Sludge Bomb.

Ability: Pressure
- Ice Punch
- Night Slash
- Knock Off
- X-Scissor

Weavile is an extremely fast Pokemon. Ice Punch, Night Slash and Knock Off for STAB and X-Scissor for coverage.

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* Close Combat isn't necessary when you have Aura Sphere. Use Calm Mind or Strength instead.

* Getting Outrage and Flare Blitz would entail raising a Growlithe to Level 45, which isn't a good idea. I would recommend any combination of Iron Head, Return, and Wild Charge in their place.

* Dump Confuse Ray and just use both X-Scissor and Acrobatics. Confusion is gimmicky while Acrobatics is strong and reliable, and it's usually better to be consistent in-game.

* Sludge Bomb is postgame. As you already have Venoshock, you should just use Cut because Roserade's movepool is so shallow that more items are better than a fourth move.

* Giga Drain isn't necessary if you're playing with healing items. If you don't find yourself clicking it often, replace it with Shadow Ball -- the only other decent special move Roserade gets.

* Knock Off is a weak Tutor move and unviable when compared to Night Slash. Return is an acceptable substitute.
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Team Overview:

SamurottLeavannyArcanine FlygonWeavileMetagross

Samurott @ Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent
- Hydro Cannon
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Megahorn

I like Samurott because of its decent movepool and the fact that it can learn Megahorn, which can really be a big threat to Grimsley and Caitlin. He will be your surfer and starter. Surf is STAB and HM for surfing around Unova. Hydro Cannon is super powerful STAB that may KO everything in Samurott's way and only used for power. Unfortunately Hydro Cannon is a recharge move. Megahorn is coverage and a move to be used against the Elite 4. Ice Beam is also coverage and can threaten the dragons of Iris.

Leavanny @ Muscle Band
Ability: Swarm
- Swords Dance
- False Swipe
- Leaf Blade
- X-Scissor

Leavanny has a good Attack stat and can learn Swords Dance to make its moves KO'ing, which is why is has a Physical moveset. I find False Swipe useful for catching wild Pokemon and even Legendaries. Leaf Blade and X-Scissor are nice physical STABs. With a boost of Swords Dance and the 10% boost of Muscle Band, Leavanny's moves would be more deadly. You can rely on her to take on Grimsley and Caitlin.

Arcanine @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Crunch
- Outrage

Arcanine has always been one of my favourites and now I'm using it now in Black 2. He will be your recoil damage taker. He has high Attack which is why he has a physical moveset. Flare Blitz is STAB, but leaves Arcanine with recoil damage and its Arcanine's main move. Crunch is coverage and a move to be used against Shauntal and Caitlin. Wild Charge is coverage and covers Arcanine's Water type weakness. Outrage is a powerful Dragon move that threatens the dragons of Iris, but unfortunately leaves Arcanine confused after a few turns. With Arcanine holding Life Orb, he will do 30% more damage, but recoil is 10% HP, which is why I call Arcanine your recoil damage taker.

Flygon @ Dragon Gem
Ability: Levitate
- Fly
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Crunch

Flygon will be your flyer and your dragon to counter Iris' Dragons. It has been a favourite and a popular Pokemon ever since Gen 3 came out and he got me past Emerald. Earthquake and Outrage are powerful STABs. Crunch is coverage and a move to be used against the Elite 4. Fly is coverage, an HM for flying around Unova, and also a move for Marshal. Dragon Gem will help Flygon's Outrage OHKO Iris' Dragons.

Weavile @ Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Pressure
- Ice Punch
- Night Slash
- Aerial Ace
- Dig

Weavile has really high Attack and with some physical coverage moves, he can really cover all of his weaknesses. Ice Punch and Night Slash are nice STABs. Dig is good coverage that covers Weavile's Rock, Steel, and Fire type weaknesses while Aerial Ace is also good coverage that covers Weavile's Fighting and Bug type weaknesses. Him and Flygon will defeat most of Iris' Dragons. He will be also a big threat to Caitlin and Shauntal.

Metagross @ Expert Belt
Ability: Clear Body
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Hammer Arm
- Rock Slide

This guy is a total beast. With Clear Body, it's stats will not be lowered, making it even more a beast. He will help you take on Marshal and take damage for your team while battling Iris. He has high Attack, making its moves KO'ing. That's why I gave him a physical moveset. Meteor Mash and Zen-Headbutt are STABs. Hammer Arm and Rock Slide are coverages that covers Metagross' Fire and Dark type weaknesses.

Good luck.

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* Hydro Cannon is pretty bad; you should probably use Aqua Jet for priority or Return for powerful neutral damage instead.

* False Swipe is fine if you're more completionist, but if you want to complete the game quickly, it's not a good choice. Leavanny gets Shadow Claw and Return, so you should use one of those instead.

* Muscle Band isn't worth the BP grind. Pick up the Miracle Seed in Castelia City instead.

* Getting three of Arcanine's moves requires keeping Growlithe until Level 45, which is a bad choice. Take the Flamethrower TM instead of Flare Blitz, teach Strength instead of Crunch, and use either ExtremeSpeed or Iron Head instead of Outrage.

* Life Orb isn't worth the BP grind. Pick up the Charcoal in Castelia City instead.

* Outrage is locked behind the postgame. Flygon gets Dragon Claw at Level 55, but you'll be using DragonBreath for most of the game.

* Earthquake is locked behind the postgame. Flygon's Ground options are Earth Power, Dig, and Bulldoze.

* Dragon Gem is bad because it gets consumed and is tedious to grind for. Give Flygon the Expert Belt and find a TwistedSpoon for Metagross in the Castelia Sewers.

* Bear in mind that teaching Ice Punch will use all 10 of your free Red Shards, which would mean no Iron Head for Arcanine. I would generally recommend Ice Punch, though.

* Never-Melt Ice is postgame exclusive. Weavile does not need an item to function well.
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Team Overview:


Serperior @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
- Coil
- Leaf Blade
- Return
- Aqua Tail

I call Serperior your tailer. This moveset is probably the best one on this post. She will be your very loyal starter, which is why it has Return. Coil is to boost the power of Leaf Blade, Aqua Tail, and Return, making them more powerful. Leaf Blade is good physical STAB, while Aqua Tail is also physical coverage that covers Serperior's Fire type weakness. She will be your reliable starter which helps you take on many strong opponents.

