Sableye Gen 5

Sableye @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Swagger
- Punishment / Foul Play
- Shadow Sneak
Fake Out, just some free extra damage but don't do this on Pokemon that has an ability that pevents flinching like a crobat, it might have Inner Focus, neither on Pokemon with rough skin or iron barbs, this just ruins the focus sash, And do NOT use this on a Pokemon that has the ability Mummy, I use this moveset and I used Fake Out on a Pokemon that had the ability Mummy, I wasn't thinking of that the Pokemon had Mummy so the Fake Out ruined my plan then, because the ability Mummy spread to Sabeleye.
Swagger, to power up Punishment and if they hit themselves in confusion you get a extra turn wich is nice, also has priority thanks to Prankster.
Punishment, STAB and powered up by Swagger, Foul Play also works good here.
Shadow Sneak, STAB priority plus so you can finish of things after Swagger+Punishment/Foul Play Comination.
I've tried this many times and if often works out absolutely great! even on Pokemon that resists this (that is if they hit themselves in confusion) like a skarmory.
Chances are pretty good that they will hit themselves in confusion at least 1/2 thanks to the focus sash and prankster.