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Not questionable stuff like Doduo learning Fly and Wooper learning Ice Punch. I'm looking for Pokemon that learn removed moves such as Calyrex-Icerider getting Aromatherapy in gen9 instead of psychic terrain. Other oddities such as Steel Wing Beheeyem and Psyshock Great Tusk can be included if evidence is presented. (see comments)

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How do you know Beheeyem learning Steel Wing and Great Tusk learning Psyshock are bugs?
Beheeyem never learns steel wing again after gen6 despite it still being a TM. Its most likely a coding error from porting TM learnsets from gen5 as TM51 went from Ally Switch (a move beheeyem retains through gen8) to Steel Wing in the jump to gen6.

Great Tusk is also most likely a coding error as there is no reason for a physical attacking ground-fighter to get psyshock and the TM (54) is between Dig (55) and Smart Strike (53) TMs. Both of those are moves expected of a Tusk and psyshock likely got thrown in on accident.
I don't think that's conclusive enough to be anything more than speculation, though I'll admit your Great Tusk explanation makes perfect sense. (Also see https://www.smogon.com/articles/movepool-oddities )

I strongly doubt we can differentiate between oddities and errors. This question's scope should probably be limited to a list of Pokemon that learn removed moves.
To be perfectly clear, by "removed moves", you mean moves that they once could learn but no longer can, Amethyst? If so I'd just be bold enough to edit it myself
How is this not a Game Freak logic question?
It's reasonable to make a list of Pokemon that can/could learn removed moves. The oddities part I think is OK, it's an aside to the main question and you don't have to include them.

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