Arcanine @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Outrage
- Crunch

Arcanine has high Attack and every of its moves would one hit KO with the help of Life Orb, unfortunately taking recoil damage. Flare Blitz and Wild Charge are recoil moves. Flare Blitz is Arcanine's main STAB move and Wild Charge is coverage that covers Arcanine's water type weakness. Crunch is also coverage that is useful for Shauntal and Caitlin. Outrage is a powerful Dragon move that threatens the dragons of Iris, but leaves Arcanine confused at the end. He will take recoil damage for you.

Starmie @ Expert Belt
Ability: Natural Cure
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt

Starmie has nice Special Attack and a great movepool which makes it a good Pokemon to use. You can rely on it to surf around Unova and to take on Marshal. Surf and Psychic are useful STABs. Ice Beam is to threaten Iris. Thunderbolt is useful coverage.

Flygon @ Dragon Gem
Ability: Levitate
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fly
- Crunch

Flygon will be your flyer. As a reliable dragon, he will help you counter against most of the dragons of Iris. Outrage is powerful STAB but unfortunately leaves Flygon confused at the end. Fly is coverage, an HM for flying around and a good move to be used against Marshal. Crunch is useful for the Elite 4 and also coverage. Earthquake is a powerful and useful STAB. Flygon will not disappoint you in battles.

Heracross @ Muscle Band
Ability: Guts
- Night Slash
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Swords Dance

Heracross' typing is great for the Elite 4. He will be a large threat to Grimsley and Caitlin. His great Attack plus a Swords Dance boost can OHKO. Megahorn is powerful STAB, and so is Close Combat. Night Slash is coverage and a move to be used against Shauntal. You can take on the Elite 4 with him, he will not disappoint you.

Weavile @ Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Pressure
- Night Slash
- Ice Shard
- Aerial Ace
- Dig

Weavile has great Attack and access to Ice Shard. Ice Shard is a priority move that hits first but has low base power, but the fact that it's STAB and that Weavile has high Attack allows Weavile to overcome that. Aerial Ace and Dig are nice physical coverages that covers all of Weavile's weaknesses.

Good Luck.

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* Aqua Tail is bad because you have to waste time grinding Shards. Give Serperior Strength instead -- you need it to beat the game.

* Getting three of Arcanine's moves requires keeping Growlithe until Level 45, which is a bad choice. Take the Flamethrower TM instead of Flare Blitz, teach Strength instead of Crunch, and use either ExtremeSpeed or Iron Head instead of Outrage.

* Life Orb isn't worth the BP grind. Pick up the Charcoal in Castelia City instead.

* Outrage is locked behind the postgame. Flygon gets Dragon Claw at Level 55, but you'll be using DragonBreath for most of the game.

* Earthquake is locked behind the postgame. Flygon's Ground options are Earth Power, Dig, and Bulldoze.

* Dragon Gem is bad because it gets consumed and is tedious to grind for. Give Flygon the Expert Belt and find a TwistedSpoon for Starmie in the Castelia Sewers.

* If you didn't pick up any Heart Scales for some reason, Shadow Claw is a viable alternative to Night Slash.

* Close Combat doesn't have enough PP to be useful. Heracross gets Brick Break by level-up, so use that instead.

* The Swords Dance TM requires BP grinding, so you should use a move like Return or Rock Slide instead.

* Ice Shard is an Egg Move, making it incredibly inefficient. You can use your 10 Red Shards to teach Weavile Ice punch instead.

* The Never-Melt Ice is postgame. Pick up the BlackGlasses in Castelia City instead.
0 votes

Team Overview:


Note: This team is for Black 2

Emboar @ Leftovers
Ability: Blaze
- Flare Blitz
- Stone Edge
- Hammer Arm
- Wild Charge

Emboar will be your starter. He will help you take on Grimsley and many strong opponents as a physical attacker. 2 of his moves have recoil damage, which is why he is holding Leftovers. Flare Blitz is high powered STAB that has recoil damage. If you want a move that don't require recoil damage, Fire Punch is a also a choice. Stone Edge and Wild Charge are nice coverage that covers some of Emboar's weakness. Wild Charge is recoil move. If you don't like Wild Charge, you can choose Thunder Punch.

Magnezone @ Expert Belt
Ability: Sturdy
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder Wave
- Signal Beam

You can evolve Magneton in Chargestone Cave. You can rely on him to defeat the second Gym Leader. Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are great STABs. Thunder Wave is useful for catching wild Pokemon and even Legendaries. Signal Beam is nice coverage and also a move for the Elite 4. He will take damage for your team. The boost of Muscle Band during Super effective hits makes Magnezone's moves more deadly.

Flygon @ Dragon Gem
Ability: Levitate
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Stone Edge

Flygon will work together with Weavile to destroy Iris. Outrage is powerful Dragon STAB that leaves the user confused after a few turns. The reason why I have Dragon Gem is because I want Outrage to one-hit KO so that Flygon can switch out after that. Earthquake is powerful STAB and Stone Edge is powerful coverage that covers those annoying Ice Pokemon. Crunch is a move for the Elite 4.

Swanna @ Mystic Water
Ability: Keen Eye
- Surf
- Fly
- Brave Bird / Roost
- Ice Beam

Swanna will be your early and loyal flyer and surfer. Surf is STAB and with the nice boost of Mystic Water, Surf will be more powerful. Fly is also STAB and a needed HM. Brave Bird is only used for more power. If you don't like Brave Bird, you can replace it with Roost which is for recovery. Ice Beam is coverage and a move to threaten the dragons of Iris. She will be very helpful in your journey.

Beheeyem @ Twisted Spoon
Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic
- Dark Pulse
- Energy Ball
- Calm Mind

Beheeyem will be your key to defeating Marshal. He has great Special Attack so a special moveset would be great. Psychic is nice STAB. Energy Ball is coverage. Dark Pulse is also coverage and also a move for the Elite 4. Calm Mind is to make the moves of Beheeyem more powerful.

Weavile @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
- Ice Punch
- Night Slash
- Dig
- Aerial Ace

Weavile's great typing is best for the Elite 4. He will defeat Iris, Shauntal, Caitlin. Ice Punch and Night Slash are physical STABs. Dig and Aerial Ace covered all of Weavile's weakness making him more a beast and more powerful.

