Hi, Im trying to EV Train my Shiny Chimchar (Starter) Im trying to make his specialties either Attk and Speed or Attk and Def or spread it maybe 200 Attk, 200 speed and 150 DEF (if thats possible) Um, okay so this is what I understand with EV Training:
- Each pokemon gives a specific stat when you defeat it ranging from 1-3 EVs
- 4 EVs for example Speed = 1 Base Speed Stat when level
- there are items that Increase and decrease EVs (PokeRus, Bracelets, Fruits etc)
- The max number of EVs is 510
- the max number that can be put on one stat is 252 or 255
Ok, so idk if I forgot anything but here are some questions:
Q1: Lets say i have I level Up and i had 4 EVs on Speed 3 EVs on Attk obviously i would get 1 extra Base stat on Speed. So my question is Once i've leveled do I restart the EV count as in keeping the count for how many EVs i've used out of 510 EVs max but restarting the count just to know how many bonuses I will get at the next level?
Q2: I dont get how with the max being 510 will enable me to max at least 1 stat, I feel as if It wont be enough, can someone explain how 510 EVs would be enough to help maximize 1-2 stats to 252( or 255) thats if im EV training my Chimchar from the beginning
Q3:ok so lets say throughout the game i've calculated how many EVs i've already used up and i've used up lets say: 33 Attk EVs ,58 Speed EV , 67 Defense EV would i have spent 158/510 EVs?
Q4: I also dont understand IVs the concept of it, the purpose of it and benefit of it
Q5:WOuld my 510 EVs last till my pokemon are lvl 100? And if it doesnt what are the consequences of exceeding 510 EVs or 252(or 255) on a base stat?