In SS/HG, we transfer our Pokemons from the card to a little device called PokeWalker, and it counts your steps, you can also play little mini games on there. I was wondering, how does it count your steps? by the way, is there a chain to the pokewalker I can connect to? I am afraid that it might fall out.
According to Bulbapedia, it has an accelerometer in it, which detects movement as you walk. Cool hack: I'm pretty sure just shaking it will work too, if my memory is correct. As a guy, my pants tend to have apt pockets for things not falling out of them, but women's pants tend to have smaller pockets. The obvious solution is to tape it to leg, in this situation. Not sure if using a jacket pocket will allow it to count steps or not. I got HG/SS around release and I believe the Pokewalker came with a replaceable back panel, one of which had a clip on it, the other had nothing. Based on your question, I imagine the one you have doesn't have a clip.