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What would would happen if I used pain split with Shedinja or to a Shedinja?


1 Answer

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>Pain Split adds the current HP of the user and target Pokémon. It then divides this value by two and sets the HP of both Pokémon to the result.

1 + 1 = 2
2 / 2 = 1

Both Shedinjas would stay at 1 HP

Source: Logic & Bulbapedia/ Pain Split

Also, Shedinja cannot learn Pain Split.

If someone used Pain Split while Mold Breaker was active nothing would happen to either player?
@Danny: No, what I described in my answer would occur, because it technically counts as a non-damaging move because it has no base power. Since other non-damaging moves get around wonder guard, mold breaker wouldn't matter, unless you used a damaging move.