Format: VGC

Buzkill (Yanmega) @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost / Tinted Lens
EVs: 4 HP / 228 Def / 252 SpA / 24 Spe
Modest Nature
- Bug Buzz
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Hidden Power [Ground]
- Swagger / Giga Drain / Air Slash / Ancient Power
- Detect / Protect
My prefered moves are in bold
This set is more for VGC than anything else. It's a "bulky set" if Yanmega was ever bulky. 228 Def 4 HP lets it survive an Adamant 252 Atk Landourus-T's Rock Slide in Doubles. Hidden Power [Ice] is for Salamence, Landourus-T and for Garchomp for easy OHKOs. Life orb ensures a chance to 68.8% chance OHKO Bisharp. Otherwise I would like to run Detect to avoid getting imprisoned in double battles, losing the ability to Protect with this guy would be catastrophic as his bulk is quite limited.
Swagger is prefered for me, just because Swagger can be used to play games with your opponent, as Confusion + the chance to flinch with Bug Buzz could change the outcome of the game. If you can, you can run Air SLash instead for STAB, or Ancient Power to do massive damage to Charizard and possibly Talonflame that don't OHKO you (its a 50% chance to OHKO Yanmega with Brave Bird if you are not Life Orb Talonflame). And Yanmega can 2HKO Cresselia with Bug Buzz without issue as Ice Beam from it will only do about half.