Good Luck.

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* I think Flamethrower is better than Flare Blitz because it comes earlier and doesn't have recoil.

* Stone Edge is postgame. Use the Rock Slide TM from Mistralton Cave instead.

* Wild Charge will rarely be helpful when you have a Magnezone, so give Emboar Strength to beat the game.

* If you're just looking to beat the game, Thunder Wave can be replaced with Tri Attack. You don't need to paralyse when you can KO.

* Outrage is locked behind the postgame. Flygon gets Dragon Claw at Level 55, but you'll be using DragonBreath for most of the game.

* Earthquake is locked behind the postgame. Flygon's Ground options are Earth Power, Dig, and Bulldoze.

* Stone Edge is postgame. Like Emboar, you can give Flygon Rock Slide instead.

* Dragon Gem is bad because it gets consumed and is tedious to grind for. Give Flygon the Expert Belt.

* Dark Pulse requires Shards, so Shadow Ball is a better choice.

* If you don't find yourself using Calm Mind, Beheeyem gets other options like Thunderbolt and Signal Beam (the latter at the cost of your free Shards).

* Bear in mind that teaching Ice Punch will use all 10 of your free Red Shards, which would mean no Signal Beam for Magnezone or Beheeyem. I would generally recommend Ice Punch, though.
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This team will be for Emboar, because I will use him during my next playthrough.

Emboar @ Charcoal
Ability: Blaze
- Flare Blitz (LV62) / Flamethrower (LV43)
- Hammer Arm (Move Relearner)
- Gyro Ball (TM74)
- Scald (TM55)

Emboar will be the starter for this playthrough. As the only dual-typed starter in Unova, he is the only way to get 12 unique types on one team. If you level him up to 17, he gets Arm Thrust as a Pignite, which makes Cheren's gym a cakewalk. He annihilates Burgh and does a good number on Grimsley, as well. Flare Blitz is the recommended STAB Fire move, as it takes advantage of Emboar's massive physical attack stat, but Flamethrower is another option. Hammer Arm is his best Fighting-type STAB move, with 100 power, but it does lower his speed, so Gyro Ball becomes a great coverage option if Hammer Arm has been abused. Scald covers his weakness to Ground- and Rock-types.

Location: Starter Pokemon
Charcoal: Castelia City
Move Relearner: Driftveil City PWT
TM74: Nimbasa City PokeMart (10,000 PokeDollars)
TM55: Humilau City (Prize for defeating Marlon)

Magnezone @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
- Thunderbolt (TM24)
- Flash Cannon (LV39)
- Tri Attack (Move Relearner as Magneton)
- Thunder Wave (LV15)

Magnezone is the second teambuilder, as he completely walls Roxie, and kills the majority of Skyla's and Marlon's gyms. He has a plethora of resistances, but make sure you keep him away from Clay's gym. Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are great Special Attacking STAB moves. Tri Attack is the only coverage move he gets, and you need to take him to a Move Relearner before he evolves into Magnezone. Thunder Wave is one of the easiest way to catch Pokemon, and he gets it early on at LV15. It also serves as a form of speed control.

Location: Virbank Complex
Leftovers: Castelia Sewers
Move Relearner: Driftveil City PWT

Sigilyph @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Magic Guard
- Air Slash (LV41)
- Psychic (LV44/TM29)
- Roost (Move Tutor C)
- Fly (HM02)

Now for the Flying type: Sigilyph. The first of two Pokemon to be found in or in front of the Desert Resort, Sigilyph is ridiculously underrated. He's got a Special Attack stat of 103, and does wonders against Marshal in the Elite 4. Air Slash and Psychic are 2 powerful STAB moves to compliment his Special Attack stat, and Roost is for HP recovery. Fly is for flying around Unova.

Location: Desert Resort
Rocky Helmet: Relic Passage
TM29: Route 13
Move Tutor C: Humilau City (6 Yellow Shards)
HM02: Route 5

Flygon @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Levitate
- Dig (LV29)
- Dragon Claw (LV55)
- Rock Slide (LV25)
- Signal Beam (Move Tutor A)

Flygon is the second member of the team obtained in the Desert Resort, and will be your Dragon type for the run. As a Trapich, he will destroy Elesa, and he will make Clay much easier than he was before as a Vibrava, if you teach him Ice Punch before hand for 10 Red Shards. He'll also be a big help in the fights with Drayden and Iris. Dig and Dragon Claw will be the primary STAB moves on Flygon, because Draco Meteor does only a little damage after the first couple of uses, and Flygon has a higher Attack stat than Special Attack. Rock Slide is a coverage move, as is Signal Beam.

Obtained: Desert Resort
Dragon Fang: Victory Road
Move Tutor A: Driftveil City (4 Red Shards)

Jellicent @ Shell Bell
Ability: Water Absorb
- Surf (HM03)
- Hex (LV45)
- Giga Drain (Move Tutor C)
- Will-O-Wisp (TM61)

Jellicent will be the fifth member of your team, obtainable as soon as you get Surf, at which point you can go back and get a Frillish in the water on Route 4. Jellicent is a bulky wall, and with the addition of Giga Drain, can take Marlon practically single-handedly. Hex and Will-O-Wisp make a devastating combo of STAB and status, and Surf is both an HM and a high-power special attack. Jellicent will help in the battle against Shauntal when you reach the Elite 4.

Obtained: Route 4
Shell Bell: Driftveil City
HM03: Route 6 (After defeating Clay)
Move Tutor C: Humilau City (10 Yellow Shards)
TM61: Celestial Tower

Drapion @ Razor Claw
Ability: Sniper
- Toxic (TM06)
- X-Scissor (TM81)
- Cross Poison (LV57)
- Night Slash (LV38)

Drapion has two more unique types for this team. He can hold his own against Caitlin, and does great against Shauntal, and does pretty well against Grimsley thanks to X-Scissor. Toxic will be the status move, and X-Scissor is good coverage, and STAB for Skorupi. Cross Poison and Night Slash are the primary STAB moves, and thanks to Razor Claw, are extremely likely to get critical hits. Sniper will boost the damage on any such hits, making Drapion a very interesting and helpful choice.

