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I am currently playing through Pokemon FireRed, and have just arrived at Vermilion City. I am about to face Lt. Surge, but I haven't taught anyone Cut yet. Is there a Pokemon that can be used for HM's for the entire game? If so who?

ago by
I think Krabby and Lapras are both pretty good in this game. Best early-game cut users are probably Nidoran (either of them), Sandshrew, or Farfetch'd.

3 Answers

3 votes

FRLG doesn't really have any HM slaves that are useful for the entire game like RSE Marill or DPPt Bibarel. All the Pokemon that learn a lot of HMs are either obtainable later in the game (like Lapras or Lickitung), require evolution (like Nidoqueen or Dragonite), or are Bulbasaur and Squirtle (which you probably don't want to use as HM slaves).

The best early-game HM slave is probably Farfetch'd, which doesn't require any HMs to obtain and learns both cut and fly. You can replace it with an Aerodactyl or Zapdos later if you want something that learns more HMs along with fly. The best mid-game and late-game HM slave is probably Psyduck, which learns every HM except cut and fly. It's unfortunately FR exclusive, so LG players will need to use a different Pokemon like Poliwhirl, Gyarados, or Lapras.

ago by
edited ago by
0 votes

For early game cut I usually use Nidoran, you'd probably have Nidorino or maybe Nidoking if you already used the moon stone from Mt Moon. I kind of think it just depends on who you want to be an HM slave in the end.
ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )ᕗ

ago by
Are you able to expand on your answer more? What makes Nidoran good, what hms can he learn?
How does Nidoran compare to the other options?
0 votes

Krabby’s solid early on, Lapras covers a bunch, and Farfetch’d handles Cut and Fly.

ago by
How do you get a Krabby early on?