Mixed LC Set

Bagon (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 76 Atk / 196 SAtk / 196 Spd
Mild Nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Hone Claws / Dragon Dance
- Dragon Rush
- Crunch
- Fire Blast
The EVs give Max SpAtk with high Speed.
This set fully abuses Sheer Force + Life Orb. For the first slot, it is +1 Atk either way. You choice is if you want for Speed to outspeed foes or more Accuracy to hit with Dragon Rush's 75 Accuracy and Fire Blast's 85 Accuracy. Dragon Rush is crazy STAB with 240 after all the calcs. Crunch is 128 BP* coverage. Fire Blast 192 BP and provides perfect neutral coverage with Dragon Rush.
You can replace Fire Blast with Fire Fang and just make it a full Physical attacker. If you choose that, use this EV spread:
EVs: 76 HP / 236 Atk / 196 Spd with a Jolly Nature.
Also, If you grow to hate Dragon Rush's Accuracy, you can switch for Outrage or Dragon Claw. Since these attacks are not affected by Sheer Force, you will lose HP from Life Orb. To make him last longer, drop his HP IV to 0(Zero). Why?? Because then he will only lose 1 HP each turn, so he lasts 19 turns if not hit as opposed to 10 with 20+ HP.
If you do the above method, whatever EVs you took from HP, put into Defense.
*BP = Base Power