Location: Reversal Mountain
Razor Claw: Giant Chasm
TM06: Seaside Cave
TM81: Route 7

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* Signal Beam might be better than Thunder Wave if you're not interested in catching other Pokemon.

* Any Move Tutor moves (that don't use the 10 free Red Shards) are too much of a pain to get. Sigilyph can do with Thunderbolt or Shadow Ball over Roost; Energy Ball is a good substitute for Giga Drain on Jellicent.

* Will-O-Wisp + Hex is often unnecessary in-game when you can just run Shadow Ball and something like Psychic.

* Toxic isn't necessary when you can use an attacking move like Return or Rock Slide.

* You might not get Cross Poison before the postgame. In the meantime, Drapion doesn't really need a Poison move to do well -- you can give it Cut for utility, Strength for beating the game, or one of the coverage moves mentioned in the last bullet point.
0 votes

Ability: Overgrow
Hasty Nature
- Growth
- Giga Drain
- Dragon Tail
- Frenzy Plant

Growth raises both offensive stats by one stage and by two stages in Sunny weather. Giga Drain is STAB and it heals Serperior. Dragon Tail is coverage against Dragon types and it switches out a bad foe. Frenzy Plant is for power and STAB, even though the recharge turn in undesirable.

Ability: Big Pecks / Super Luck
Adamant Nature
- Fly
- Return
- Quick Attack
- Feather Dance

Fly is STAB and Unfezant can avoid an attack for one turn. Return and Quick Attack are also STAB. Return does more damage the more Unfezant likes you and Quick Attack is for priority. Feather Dance lowers the foe's Attack by two stages.

Ability: Steadfast / Inner Focus
Serious Nature
- Aura Sphere
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed
- Flash Cannon

Aura Sphere, Close Combat and Flash Cannon are STAB. Aura Sphere never misses, Close Combat is for power and Flash Cannon is a Steel type move that has a chance to lower Special Defense. Extreme Speed is for priority.

Ability: Intimidate / Flash Fire
Rash Nature
- Sunny Day
- Flamethrower
- Wild Charge
- Extreme Speed

Sunny Day makes it sunny for 5 turns, powers up Fire type moves and helps Serperior's Growth out. Flamethrower is STAB, has a Chance to Burn and it's powered up in the Sun. Wild Charge is Coverage against Water and Flying types. Extreme Speed is for priority.

Ability: Motor Drive
Jolly Nature
- Thrash
- Wild Charge
- Flame Charge
- Thunder Wave

Thrash is power. Wild Charge is STAB. Flame Charge raises Speed and it's coverage against Grass, Ice and Steel types. Thunder Wave paralyzes your foe.

Ability: Water Absorb / Shell Armor
Brave Nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Body Slam
- Confuse Ray.

Surf and Ice Beam are STAB. Ice Beam has a Chance of freezing the foe. Body Slam has a chance to paralyze your foe and Confuse Ray confuses your foe.

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* Frenzy Plant is bad thanks to its recharge turn and low PP. Giga Drain will suffice in most cases, but you can also use Leaf Blade if you want the extra BP. Strength is probably a better use of the slot though.

* Aura Sphere and Close Combat are redundant. I would commit to a physical moveset and replace Aura Sphere with Shadow Claw --- this team struggles against Shauntal otherwise.

* Note you'll be using Force Palm for most of the game, as Close Combat is learned at Level 55. Your other option is Low Kick for 8 Red Shards.

* ExtremeSpeed is postgame only, barring significant overlevelling. Use Rock Slide or Swords Dance instead.

* Flash Cannon is postgame only. Use Swords Dance or Return.

* Sunny Day is generally unhelpful. Arcanine does much better with Bulldoze or Dig.

* Thrash isn't usable until the very end of the game. Before then, Return will have higher power than Zebstrika's other options (Stomp, Facade) and is more consistent than Thrash due to its lack of negative effects.

* Lapras generally isn't a good use of time, as it's exceedingly rare to find. Thunderbolt, Psychic, and Waterfall are all better choices than Confuse Ray.
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This is the team I used for Pokemon Black and White 2. Did not lose once, beat all trainers with ease.


Serperior @ Miracle Seed
- Leaf Blade
- Giga Drain
- Coil
- Strength

Leaf Blade is a good move, and is stab, while being even better with the Miracle Seed. Giga Drain is also a good move, which is stab aswell and is boosted by the Miracle Seed. Coil raises your Attack, Defense, and Accuracy stat. Strength is HM and needed to get to the Elite Four.

Get Snivy from Aspertia City from Bianca.
Evolve it.


Arcanine @ Charcoal
- Flare Blitz
- Crunch
- Outrage
- Flamethrower

Flare Blitz is an amazing move which is stab, and even better with Charcoal. Crunch is good for the Elite Four. Outrage is also a really good move, and helps out with one of the gym leaders and the champion. Flamethrower is stab and also just a relativley good move, also being boosted by Charcoal.

Catch Growlithe in the Virbank Complex.
Evolve it with Fire Stone.


Crobat @ Sharp Beak
- Fly
- X-Scissor
- Confuse Ray
- Sludge Bomb

Fly is stab and also a really useful HM, and is even a better move with the Sharp Beak. X-Scissor is a decent move for coverage. Confuse Ray can really be your best friend in some battles. Sludge Bomb is a overall good move which is stab.

Catch Zubat in the Castellia Sewers.
Evolve it.


Zoroark @ Black Glasses
- Foul Play
- Scary Face
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse.

Foul play is a good move which is stab, and even better with the boost of Black Glasses. Scary Face can really help out with speedy Pokemon like the Champions Haxorus. Dark Pulse is stab and is a good move, also boosted by the Black Glasses. Nasty Plot boosts Sp. Atk moves such as Dark Pulse.

Get Zoura from Rood in Driftveil city.
Evolve it.


Klinklang @ Metal Coat
- Shift Gear
- Gear Grind
- Thunder Wave
- Wild Charge

Shift Gear boosts your Attack and Speed stat. Gear Grind is stab, and a decent move, and Shift Gear can boost the power of it. Thunder Wave can really help you out in battles. Wild Charge is good coverage and an all-round good move.

Catch Klink in Chargestone Cave.
Evolve it.


