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Learning about EVs

Hi guys!

I'm kinda new to this part of the game, which people call Competitive Pokemon. I've played only the Ruby/Sapphire and I had no idea about those IVs and EVs or Breeding and those kind of stuff.

Now I'm trying to learn about this, and I am learning EVs "training" at the moment.

So, I saw that it is better to focus on 2 stats when growing EVs, and that means that I have a maximum of 510 EVs and it should be better to do 252 in 2 of them and 4 in another. THEN I was trying to train the EVs of my Bellibolt. But when I reached 251 (62 stat points), it went directly to 256 (63 stat points). Do you know what is going on? Am I doing something wrong?

PS.: I used Power Lens for reaching close to 252, and then took away the item and increased 1 by 1 until 252.

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Does this count as a dupe?
Yeah imo
After reading the answers under that question, do you still have any questions about EVs?
Yes, it helped a lot. But what I still don't get is why my sp. Att is getting 64 extra Stat points. Is it possible? Or am I making a mistake on the math?
Can you explain this sentence more? "But when I reached 251 (62 stat points), it went directly to 256 (63 stat points)."
What did you see in-game when this happened, and what did you find strange about it? What level is Bellibolt?
I miswrote it. So, I added 63 stat points to my initial sp. att. and it resulted 329. But when I reached 328, and trained once more for reaching 329, it went directly to 330 points.
Also, I didn't know it had a maximum EVs per stat. I was worried about training more than I need and the stats would be unbalanced. Now I know that it's impossible.
My Bellibolt is lvl 100.
(sorry about my english, if it's difficult to understand something)

1 Answer

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This sounds to me like a bump stat. Likely an effect of the nature. Natures raise the actual stat by 10% (rounded down) which means if you were to have 99 in a stat you'd get 9 extra points on top of that from your nature. Then, after increasing the stat by one point to 100 you'll then get a 10th extra point meaning you got 2 stat points for the price of one.

300 + 10% = 330
299 + 10% (rounded down) = 328

I also just plugged your EV training into Pokemon showdown on a Bellibolt and that is exactly what happened. At least you're keeping track of your EVs correctly!

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