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If you have a good competitive moveset for Cosmog, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Cosmog Pokédex and learnset for reference.

ago by
I log into the site after a year and this is what I see, what is ts bro

2 Answers

1 vote

hell yea
Cosmog @ Assault Vest
Ability: Unaware
Level: 5
Tera Type: Any
EVs: 12 HP / 204 Atk / 28 Def / 28 SpD / 220 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Teleport
- Splash

Do not use Cosmog. Though using a Legendary in LC may appeal to you, Cosmog will almost always faint before it can even damage opponents, no less knock one out. This has it serving more as a handicap than an actual, practical Pokémon. Regardless, let me contradict what I just said and provide a set that allows it to do something!

Assault Vest, though granting a 1.5x multiplier to Sp. Def, restricts the usage of Status moves. As Cosmog can only learn two Status moves total, this ensures Cosmog can hold this item to attack with Struggle! The EV spread maximizes Attack and Speed, where an Adamant or Jolly nature can be chosen to add an additional stat point to the former or latter. 12 HP EVs ensure Cosmog has an odd HP stat, allowing it to use Struggle five times if left unharmed by its opponent. The remaining EVs are put into its Defensive stats, though it's not likely to live a hit. You're likely not going to Terastalize Cosmog, but if so, it's best to choose one that has multiple resistances and/or immunities, such as Steel or Ghost, one that avoids harmful status conditions, such as Fire or Electric, or one that resists Knock Off, one of Cosmog's greatest weaknesses, such as Fairy or Fighting.

ago by
What's the point of the set and/or the question?
I mostly made this question/answer to just fulfill something dumb I wanted to show off years ago, though I thought the LC moveset would be more appropriate here than Solgaleo or Lunala's msq (which I previously posted a variant of on the former, before choosing to hide it there). There are a lot of Pokémon like Burmy, Kricketot, Blipbug, etc. with very minimal movesets that also have their own lcmsq, so I thought one for Cosmog was fair game. If not though, there's no harm in hiding it at all.
1 vote

Bulky Pivot with Teleport

Cosmog @ Eviolite
Ability: Unaware
Level: 5
Tera Type: Poison / Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Teleport
- Splash

so uh yeah this exists now

Cosmog. What can it do? Splash. What can it do that actually does something? Teleport.

EVs are pretty self explanatory, but I decided to focus on Defense to take more hits from the likes of Mienfoo and Mudbray as well as Stunky and Vullaby if it used Tera (no I did not do any calcs on this). Tera Poison is a phenomenal (or as phenomenal as you can get) choice, allowing Cosmog to resist Stunky's nuclear Gunk Shot while shedding itself of its Dark weakness. It can also absorb Toxic Spikes and be immune to Toxic, an invaluable trait as many LC teams have a bulky Poison (Foonguss or Mareanie) to take on Mienfoo or Glimmet for entry hazards. Tera Fairy is an alternative option to straight up resist Fighting and Dark, two prominent offensive types, but that leaves Cosmog vulnerable to the aforementioned Stunky.

Eviolite is eviolite.

By using this otherwise worthless piece of trash, you can safely pivot in your wallbreakers without fear of them taking any damage or a stray Toxic. Notably, Mudbray and Alolan Diglett can both threaten the daylights out of Stunky to aid in Cosmog's nonexistent survivability, and Belly Drum Magby appreciates not taking any damage prior to its dangerous setup.

There you go Silver I fulfilled your request

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