PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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the pokemon should meet these requirements.

  • must benefit stab from water type attacks
  • must learn all white water type hm's
  • must have at least a base stat total of 450
  • must not be slow or fluctuating
  • preferably having a secondary typing
  • must be powerful enough to be trained as team member(and not just hm slave)

(i am playing white)


1 Answer

0 votes

Tentacruel, Kabutops, Lanturn, Quagsire, Suicune, Crawdaunt, Empoleon, and Mew are some of the best results accorting to this.

Not many Pokemon qualified to your requirements, so I jotted down some of the best options. Mew can learn all the HMs and also has more than 450 Base Power, so if you're lucky enough to have one, cool. I would'nt waist it on a HM slave though :D

Check the link above to check out the results yourself :D
Hope this helps ;)

edited by
I would recommend bibarel cause he can learn ALL hms but fly. the only bad part is that his total level is probably not 450.
How did you find that link?
Mouse over the Pokemon Games tab at the top of this page, click Black and White, and click Hidden Machines (HMs)