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0 votes

not like magnemite.
Can you give me a list?

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3 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

There are a few Pokémon both answers neglect that I think fulfill this criteria well, of which are:

Golett and Golurk, who are both the Automaton Pokémon, created from clay by an ancient civilization to protect and serve both people and other Pokémon.

Magearna, the Artifical Pokémon, created by a scientist as a gift to royalty, specifically to a king's daughter 500 years ago.

Iron Hands, theorized to be a cyborg modified from an athlete who was mortally wounded. Much like the rest of the Paradox Pokémon's dex entries, this is left unproven.

Iron Valiant, likely resembling a human most out of the list. It's theorized to be a robot created by a mad scientist from the future.


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Oh. Didn't even think of the paradox pokemon. You're totally right.
1 vote

Bisharp and Pawniard maybe?
because it is steel type, it look like a robot and it is a human-like (human-like egg group) too,,

–1 vote

tbh the closest I can think of it registeel maybe

Luvario's technically a steel type but I don't know if that counts.