With a little bit of setup Pelipper can be very bulky.
This set lets Pelipper be a bulky Rain Abuser.

Pelipper @ Leftovers/ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Def / 204 SpD
Calm Nature
- Hurricane
- Roost
- Rain Dance
- Stockpile
Hurricane will never miss in the rain and is your STAB(Also may confuse the opponent making them a little less likely to hit you.)
Roost recovers your HP of course(Also Roost works well with Rocky Helmet, but Leftovers is a better choice with Rain Dish in my opinion.)
Rain Dance lets your Rain Dish ability recover your HP and makes Hurricane never miss.(Rain Dish + Leftovers + Roost will let you recover monstrous amounts of HP.)
Stockpile is the most important move on this move set because after using it twice you will double your Defense and Special Defense.
Now your biggest threat in this set is Electric type moves, but after 3x Stockpiles they shouldn't do enough damage to make you faint.
Also if you want you could throw a few PP ups on Hurricane or Roost. It wouldn't hurt if you did. (Also it would help Pelipper if it has good IVs in HP, Sp. Attack, Defense, Sp. Defense, and Speed.)