Walrein @ Mystic Water / NeverMeltIce
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- Body Slam

Surf is stab, a great move, and a needed HM, Mystic Water boosts its power. Waterfall is stab, a good move, and also, a needed HM, Mystic Water boosts its power. Ice Beam is stab, and a great move being boosted by the NeverMeltIce. Body Slam is a coverage.

I hope you all have a fun time using this team like I did! It worked out perfectly for me, and I hope it does for you!


* This Arcanine moveset requires getting a Growlithe to Level 45 before evolving it, which is an inefficient use of resources. The absolute latest you should evolve Growlithe is Level 34, for Flamethrower, but you can get away with Level 28 if you don't mind Flame Burst. From there, teach Arcanine Strength/Return, Bulldoze/Dig, and Wild Charge.

* Confuse Ray will rarely be helpful when you can use Return or itemless Acrobatics instead.

* Sludge Bomb is postgame. Crobat's strongest Poison options are Cross Poison (Move Relearner) or Venoshock (TM).

* Foul Play is fine, but Night Slash is more consistent, despite its lower BP.

* Scary Face doesn't do a lot for Zoroark. Return, Flamethrower, and Cut are all better options.

* Dark Pulse is not worth the time it takes to obtain 10 Blue Shards. Replace it with one of the aforementioned moves.

* Depending on your moveset choices, Hone Claws may now be a better option than Nasty Plot.
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This is my team in Black 2 which carried me through the first half of the Elite 4:

- Scald / Hydro Pump
- Razor Shell
- Surf
- Waterfall

If you picked Tepig instead:

- Flamethrower
- Heat Crash
- Brick Break
- Strength

The first 3 are good STAB moves with their own advantages: Flamethrower can cause burns, Heat Crash is Emboar's trademark, and Brick Break breaks through Light Screen and Reflect. Strength is an HM.

Scald/Hydro Pump and Razor Shell are strong STAB moves. I prefer Scald over Hydro Pump, but it's up to you. Surf and Waterfall are strong STAB moves, as well as HMs.

- Air Cutter
- Aerial Ace
- Air Slash
- Fly

All of them are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Aerial Ace never misses, Air Cutter has an increased critical hit ratio, Air Slash can cause flinching, Fly is an HM and on the turn you use it, most attacks can't hurt you.

- Discharge
- Volt Switch
- Thunder Punch / Fire Punch
- Flash

Discharge and Volt Switch are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Discharge can cause paralysis and Volt Switch lets you use a classic hit and run. You can pick either Thunder Punch, which is a good STAB move that causes paralysis, or Fire Punch to compensate for the lack of a Fire type. Flash is an HM.

- Aura Sphere
- Force Palm
- Metal Claw
- Strength

Aura Sphere, Force Palm, and Metal Claw are all strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Aura Sphere never misses, Force Palm can cause paralysis, and Metal Claw can increase your Attack stat. Strength is an HM.

If Emboar was your starter:

- Water Pulse
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Zen Headbutt

Water Pulse is a good STAB move that can cause confusion. Surf and Waterfall are also strong STAB moves, as well as HMs. Zen Headbutt is compensation for the lack of a Psychic type.

- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Dig
- Foul Play

All of these moves are good STAB moves with their own advantages: Earthquake can hit underground opponents, Crunch can weaken the enemy's special defense, Foul Play can turn an opponent's Attack stat advantage against them, and Dig can help you escape caves and on the turn you use it, most attacks can't hurt you.

- Blizzard
- Ice Beam
- Icicle Crash
- Cut

The first three moves are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Blizzard and Ice Beam can freeze the opponent and Icicle Crash can cause flinching. Cut is an HM.

Thanks for reading and tell me in the comments what you think of this team.

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More than one STAB move (two on dual types) on each Pokemon is generally a terrible idea. Get some more coverage instead.
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This is the team I used for Pokemon Black 2. I fell like this is the best team for anyone.

Availability: Early Game, Virbank Complex, 25% (Inside)
Stats: Has a great Special Attack stat, with decent overall bulk to back it up.
Typing: Steel/Electric is arguably the holy grail of defensive typings, with resistances to everything bar four types. Ground and Fighting types are rather common though. Offensively, this typing is mediocre, but is saved by its stats and movepool.
Movepool: Magnemite comes with Sonic Boom, a godsend early game that can 2HKO everything. Aside from that, it has Thundershock, and later Mirror Shot. Magnemite doesn't get any good STAB moves until Flash Cannon, but it can hold on with STAB Volt Switch, Thunder, and a tutored Signal Beam.
Major Battles: Magnemite steamrolls over Roxie, Burgh, Skyla, and Marlon by virtue of typing alone. It helps a lot against Drayden, but needs to watch out for coverage moves such as Earth Power.

Availability: Starter
Stats: Balanced stats across the board, with some emphasis in Attack and Special Attack.
Typing: Water gives it a nice variety of options, but it doesn't give Oshawott a lot of strong matchups throughout the game.
Movepool: Oshawott gets interesting movepool options, most notable being Megahorn from the move relearner (or X-Scissor from TM), Superpower from move tutor, and Ice Beam and Blizzard from TM. It also gets Swords Dance, allowing it to pull off sweeps on some foes.
Major Battles: Oshawott is one of the best options against Clay, an otherwise difficult battle. Its coverage options make it a legitimate pick for Drayden as well. In the E4, Samurott shines as a backup to almost everything, with a strong varied movepool to pick off weakened teams.

Availability: Early-Mid Game, Route 4, 5%
Stats: Scraggy has solid Attack and defenses. Upon evolving, its defenses overtake its Attack, meaning it remains bulky before and after evolution. It’s fairly slow though.
Typing: Dark + Fighting make a great combo, only Heracross and Toxicroak resist them, both of which are rarely seen.
Movepool: Scraggy starts off with Faint Attack and Headbutt, then gets Brick Break at level 20. It gets Payback, Hi Jump Kick, and finally Crunch right before evolving. It gets Rock Tomb by TM, and Ice Punch through tutoring.
Major Battles: With access to Dig and Rock Tomb, Scraggy can take on Elesa easily. Its Fighting attacks do well against Clay's Krokorok and Excadrill. Crunch can take out Skyla's Swoobat. With its bulk and strong attacks, Scraggy can go head-to-head to Drayden, watch out for Druddigon's Revenge. Scraggy manhandles Marlon's Jellicent and stomps both Zinzolin and Colress, while taking on any of Ghetsis's team bar Toxicroak. Scraggy has positive matchups against 75% of the Elite Four and takes on most of Iris's team.

