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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Walrein, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Walrein Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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13 Answers

2 votes

Hail team Wailrien


Walrein @ Leftovers
Ability: Ice Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 SpD
Brave Nature
- Curse
- Avalanche
- Waterfall
- Earthquake

Curse: Physical power
Avalanche: STAB great with Curse
Waterfall: STAB
Earthquake: Coverage

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But bro any fire or even earthquake can sweep both of them
wat u mean abomasnow is x4 weak to fire but ground is normal, and fire is normally effective on walrien(not very effective if thick fat) and ground is normally affective. plus, earthquake is physical and curse raises def. learn type advantages before you say that.
2 votes

Walrein (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Yawn
- Brine
- Ice Beam
- Super Fang

Fairly standard Walrein set, making best use of all of Walrein's nice features. Obviously, this guy is for when you need him in a team that isn't Hail. Which is going to happen a fair amount in NU, seeing as Snover is UU and Sunny Day and Rain Dance are better weather moves to be using. Also that Regice managed to outclass Walrein this Gen. This set uses the awesome combo of Super Fang and Brine. Super Fang gets the HP down to manageable levels. Walrein has decent offense, so with a STAB 130 base power Brine being used on a Pokemon which will likely only have 150-200 HP, you can easily take down the foe. This high base power and hitting off of the half HP allows Walrein to run its EVs all defensively. Odd HP EVs for Stealth Rock and for Spikes. Most of the EVs are put into Defense because Walrein can take Special hits easy with Thick Fat, meaning all that is left is Physical bulk. Ice Beam is for STAB and coverage, getting a x4 hit on Altaria also. And Yawn works great if you have Entry Hazards up. It forces your opponent to take damage or go to sleep. Leftovers is for healing.

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im using this set :D
I always love SuperFang and Brine combo :D
Going to try him out looks an fantastic move set. Your movesets Trachy always work!! Thanks
2 votes

Walrein @ Leftovers
Ability: Ice Body
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 56 SpA / 100 SpD
Modest Nature
- Aqua Ring
- Hail
- Stockpile
- Blizzard

-Aqua Ring (more health)
-Hail (Ice Body= more health)
-Stockpile (last longer)
-Blizzard (Can't miss in hail)


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1 vote

Wally (Walrein) (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Thick Fat / Ice Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Avalanche
- Body Slam / Crunch / Rock Slide / Rock Tomb / Iron Tail

Everyone loves Wally.

Waterfall is your favorite STAB, lets you straight up attack.
Earthquake is boss coverage. While Avalanche makes use of the fact that he isn't amazingly fast, so he gets that super powered Ice STAB if he needs it. And then your coverage options..

  • Body Slam - My preferred coverage move, gets a lot of neutral blows in, and ( Big reason here ) has a chance to paralyze, which screws sweepers.
  • Crunch - Can lower defense, meaning he might get some lucky 2KOs in, and a super effective OHKO, it's just there and a available.
  • Rock Slide - Gets Edge-Quake coverage.. that's it. xD
  • Rock Tomb - Edge-Quake coverage and can lower speed, making Wally actually go first! Not super reccomended though..
  • Iron Tail - For those who don't get a crap about accuracy. It can lower defense, gets so-so coverage, not really anything new, though.

I recommend Body Slam or Rock Slide.

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Rock Slide does give a chance to flinch.
Wailrein is not going to be flinching much.
Walrein doesn't out speed jack crap, meaning if considering it; I'm not going to be looking at a flinch rate, for a slow pokemon.
1 vote


Walrein @ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Ice Body
EVs: 168 HP / 252 SpA / 88 Spe
Modest Nature
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Super Fang

Hail tank.
Blizzard is powerful STAB with full accuracy in Hail, hitting Grass types hard and is a powerful attack.
Surf is STAB as well, rounding out the coverage nicely hitting Fire types among other things.
Hidden Power Electric hits Gyarados hard, and hits other Water types super effectively.
Super Fang effectively cuts down the HP of the opponent in half.
The EVs are to outspeed Pokemon with 75 base speed and below by 2 points just in case they want to put 4 EVs in speed, with max special attack for hardest possbile hitting while the rest are dumped into HP for extra bulk.

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Walrein is makin dis face! :D
He's enjoying himself!
1 vote

The Battle Maison Destroyer

Walrein4 (Walrein) (F) @ Lax Incense
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Bold Nature
- Fissure
- Sheer Cold
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Fissure/Sheer Cold may not hit every time, but when they do it'll kill the opponent. If HP is low or status happens, Rest and Sleep Talk while asleep. Lax Incense makes enemy moves miss and Oblivious prevents Taunt.

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The Sturdy Ability and Focus Sash stop this set in its tracks.
not many things get sturdy and not many run focus sash
1 vote

Gen 8 ZU

Walrein @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Liquidation
- Icicle Spear
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance

Liquidation is STAB. Icicle Spear is STAB that hits 2-5 times. (Pray that you get more than 2 hits) Earthquake deals with electric types. Swords Dance is to boost your attack.

