I heard there is swarming pokemon in platinum after I get national pokedex! is it true? where I can found it?
Yes, it's true... After you get the National Dex, just talk to Dawn/Lucas sister in her house in Sandgem City. She'll tell you the location of the pokemon and what kind of pokemon they are. The pokemon change every day! But, I've done some research and I found this Doduo = Route 201 Zigzagoon = Route 202 Cubone = Route 203 Larvitar = Route 206 Phanpy = Route 207 Dunsparce = Route 208 Snubbull = Route 209 Spoink = Route 214 Drowzee = Route 215 Delibird = Route 217 Voltorb = Route 218 Farfetch'd = Route 221 Skitty = Route 222 Natu = Route 224 Makuhita = Route 225 Krabby = Route 226 Spinda = Route 227 Beldum = Route 228 Pinsir = Route 229 Corsola = Route 230 Slakoth = Eterna Forest Electrike = Valley Windworks hope this usefull...