PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

1)Must be a water type and can be dual type
2) pretty good hp
3)Can take special hits fairly well
4)from gen 1-4
5)have some sort of offensive capability. If not then it must learn either seismic toss,night shade,counter or mirror coat
6)No uber
7)looks cool enough and big enough to surf you across the ocean if it was real life(sorry this is irrelevant)
And dont post a Pokemon if its even missing one of these requirements. Has to fit all.

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2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer


  1. Water/Psychic
  2. Amazing HP. 394 Max HP.
  3. Max 284 SDef. Combined with that HP, it's WALLING!
  4. From Gen I.
  5. Can do Special sweeping, 328 max SAtk isn't that bad.
  6. Not uber.
  7. Big enough for Surf.


  1. Water/Psychic
  2. Amazing HP. 394 Max HP.
  3. Max 350 SDef.
  4. From Gen II.
  5. Can do Special sweeping, 328 max SAtk.
  6. Not uber.
  7. Big enough for Surf.


  1. Water/Ground
  2. Amazing HP. 394 Max HP.
  3. Max 251 SDef. Stockpile helps.
  4. From Gen II.
  5. Can do Physical sweeping, 294 max Atk. Curse helps.
  6. Not uber.
  7. Big enough for Surf.
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Thanks, btw do you think 394 HP is high enough? I always thought that pokemon with an HP thats less than 400 isnt considered too high but maybe im wrong. What do you think?
Dusclops only has like, 290 HP and still walls.
1 vote

Well one of them is SWAMPERT. It has good stats and can learn counter as an egg move
