Well, let's begin by bashing on the Sharpedophile of UU.
> Terrible Defensive game
> 4 Move syndrome
> Walled greatly by Defensive Pokemon (Registeel & such)
> Priority kills
> Weak to all forms of Hazards
> Susceptible to all types of status
Well, now that we know how horrible Sharpedo can really be, let's bring out one of the sexiest sets this sharky offers (According to thy Mike/Hoιγ Σiκe). SubLiechi Sharpedo!*
Not a Shark (Sharpedo) @ Liechi Berry

Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Crunch
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
Welcome one of the Hyper Offense gods (or Pokemon) that resides in UU. EVs ensure the fastest Sharpedo possible while being able to max out its Atk stat and be able to set up a Sub 5 times max. Substitute & Liechi Berry (Raises Atk stat when the Pokemon is at 25% HP or less) are the crux of this set, thus composing a very scary monster. After the Berry boost, Sharpedo with a Jolly nature and boasts a scary attack stat that almost reaches 510! (508.5 exactly). If you get somewhat ballsy and opt to go for an Adamant nature, you get a much more terrifying attack stat of 558! This surely guarantees to put a dent in anything, not mattering if the opponent resists or not. Then, we have our coverage moves. Waterfall + Crunch offer some extremely great coverage in UU, only being walled by Pokemons such as Virizion and Empoleon. Then, Earthquake comes in to round up the coverage (still walled by the uncommon Virizion :/), allowing you to hit the previous mentioned Empoleon, as well as Cobalion and Raikou. The best part is, no one expects it! Yeah, Protect + 3 Attacks is so common that no one (meaning a majority of people) will just switch in into a wall which you snatch up a free sub. Or, in some cases, they'll just launch some status moves at you, only to find out that you weren't affected by it. This guy can certainly rip holes through prepared AND unprepared teams. Truly lives up to its fame & glory.