Availability: Early-Mid Game, Desert Resort, 10% (Desert)
Stats: Its stats are well distributed for in-game runs. High Special Attack and Speed and its defenses are more than enough to take hits repeatedly when required.
Typing: Psychic/Flying STAB provide plenty of neutral and super effective coverage, but they are stopped by Steel-types. 4x Fighting resistance and Ground immunity are helpful. It has 5 weaknesses but some of those are rare.
Movepool: Air Cutter and Psybeam provide early power, and Air Slash and Psychic replace these to keep it going late-game. Shadow Ball from TM is useful for coverage on Psychic-types, and Signal Beam is a more expensive alternative for both Psychic- and Dark-types. It gets walled by Steel-types for most of the game, so Heat Wave is an option late-game if you have the shards.
Major Battles: It can use its STABs to beat most Team Plasma grunts. Its typing is only advantageous against Marshall (watch out for Rock attacks), but it has enough power and Speed to at least contribute against pretty much any gym.

Availability: Early Game, Virbank Complex, 20% (Inside)
Stats: They’re very balanced. Its Attack and Special Attack are equally usable, and it's fairly fast too. It's also quite bulky, with good HP and average defenses.
Typing: Fire is a decent type in this game. It hits a good amount of Pokemon for super effective damage, but it's weak to Water, Ground, and Rock, all of which are very easy to take advantage of.
Movepool: Shallow. It learns nothing useful by level-up, except for STAB moves, Outrage and Crunch; Extremespeed is decent, but isn't very useful. To get its best physical STAB, Flare Blitz, you have to keep it as a Growlithe until level 45, which sucks. It can't learn Wild Charge, its best supplemental coverage, until Victory Road, at which it's pointless. Thunder Fang is available, but is a rather poor move in general.
Major Battles: It can be a good asset against Roxie, and it destroys Burgh and Colress. Other than those two, it doesn't do particularly well against any other important trainers, but it's only really useless versus Drayden and Marlon.

Availability: Early-Mid Game, Desert Resort, 5% (Desert)
Stats: It’s very strong, but frail and slow at the same time. But, once it gets to Flygon, all of its stats are respectable, especially with high Speed and Attack.
Typing: Ground is a solid typing, but having some common weaknesses makes it have a hard time. As Vibrava and Flygon, its secondary Dragon-type removes some of them, while it provides a great secondary STAB.
Movepool: Sadly, it can't get Earthquake during the main story unless you keep it as a Trapinch until level 55. Dig or Earth Power serve as substitutes, though, and it learns Dragon Claw by level-up. It gets nice coverage moves like Fire Blast and Rock Slide. You can also use it for Fly.
Major Battles: It does really well against Elesa. It can also do work against Skyla with Rock Slide, while Dragon Claw helps against Drayden. Its Ground-type moves will be helpful against most of Team Plasma.

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I'm going to answer with my Pokemon Black 2 team (I can say that I "cheated". I had a White 2 exclusive Pokemon on my team but you can use that Pokemon on White 2 or replace it with whatever Pokemon do you want). I have to warn you though, the Pokemon are found very early in the game so you have to grind a bit.

Samurott @ Mystic Water
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Megahorn
- Ice Beam

This guy is actually really good. I don't know why do so many people say that he is terrible. Megahorn can be learnt via Move Tutor, Ice Beam for coverage, Waterfall and Surf are needed HMs and STAB, Samurott having really balanced attacking stats.

Arcanine @ Charcoal
- Flare Blitz
- Outrage
- Flamethrower
- Wild Charge

Flamethrower is STAB, as well as Flare Blitz but I used Flare Blitz when I was around full HP and I knew that Flamethrower won't OHKO the foe. Outrage for coverage and Wild Charge because this team does not have a Electric type (and for Water types).

Roserade @ Miracle Seed
- Energy Ball
- Venoshock
- Toxic
- Shadow Ball

Oh Lord, this thing is better than I thought. It DESTROYED the 8th Gym and helped a lot during the journey. Energy Ball is STAB, Toxic for poisoning the foe, Venoshock is STAB and it's more powerful when the foe's poisoned. Shadow Ball for coverage.

Lucario @ Razor Claw (That only item that I had for Lucario)
- Aura Sphere
- Close Combat
- Dark Pulse
- Strength

Lucario is really over used, but he is over used because he is INSANE. He really helped me for the 3rd Gym (If you want to use this team, make sure you evolve Riolu before challenging the Gym.) and during the journey. Aura Sphere (his signature move) and Close Combat are STAB, you can get Dark Pulse via Move Tutor and I chose it over Dragon Pulse because I already had enough Dragon coverage (the next Pokemon shows you why I had enough Dragon coverage).

Haxorus @ Dragon Fang
- Dragon Claw
- Swords Dance / Dragon Dance
- Slash
- Dig / Earthquake

IMO he is the best Dragon type Pokemon out of all of them (Hydreigon is pretty good too but you can't really have before E4). Haxorus destroyed the 7th Gym and Iris' Dragons. Dragon Claw is STAB, Swords Dance raises the Attack stat by 2 stages, Dragon Dance raises the Attack stat only by 1 stage but it raises the Speed stat. Dig is for Electric types. Earthquake TM is only for Post Game.

Braviary @ Leftovers
- Fly / Brave Bird
- Hone Claws
- Crush Claw
- Superpower

He is the guy that is exclusive for White 2 but I didn't care because I really wanted him so I talked to a friend and he traded his Braviary. You need to over level your Braviary to get Brave Bird so until then, Fly can be used. They are both STAB. Hone Claws boosts the Attack stat and Accuracy. Crush Claw is STAB and Superpower is for coverage.

Hope this helped.