1 vote

Gen 4 UU

Walrein @ Leftovers
Ability: Ice Body
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Protect
- Substitute
- Super Fang
- Toxic / Bizzard

This moveset is pure evil. Just make sure you have a Snover on your team (Abomasnow is banned from Gen 4 UU).

With permanent hail being summoned by Snover's Snow Warning in gen 4, this Walrein is incredibly annoying to deal with. Leftovers and Ice Body together allow Walrein to recover 12.5% of it's HP every turn. Protect and Substitute are for stalling and have its teammate Snover's hail chip down the opponent, and Walrein recovers the HP lost by substitute in just two turns. Just by spamming these two moves until they run out of PP, Walrein can successfully stall two full HP Pokémon lacking an ice typing or leftovers to death, unless their name is Clefable. Super Fang cut's the opponent health in half resulting in a quicker death. Toxic puts the opponent on a faster timer, and blizzard is for direct damage, and is Walrein's only way to defeat a Clefable. If you decide to use Blizzard instead of Toxic, you could instead have a Toxic Spikes user on your team to spread poison, making the experience even more fun painful for your opponent.

You could use this in Gen 4 OU, but you would have to deal with the omnipresent Tyranitar's sandstorm, but at least you can use Abomasnow instead than Snover.

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1 vote

The only Kyurem Counter that Mono Water has.

Gen 8 SS Monotype (Water)

Walrein @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Toxic
- Rest
- Roar

Recently, some Water-type teams have dedicated a team slot for Walrein just so they don't autolose to Kyurem (specifically the SubRoost set). That's the only reason Walrein is used in Gen 8 SS Monotype: to counter SubRoost Kyurem. Sure, there are checks like Slowking who do fine vs Kyurem, but they can't directly switch into it. So, if you're looking for a Kyurem counter for a Water-type team, Walrein is it.

Ice Beam is used for Ice STAB that allows you to break Kyurem's Substitute. Toxic allows you to pressure Kyurem provided Kyurem's Substitute is broken and it spams Roost in an attempt to PP Stall Ice Beam. Rest is for healing to prevent Kyurem from breaking through Walrein. Roar is used as a "if all else fails" last resort to force Kyurem out of the field.

So, uh, yeah. A Kyurem Counter Walrein set if you need one for Water-type teams.

0 votes

What about this:

Walrein @ Leftovers
Ability: Ice Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 6 SpD
Modest Nature
- Surf
- Aqua Ring
- Hail
- Blizzard

Surf: STAB
Aqua Ring: Keeps you alive
Hail: Same as AR
Blizzard: 100% accuracy and extra damage from Hail plus STAB

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0 votes

Snowballing Walrein set!

Snowball the Walrein

Walrein @ Zoom Lens / Normalium Z
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Ice Ball
- Rollout
- Defense Curl
- Yawn

Ice Ball (STAB/power doubles with each hit and power doubled by Defense Curl)
Rollout (Power doubles with each hit and power doubled by Defense Curl)
Defense Curl (Raises Defense and doubles power of Ice Ball and Rollout)
Yawn (Use and then set up with Defense Curl/lessen chance of being KO-ed while snowballing)

A pretty straight-forward set. Z-Defense Curl also raises your Accuracy by one stage, so use this over Zoom Lens if you're worried about out-speeding slower foes and missing with your two 90% accuracy moves. Also of note is Z-Yawn, which raises your Speed by one stage, therefore allowing you to out-speed foes with a less-than-or-equal-to base Speed of 65 (as with Walrein having no EVs in Speed (at level 50) gives it 85 speed-128 when raised by one stage).

P.S. I'd also recommend trying a Walrein set with Brine and Super Fang, as they play VERY nicely off of each other!

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0 votes

Gen 8 ZU

Walrein @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Avalanche
- Curse
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

You should use this set once the opponent's Pokémon that resist ice type moves are knocked out. Avalanche is STAB and gets double power when the opponent attacks you. Curse boosts your attack and defense, as well as lowering your speed. Rest it for healing. Sleep Talk is so you won't be vulnerable while you are asleep.

0 votes

Vgc Walrein
Ability:Ice body
Evs:252 Hp/128 Def/128 Spd
Icy wind
Sheer cold

Protect cause its Vgc, Icy wind for speed control, sheer cold for a OHKO and since walrein is very bulky it can pull of a sheer cold, whirlpool to lock a certain Pokemon to limit their options.

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Whirlpool and icy wind are both special moves, why do you have max attack investment? Also, your nature is -SpA. Also correct me if I’m wrong, but is VGC is a specific format?
Yes and i made a mistake on the Evs it was supposed to be max hp
Impish is a SpA lowering nature, and you have two special moves in Whirlpool and Icy Wind. Maybe use Bold, for -Atk and +Def?
Oh yeah it was between bold and impish but bold makes more sense
Is there any reason for the split defensive EVs? In my experience at least it's usually better to invest fully in Sp.Def or P.Def.
For better hit taking on both sides since the meta game is more balanced between psyical and special attackers
It’s more of a question of preference, fully one side defensive or mixed defenses.
In my experience,  it's usually better to invest on one side fully unless you have any specific benchmarks you're trying to hit." Are there any defensive benchmarks 128 sp def hits?" was my question