Geez, everyone's sets look pretty well the same with only a move varying between... Here's something a little different:

Weavile (F) @ Iron Ball
Ability: Pickpocket
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 172 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ice Shard
- Brick Break
- Fling
- Fake Out / Taunt / Thief
Alright, Weavile has a pretty big attack stat, so I like to take advantage of these things. With Iron Ball, Fling is the most powerful move Weavile has access to (130 Power + STAB). Ice Shard and Fake Out both give Weavile priority, so the speed drop doesn't matter. Brick Break hits those resistant Steel and Dark types as well as having the useful Screen breaking ability.
Taunt or Thief can also be used in place of Fake Out if you prefer something that hits more than once, Taunt stops people from setting up on Weavile, although it can usually take things out rather swiftly. I prefer Thief, as it re-fuels Fling, and you don't have to wait for something to activate Pick Pocket, if nothing else, you can cripple an opponent, or gain a useful item.
The EVs are fairly simple, you get 301 HP, max Attack, 329 speed which is enough to outspeed (after fling) those 100 Base Speed Pokes, the last 4 I just put in SpDef, you could put it anywhere.