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Aura Sphere is not Lucarios Signature
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(Pre-Elite Four)

Emboar @ Shell Bell
Ability: Blaze
Recommended Nature: Brave (+Atk, -Spe) / Quiet (+SpA, -Spe)

- Flamethrower (Level 43) / Heat Crash (Level 31)
- Superpower (Lentimas Move Tutor - 10 Blue Shards) / Hammer Arm (Move Reminder)
- Wild Charge (TM93 - Victory Road)
- Scald (TM55 - Gift from Marlon)

While I think Samurott is the best starter in-terms of in-game viability, Emboar definitely makes a close second place. His main weakness is, well, his weaknesses. He has several weaknesses to common types such as Flying and Water, however, Emboar does have arguably better match-ups against important trainers, and also destroys all of Team Plasma's Normal and Dark types. He also has good HP and Special Attack, and amazing Attack, and a pretty good movepool as well. Flamethrower and Heat Crash are STAB (I'd personally go with Flamethrower because it is more consistent), Superpower and Hammer Arm are STAB (I'd go with Superpower because it is more accurate and deals more damage, but getting 10 Blue Shards can be annoying, so Hammer Arm can work well too), Wild Charge covers his Flying and Water weaknesses and Emboar has enough HP to soak up some recoil, and Scald covers his Ground weakness.

Krookodile @ Expert Belt
Ability: Intimidate/Moxie
Recommended Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA) / Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)

- Earthquake (Level 54)
- Crunch (Level 28)
- Rock Slide (TM80 - Mistralton Cave)
- Aerial Ace (TM40 - Mistralton Runway) / Outrage (Level 60)

I've put Krookodile in almost all of my Unova teams, and for good reason. There is almost nothing wrong with this Pokémon in-game. It has great stats, two amazing abilities and a phenomenal movepool. It also comes early and is useful against many important battles and it also destroys Team Plasma's Poison-types. I'm honestly shocked that not many people put it on their teams. Earthquake and Crunch are STAB, Rock Slide covers his Ice and Bug weaknesses, and Aerial Ace covers his Grass and Bug weaknesses. Outrage is also good as it helps largely with the Champion, however, it isn't guaranteed that you'll have it for the Champion. However, given that Krookodile beats half of the Elite Four, getting Outrage shouldn't be too hard.

Sigilyph @ Scope Lens
Ability: Magic Guard
Recommended Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)

- Psychic (Level 44)
- Air Slash (Level 41)
- Shadow Ball (TM30 - Reversal Mountain Exterior)
- Heat Wave (Humilau Move Tutor - 10 Yellow Shards) / Energy Ball (TM53 - Aspertia City, requires Surf)

After I decided the other 5 party members, I wasn't too sure who to round off the team. But then I realized that Sigilyph would round it off perfectly. It has great Speed and Special Attack, a phenomenal movepool, two pretty good abilities (I think Magic Guard is better, but Wonder Skin is still good), and helps with most battles that my team could struggle with. Psychic and Air Slash are STAB, Shadow Ball covers her Ghost weakness, Energy Ball covers her Rock weakness and Heat Wave covers her Ice weakness, but getting 10 Yellow Shards can be annoying, so you can use Energy Ball instead, however, I'd prefer Heat Wave.

Roserade @ Black Sludge
Ability: Poison Point
Recommended Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)

- Petal Dance (Level 37 as Roselia) / Energy Ball (TM53 - Aspertia City, requires Surf)
- Giga Drain (Level 25 as Roselia)
- Venoshock (TM09 - Gift from Roxie)
- Shadow Ball (TM30 - Reversal Mountain Exterior)

I don't really know how to introduce this Pokémon, I just knew that I wanted it on the team. It has great Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed, and a pretty decent movepool, and decent in-game match-ups, easily one of the better Grass-type options, that's about it. Petal Dance is STAB, but waiting that long for Petal Dance might not be for you, so you can use Energy Ball instead if you want (I think you should get Petal Dance though), Giga Drain is also STAB and keep her healthy, Venoshock is STAB (unfortunately, this is her best Poison STAB in the main game - she doesn't get Sludge Wave and Sludge Bomb is post-game), and Shadow Ball covers her Psychic weakness.

Aggron @ Muscle Band
Ability: Rock Head/Sturdy
Recommended Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)

- Iron Head (Level 25) / Heavy Slam (Level 57)
- Rock Slide (TM80 - Mistralton Cave)
- Ice Punch (Driftveil Move Tutor - 10 Red Shards) / Thunder Punch (Driftveil Move Tutor - 10 Red Shards)
- Aerial Ace (TM40 - Mistralton Runway)

While this wasn't the Physical tank I wanted to have on my team (I wanted Gliscor but Krookodile was already on and I didn't want to switch him out), Aggron is definitely a beast. He has monstrous Defense and pretty good attack, however, he does have two 4x weaknesses, so you will need to be careful. Iron Head and Heavy Slam are STAB (Choose Iron Head if you want consistency, but Heavy Slam can do a lot of damage, it's just less consistent), Rock Slide is STAB, Ice Punch covers his Ground weakness and Thunder Punch covers his Water weakness (someone in the Nimbasa Pokémon Center will give you 10 Red Shards - make sure to pick those up for an elemental punch), and Aerial Ace covers his Fighting weakness. Aggron has a surprisingly diverse movepool, so you can experiment with other moves such as Payback, Shadow Claw, Dragon Tail, Bulldoze etc.

Walrein/Lapras @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat (Walrein) / Shell Armor (Lapras)
Recommended Nature: Quiet (+SpA, -Spe)

- Surf (HM03 - Route 6, from Cheren)
- Ice Beam (TM13 - Giant Chasm, for Walrein / Level 32, for Lapras)
- Bulldoze (TM78 - Gift from Clay, for Walrein) / Psychic (TM29 - Route 13, for Lapras)
- Waterfall (HM05 - Victory Road, from N)

I really couldn't decide between these two for this team. I ended up using Lapras in my test playthrough, but I've used Walrein in the past and been very happy with him. They both come with their own merits: Walrein has higher Defense, Special Attack and Speed, comes earlier and levels up faster, whereas Lapras has higher HP, Attack and Special Defense, gets Ice Beam automatically and has an overall superior movepool. I ended up choosing Lapras because I chose these two as they both can takes hits from both sides well, which the majority of the team can't do, and given Lapras has much more HP, I decided on her, but that doesn't make Walrein a bad choice at all. Surf is STAB and gets you across water, Ice Beam is STAB and helps massively with all the late-game dragons, Bulldoze covers Walrein's Electric weakness, whereas Psychic covers Lapras' Fighting weakness, and Waterfall is also STAB and gets you up and down Waterfalls.

