PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I've barely touched PLA myself but I keep watching videos where they are mentioned and now I'm interested to know what they are and how to perform them. Can someone give me a detailed explanation about which outbreaks (regular/mmo/whatever they have idk, not the actual Pokemon themselves) they are used for and how to find shinies with them?

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this is the stuff I want to learn someday but always feel like it's cheating lmao
if I remember correctly, there's a calculator that tells you what Pokemon in an outbreak to catch, defeat, scare away etc to get a shiny. I never tried it, but I do know it exists.

1 Answer

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So basically, PLA's outbreak randomness doesn't change when you reset. The only way to change the RNG is to clear the Pokemon in different ways (catching or KOing, catching or KOing in a group, scaring Pokemon away). Using the "Permutation" method, you just reset over and over until you find a shiny Pokemon in that outbreak or try every possible combination of removing the wild encounters.

Additionally, there are certain bots that can check all possible combinations to see if you can find the desired Pokémon beforehand, though I won't link those unless asked.

Source: Experience

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