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So for example if my lillipup used tail whip then would it lower the defence more than if my oshawott used it (lillipup=normal oshawott=water)

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5 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Moves that can call other moves are status moves, meaning the user can receive STAB on the move they call. For example, Nature Power turns into different damaging moves depending on the terrain. If Ludicolo uses Nature Power in Grassy Terrain, it will turn into a Grass move and receive STAB.

These status moves are unconventional, however. More traditional status moves like String Shot and Growl don't receive STAB.

You can argue these don't fit the bill because it's the called move that receives STAB. If you believe this, the other answers are correct, but I think these moves are worth mentioning.

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2 votes

No. Only ATTACKING moves can receive STAB. Lillipup's Tackle would do more than Oshawott's Tackle.

8 seconds appart :)
1 vote

No they don't.
The only moves that get Same Type Attack Bonus are attacking moves.

1 vote

No, Status Moves do not get STAB at all. So if a Lillipup and Oshawott use Tail Whip, they will both lower Defense by 1 stage regardless of the Stat.


0 votes

No only damage moves that dont have a set damage get stab.
As for tail whip its def would be lowered by 1 stage and always would be unless they had the ability contrary.