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Samurott @ Mystic Water
Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Aqua Jet
- Megahorn
- Ice Beam / Blizzard

Surf is an HM move. Aqua Jet is for priority. Megahorn & Ice Beam are for coverage.

Arcanine @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
- Flare Blitz
- Outrage
- Extreme Speed
- Thunder Fang / Wild Charge

Flare Blitz & Outrage are STAB. Extreme Speed for priority. Thunder Fang / Wild Charge for coverage.

Lucario @ Quick Claw
Ability: Inner Focus
- Force Palm / Close Combat / Aura Sphere
- Metal Claw
- Psychic
- Ice Punch

Force Palm or Close Combat / Aura Sphere are STAB. Metal Claw is Steel STAB and it also increases your Attack. Psychic and Ice Punch are for coverage against Lucario's weaknesses.

Ability: Levitate
- Fly
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Fly is an HM move. Dragon Claw / Outrage (but you have to make him hold a berry for the confusion) and Earthquake are STAB. Rock Slide is to cover Flygon's Ice weakness.

Ability: Illusion
- Foul Play / Nasty Plot
- Night Slash / Night Daze
- Flamethrower
- Aerial Ace

Foul Play & Night Slash are STAB but change it to Nasty Plot & Night Daze to focus Zoroark to a Special Attacker. Flamethrower & Aerial Ace are for coverage against Bugs and Fighting types, his weaknesses.

Galvantula @ Wide Lens
Compound Eyes
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Volt Switch
- Energy Ball

Thunder with Compound Eyes and Wide Lens means it'll usually hit. Bug Buzz is a great Bug type move, especially when it gets STAB. Volt Switch is a good move to have, for pivoting and STAB. Energy Ball for coverage against Ground types.

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Pokemon Black and White 2 Team- Serperior, Arcanine, Magnezone, Starmie, Braviary, and Krookodile

- Leaf Blade
- Giga Drain
- Toxic
- Leech Seed

Yeah, I know I used Serperior in my recommendation for my BW team, but Unova has the worst starter trio of any region, so you really don't have much an option here. Do you go with the worst and one of the most hideous Fire types (not to mention a THIRD fire/fighting type that is inferior to Blaziken AND Infernape in every way) in Emboar? Or do you pick a mediocre Water type that is outclassed, especially in the sequel to BW, which is what this in game team is for. To be fair, while I view Serperior as the clearly superior starter choice in Unova, maybe Samurott could work for you. It's a decent Pokemon. But Emboar? That abomination should never have existed. Or at least shouldn't have been the third and worst fire/fighting starter. Sorry for the long rant, but this is why Serperior is recommended for the second time. Anyways, it's moveset doesn't differ at all from what was recommended last time. Why fix what wasn't broken to begin with? Leaf Blade as the primary attack, Giga Drain and Leech Seed for recovery, while Toxic is used to whittle down foes. Big Root is the recommended item for Serperior.

- Flamethrower
- Outrage
- Crunch
- Extreme Speed

Another familiar face joins our BW2 team! Arcanine is one of the greatest Pokemon ever created (having the highest stat total out of all non legendary, non psuedo legendary, and non detrimental ability Pokemon), the best dog Pokemon by a longshot. This majestic beast is man's best friend indeed. Arcanine is who I recommended as a Fire type in Crystal, and is the Fire type I recommend here. You have an excellent selection of Pokemon in this game, but I would say for Fire types, Arcanine is the cream of the crop. Flamethrower is STAB, Outrage and Crunch are coverage, and Extremespeed is a powerful priority move. That Outrage is very helpful against this game's champion...

- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Tri Attack
- Thunder Wave

Magnezone is a Pokemon who is a combination of my two favorite types, Steel and Electric, which in total has a whopping 12 resistances and one immunity! Pretty handy defensive type, but that's not all Magnezone is here for! It also is an incredible special attacker to boot. Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are for STAB, Tri-Attack is coverage (unfortunately Magnezone's movepool is pretty small), and Thunder Wave is extremely useful and one of the best status moves that you can have.

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Recover / Confuse Ray

Starmie is a gem of a Pokemon. Awesome design, great stats, and a nifty typing. Surf is STAB, as is Psychic. Ice Beam is coverage and really really useful against the champion of this game. The last slot can be Recover to regain health, or Confuse Ray if you want to mess around with the RNG.

- Fly
- Return
- Superpower
- Brave Bird

The best Flying type in existence joins our team! The amazingly patriotic Murica bird Braviary swoops in on this team. Normally Rufflet won't evolve until level 54, but BW2 (well, White 2 at least...) is awesome and you can catch an underleveled Braviary in this game. Fly and Return are STAB and hit ridiculously hard, Superpower is coverage and so far the only Fighting move we have on this team. Brave Bird is a kamikaze STAB that hits like a locomotive.

- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Brick Break / Dragon Claw

The slickest Gator since King K. Rool makes his way onto this team! Krookodile's kickass Ground/Dark type has some nifty resistances and immunities and makes him super helpful against a lot of the Elite Four of this game. Crunch and Earthquake are STAB, Stone Edge is coverage that along with Earthquake will for the "EdgeQuake" combo, a combo with very good neutral coverage. Brick Break for an extra Fighting type move or Dragon Claw for extra help against Champion Iris can be your final move and both are very helpful.

Unfortunately for you Black 2 players, you screwed up when picking versions, and you can't get the sheer awesomeness of the best Flying type in existence, Braviary. Does this mean you should use it's version exclusive counterpart, the worst Flying type in existence, Mandibuzz? Hell no! Instead, if you choose Black 2 instead of White 2 for some convoluted reason, here is your alternative...

- Fly
- Sludge Bomb / Cross Poison
- X-Scissor / U-turn
- Roost / Giga Drain / Heat Wave

Crobat is also a really solid Pokemon, and you won't be doubling up on types if you are playing Black 2 with the same team sans Braviary. Fly is STAB, Sludge Bomb or Cross Poison can be used for secondary STAB, X-Scissor is coverage, U-Turn is for utility and extremely good on the wickedly fast Crobat. In the final moveslot, the move tutors in this game can really come in handy. Roost to regain health, Giga Drain to regain health and do damage, or Heat Wave to do damage and potentially burn foes can be fun. Crobat has a lot of really neat options thanks to the move tutors in BW2.

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